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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

The Vital Role of Documenting Storm Damage in Norman, OK

9/5/2023 (Permalink)

In Norman, Oklahoma, where unpredictable weather patterns are a part of life, safeguarding your property against storm damage is a responsibility that every homeowner and property owner should take seriously. From powerful windstorms to hail and heavy rains, the potential for damage is real. That's where the importance of documenting storm damage comes into play. In this blog, we'll dive into the significance of documenting storm-related harm to your property and provide you with actionable insights on how to do it effectively.

Understanding the Value of Documentation

Documenting storm damage isn't just about collecting evidence for potential insurance claims; it's about protecting your investment and ensuring that you receive the compensation you're entitled to. Having a thorough record of the damage can make the claims process smoother and more efficient, giving you the best chance of receiving fair compensation for repairs and replacements.

Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Documentation

Safety First: Before you start documenting the damage, ensure that you're safe and that the area is secure. Put your safety and the safety of others as your top priority.

Capture Comprehensive Visuals: Use your smartphone or camera to take clear photos and videos of all visible damage. Capture the details from multiple angles, including any structural damage, broken windows, roofing issues, and fallen trees or debris.

Date and Time Stamp: Make sure your device is set to record the date and time on each photo and video. This will help establish the timeline of the damage.

Note Specifics: Alongside visuals, take detailed notes about the damage. Include descriptions of the affected areas, the extent of damage, and any potential hazards.

Drone Footage: If possible, use a drone to capture aerial footage of your property. This can provide a comprehensive view of the damage and help assess roof damage or other hard-to-reach areas.

Gather Witness Statements: If neighbors or other witnesses experienced the storm alongside you, ask them for their observations and any damage they might have seen. Their statements can add credibility to your documentation.

Save Receipts: If you need to make immediate repairs to prevent further damage, keep all repair receipts, as these can be added to your documentation.

Create a File: Organize all your photos, videos, notes, and receipts in a dedicated digital or physical folder. This will help you access the information easily during the claims process.

Why Promptness Matters

After a storm, it's crucial to document the damage as soon as possible. Not only does this provide accurate evidence before any cleanup or repairs, but it also prevents the insurance company from attributing the damage to other causes that may occur after the storm.

Working with Professionals

In cases of severe damage, involving professionals such as contractors, roofers, or disaster restoration experts such as SERVPRO of Norman, can further bolster your documentation. Their expertise and assessment reports can provide valuable evidence for your claim.

Documenting storm damage in Norman, OK, is an essential step to protect your property and ensure a seamless insurance claim process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you're not only safeguarding your investment but also increasing your chances of receiving the necessary compensation to restore your property to its pre-storm condition. Remember, thorough documentation is your best ally in the aftermath of a storm.

What Fire Extinguisher Should I Buy? Your Guide to Choosing the Right Type for Your Home or Business

8/8/2023 (Permalink)

Fire extinguishers are an essential safety tool in any home or business. They can quickly extinguish small fires before they become major disasters, potentially saving lives and preventing significant property damage. But with different types of fire extinguishers available on the market, it can be challenging to determine which one to choose. In this blog post, we will provide you with a guide on what fire extinguisher to buy by explaining the different types of fire extinguishers and when to use them.

Class A Fire Extinguisher

Class A fire extinguishers are designed for fires that involve ordinary combustibles like wood, paper, or fabric. They are typically filled with water or a foam-based chemical and can neutralize fires that leave behind ash and embers. These fire extinguishers are ideal for homes, offices, and places with large amounts of flammable paper or wood products.

Class B Fire Extinguishers

Class B fire extinguishers are designed for fires that involve flammable liquids, such as gasoline, oil, or propane. These extinguishers typically contain a dry chemical, such as sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate, that smothers flames and prevents re-ignition. Class B fire extinguishers are ideal for garages, workshops, kitchens, and businesses that use flammable liquids.

Class C Fire Extinguishers

Class C fire extinguishers are designed for fires that involve electrical equipment, such as appliances, wiring, or circuit breakers. These extinguishers use a non-conductive agent, such as CO2 or dry chemicals, to smother the flames and prevent electrical shock. Class C fire extinguishers are ideal for office buildings, factories, and homes with electrical appliances or wiring.

Class D Fire Extinguishers

Class D fire extinguishers are designed for fires that involve flammable metals, such as magnesium or sodium. These fires can be challenging to extinguish and are highly reactive to water or other extinguishing agents. Class D fire extinguishers use a powdered agent, such as sodium chloride or sodium carbonate, to smother the flames and react with the metal to bring the fire to an end. Class D fire extinguishers are ideal for laboratories, production facilities, and other areas where flammable metals are used.

Class K Fire Extinguishers

Class K fire extinguishers are designed for fires that involve cooking oils, animal fats, or greases. These extinguishers typically use a wet chemical that cools the oils while simultaneously smothering the flames. Class K fire extinguishers are ideal for commercial kitchens, restaurants, and other areas where large amounts of oil or grease are stored or used during cooking.

When shopping for a fire extinguisher, it is essential to select one that is appropriate for the types of fires that may occur in your home or business. Most homes and smaller businesses would benefit from a multi-purpose (ABC) fire extinguisher that can handle Class A, B, and C fires. Remember to check the expiration date and regularly ensure that the extinguisher is fully charged and in good condition.

Investing in the right fire extinguisher is critical to ensure the safety of your home or business. Be sure to educate yourself, evaluate your needs, and select the appropriate type of fire extinguisher for your specific situation. Don't hesitate to seek advice from a professional if you have any questions or concerns. By having the right fire extinguisher on hand, you can protect yourself and those around you year-round.

Dealing with Sewage Damage: A Step-by-Step Process for Effective Restoration

7/24/2023 (Permalink)

Sewage damage is a highly unpleasant and hazardous issue that can occur in residential or commercial properties. Whether it's a sewer line backup, a toilet overflow, or a flooded basement due to sewage water, prompt action is essential to mitigate health risks and minimize property damage. In this blog, we will guide you through a step-by-step process for dealing with sewage damage effectively. By following these steps, you can ensure a safe and efficient restoration process.

Ensure Personal Safety

Sewage contains harmful bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants, posing serious health risks. Before entering the affected area, equip yourself with proper protective gear such as gloves, masks, and waterproof boots. If the damage is extensive or involves a large volume of sewage, consider contacting professionals who specialize in sewage cleanup.

Cut Off Electrical Power

If the sewage water has reached electrical outlets, appliances, or switches, shut off the electrical power to the affected area. Avoid handling electrical equipment while standing in standing water to prevent the risk of electric shock.

Ventilate the Area

Open windows and doors to promote airflow and ventilation. This helps to reduce foul odors and aids in drying out the space. Utilize fans and dehumidifiers to enhance air circulation and facilitate the drying process.

Remove Standing Water

Using a pump, wet/dry vacuum, or buckets, remove as much standing sewage water as possible. Take care not to spread the contaminated water to unaffected areas. Dispose of the wastewater following local regulations and guidelines.

Dispose of Contaminated Materials

Porous materials that have come into contact with sewage water, such as carpets, upholstered furniture, and damaged drywall, are considered highly contaminated and should be safely disposed of. Bag them securely and follow proper disposal procedures in your area.

Clean and Disinfect

Thoroughly clean and disinfect all hard surfaces and non-porous materials that have been exposed to sewage. Use a mixture of water and bleach (1:10 ratio) or a commercial disinfectant recommended for sewage cleanup. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper usage and safety precautions.

Dry the Affected Area

Proper drying is crucial to prevent mold growth. Use fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows to dry out the space. Monitor the humidity levels to ensure they are within acceptable ranges (below 60%) to discourage mold growth. After cleaning and drying, sanitize the area once again with a disinfectant to ensure thorough sanitation. Use odor-neutralizing products or techniques to eliminate any lingering odors associated with sewage damage.

Conduct Structural Assessments

Inspect the affected area for any structural damage caused by the sewage backup. This includes checking walls, flooring, and the integrity of plumbing systems. Address any necessary repairs promptly to prevent further damage.

Consult with Restoration Professionals

Sewage damage cleanup can be a complex and challenging process. Consider consulting with professional restoration specialists who have the expertise, equipment, and knowledge to handle sewage cleanup effectively and safely. They can assess the extent of the damage, provide comprehensive cleanup and restoration services, and ensure the proper disposal of contaminated materials.

Dealing with sewage damage requires prompt and thorough action to protect both your property and your health. Ensure personal safety, cut off electrical power, ventilate the area, remove standing water, dispose of contaminated materials, clean and disinfect, dry the space, sanitize and deodorize, conduct structural assessments, and consider consulting with restoration professionals. By following this step-by-step process, you can effectively restore your property and create a safe and healthy living environment once again.

Weathering the Storm: Essential Strategies to Protect Your Building from Storm Damage

6/11/2023 (Permalink)

Storms can unleash powerful forces of nature, causing significant damage to buildings and properties. However, with careful planning and proactive measures, you can strengthen your building's resilience and minimize the risk of storm-related destruction. In this blog, we'll explore essential strategies and practical tips to help you protect your building from storm damage, ensuring its safety and durability in the face of severe weather conditions.

Conduct a Storm Risk Assessment

Research and analyze the prevalent weather patterns in your area to identify the types of storms that pose the greatest risk. This knowledge will inform your preparedness efforts and guide your protective measures. Inspect your building for weak points such as compromised roofs, windows, doors, and structural elements. Identify areas that are susceptible to damage and prioritize reinforcement.

Strengthen the Building Envelope

Ensure your roof is in good condition and can withstand strong winds. Repair or replace damaged shingles, tiles, or metal panels. Consider installing hurricane straps or clips to secure the roof structure to the building's walls. Install impact-resistant doors and windows designed to withstand high winds and flying debris. Reinforce weak points, such as garage doors, with bracing systems or additional bolts.

Secure Exterior Elements

Regularly prune trees surrounding your building to prevent branches from breaking and causing damage during storms. Remove dead or weakened trees that may pose a threat. Anchor or store outdoor equipment, furniture, and other loose items to prevent them from becoming projectiles in high winds. Consider temporary removal in anticipation of severe weather.

Enhance Drainage and Water Management

Regularly clean and maintain gutters and downspouts to ensure proper water flow and prevent water from pooling on the roof. Adjust the grading around your building to direct water away from the foundation. Install or maintain proper drainage systems, such as French drains or swales, to prevent water accumulation.

Backup Power and Emergency Preparedness

Consider installing a backup generator to ensure the availability of essential services during power outages caused by storms. Test the system regularly to ensure functionality.

Create a comprehensive emergency plan that outlines evacuation procedures, designated shelter areas, and communication protocols. Educate building occupants on the plan and conduct drills periodically.

Regular Maintenance and Inspections

Conduct regular inspections of your building's structural integrity, roofing, windows, and doors. Address any identified issues promptly to prevent further damage during storms. Keep trees, shrubs, and landscaping elements well-maintained to minimize the risk of falling branches or uprooted trees. Secure loose objects that could pose a hazard during storms.

Protecting your building from storm damage requires proactive measures, diligent maintenance, and preparedness. By conducting a storm risk assessment, reinforcing the building envelope, securing exterior elements, enhancing drainage, ensuring backup power, and practicing regular maintenance, you can significantly reduce the potential impact of storms. Prioritize the safety and durability of your building, ensuring that it remains a resilient and secure structure in the face of severe weather events.

Why Does Rainy Weather Bring Mold into Your Home? Exploring the Causes and Solutions

5/22/2023 (Permalink)

Mold is a common problem that many homeowners face, particularly during rainy seasons. If you've ever noticed mold growth in your house when it rains, you may be wondering why this is happening. When there are multiple storms coming through the area and hard rain and winds leave behind damage, it is important to ensure your home has not sustained any damages.  In this blog, we'll explore the reasons why mold tends to grow in homes during rainy seasons and what you can do to prevent it.


One of the primary reasons why mold tends to grow in homes during rainy seasons is due to the increased moisture in the air. Rainy weather can cause water to seep into your home through leaks in the roof, walls, or foundation, and this excess moisture can create the ideal conditions for mold to grow.

Poor Ventilation

Poor ventilation in your home can also contribute to mold growth during rainy seasons. When your home is not adequately ventilated, moisture can become trapped inside, creating a humid and damp environment that is conducive to mold growth.


Another reason why mold tends to grow in homes during rainy seasons is due to leaks. Leaks in your roof, walls, or pipes can allow water to seep into your home, creating areas of dampness that are perfect for mold growth.


Condensation can also contribute to mold growth in your home during rainy seasons. When warm, humid air comes into contact with cold surfaces, it can cause moisture to condense, creating areas of dampness that are ideal for mold to grow.

Poor Drainage

Poor drainage around your home can also contribute to mold growth during rainy seasons. If water is not properly drained away from your home's foundation, it can seep into the ground and create areas of dampness that are conducive to mold growth. It is important to keep your properties foundation sealed with proper sealant to prevent water from getting through the cracks to prevent damage.

In conclusion, mold growth in your home during rainy seasons can be caused by a variety of factors, including moisture, poor ventilation, leaks, condensation, and poor drainage. To prevent mold growth, it's important to address these underlying issues by fixing leaks, improving ventilation, and ensuring proper drainage around your home. By taking these steps, you can help keep your home mold-free and healthy.

Give SERVPRO of Norman a call today if your property has damage from rain or flooding. Storms can leave behind wind and rain damage causing your property to have leaks in the ceiling or foundation. 

Clean Sweep: Tips for Removing Soot Damage from Your Home or Business

4/6/2023 (Permalink)

Soot damage is a frustrating and unsightly problem that can occur in your home or business. Soot, which is a black, powdery substance, is a byproduct of incomplete combustion, such as from a fire or furnace. It can cling to surfaces and be difficult to clean, but it's essential to remove it as soon as possible to prevent further damage. In this article, we'll discuss how to clean soot damage effectively.

Safety Precautions

Before you begin cleaning, it's important to take safety precautions. Wear a respirator, gloves, and eye protection to avoid inhaling soot particles, as they can be harmful to your health. Also, make sure the area is well-ventilated to prevent the buildup of fumes.

The first step in cleaning soot damage is to remove any loose soot using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Use the vacuum's brush attachment to gently sweep the soot off the surface. Avoid pressing too hard, as this can grind the soot into the material and make it more difficult to remove.

Next, use a dry chemical sponge to wipe away any remaining soot. These sponges are designed to attract and hold soot particles and can be purchased at most hardware stores. Gently rub the sponge over the surface, using light pressure to avoid damaging the material.

Soot Damage can be severe

If the soot damage is severe, you may need to use a cleaning solution to remove it fully. However, it's important to test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it won't cause discoloration or damage to the material.

For non-porous surfaces such as metal, glass, or plastic, you can use a mixture of warm water and dish soap. Dip a sponge or cloth into the solution and lightly scrub the surface, rinsing with clean water afterward. For porous surfaces such as plaster or drywall, you may need to use a specialized cleaning solution designed for soot removal.

Clean affected areas properly

If the soot damage is from a fire, it's important to clean any affected fabrics, such as curtains, bedding, or clothing, as soon as possible. Launder them using a heavy-duty detergent and hot water to remove any soot particles.

In some cases, soot damage may be too severe to clean effectively, and replacement of the damaged material is necessary. For example, if the soot has penetrated deep into the fibers of a carpet or upholstery, it may be impossible to remove without causing further damage.

In conclusion, cleaning soot damage requires patience, care, and attention to detail. It's important to take safety precautions, remove loose soot, and use the right cleaning solution for the material. With these steps, you can effectively clean soot damage and restore your home or business to its original condition.

Common Causes of Water Damage

3/29/2023 (Permalink)

There are many different causes of water damage. This article will go over some of the most common causes, but no matter what caused your problem it's important to get it taken care of immediately!


Leaking pipes, roof leaks and other sources of water damage can be small or large. They may be hidden in walls, floors and roofs as well as other areas of your home. These leaks can cause mold and mildew to grow in your home's structure and belongings. If left unchecked for too long, these problems can become much more costly than if you had taken care of them right away.

Worn out water supply lines

Water supply lines are often overlooked and not replaced until they break. Water supply lines are usually made of plastic, which is prone to cracking and breaking. Frozen water supply lines can burst when the ice thaws, causing flooding and damage inside your home or business. Animals such as rodents may also chew through your water line and cause it to leak or break completely.


Flooding is a common cause of water damage, and it can happen in any season. Flooding is most often caused by storms, heavy rains or snow melt. Heavy snows can also cause flooding if they are followed by warmer temperatures that melt the snow quickly.

Flooding can cause significant damage to your home--and even put you at risk for injury or death if you're caught in it!

Ice dams

Ice dams are a common cause of water damage in the winter. When snow melts on your roof and then refreezes, it can form an ice dam that causes water to back up under shingles and drip into your home. This can be prevented by properly insulating the attic and ventilating it, so that warm air rises up into the attic instead of getting trapped there. If you have an older house with no insulation or ventilation in its attic space (or if you've never checked), now's a good time to look into adding some insulation and vents--it'll save you money down the road!

Frozen or burst pipes

When a pipe bursts, it's usually because of outside temperatures. If you live in a climate where the temperature is below freezing for extended periods of time, your pipes may burst. When water freezes inside the walls of your house or apartment building and expands as it freezes, it can cause cracks in the walls or even break through completely.

If you want to avoid this problem altogether make sure all pipes are insulated properly so they don't crack during cold weather (and any other time). Also make sure that there aren't any leaks anywhere in your house. If there are leaks and they aren't fixed right away, then they could lead to bursts later on!

There are many causes of water damage.

Water damage is a common problem for homeowners. If you have water damage, it's important to act quickly. Water can cause mold and mildew, which can be costly to fix in the long run. Additionally, structural problems may occur if the wood in your home starts rotting due to prolonged exposure to moisture.

Water damage can be a very costly and destructive problem. If you suspect that your home is experiencing water damage, it's important to call in professionals who can diagnose the issues and repair them as soon as possible.

Everything You Need to Know About a Leaking Dishwasher

1/18/2023 (Permalink)

If you have a dishwasher, chances are you’ve noticed that it’s leaking at some point. If so, don’t worry: You are not alone. Most dishwashers leak at least once in their lifetime and most repairs can be done on your own without calling in a professional repairman for help. Here's what you need to know about the possible causes of leaking dishwashers and what to do if yours is leaking: 

Common Reasons for Leaking Dishwashers

There are several reasons your dishwasher might have a leak. Below are some of the most common causes:

? If your dishwasher is old, it may need to be replaced because it could be damaged or broken in some way.

? Improper installation or poorly installed parts could be the cause of the leak. It’s important that all parts are installed correctly so they function properly and don’t damage other appliances nearby or cause leaks in the machine itself. 

Torn Door Seal

If you have a leaking dishwasher, it could be an issue with the door seal. You will want to inspect this if you notice leaks. This can be done by visually inspecting it (and feeling for any wetness) to see if there are any tears in it. If you find that your door seal is torn, consider calling in a professional to replace it.

Cracked or Broken Water Supply Line

If you have a leaky dishwasher, the culprit could be that the water supply line has developed a small (or large) crack or hole. It's important to check this right away because it can lead to an expensive repair bill if left untreated for too long. Check for leaks by following these steps:

  • Disconnect your dishwasher from its water source, usually at the house's outdoor spigot or inlet valve
  • Turn off the power to your dishwasher before disconnecting it from its electrical source
  • Make sure all connections are fully sealed and tightened (some connections may require pliers)
  • Verify there are no leaks coming from any of these connections

Drain Line Leak

The drain line connection could have a leak. The drain line is the connection between your dishwasher and your drain, and it could be causing water to leak into your home. A loose fitting or damaged pipe can cause this issue, as well as damage to a valve or hose.

Valve or Hose Connection Leak

If you're seeing water leaking from your dishwasher, the first thing to check is whether something is broken inside of it. It could be that a valve or hose connected to the dishwasher is leaking.

Checking valves and hoses is simple and can often be done with just a screwdriver. The valve may be located under the sink, so it's worth looking there if you see water around your dishwasher area but can't find where exactly it came from (such as on top of or underneath). If you do find a leaky valve, it might require only minor repairs such as tightening some parts together or replacing them altogether. 

When in Doubt, Call the Professionals

A dishwasher is a convenient appliance for any home kitchen, but it can quickly become an inconvenience if it starts leaking. There are several common causes for a leaking dishwasher, if you suspect that your leaky dishwasher needs repair, call a professional to repair it.

If you experience water damage from your dishwasher leaking, SERVPRO of Norman is here to help clean up the mess and get your Norman home back to normal. Give us a call!

A Broken Pipe and Insurance

11/6/2022 (Permalink)

A Broken Pipe and Insurance

Most homeowners insurance policies cover broken pipes, but it's important to know for sure if they're covered and how much you might be able to claim.

How Do I Know If It’s Covered?

If the pipe is inside your Noble, OK home, it's likely not covered by insurance. But if the pipe is on your property line and you share a joint ownership agreement with your neighbor, it could be covered by their homeowner's policy. Alternatively, if the pipe is in front of or behind your house and on city property, it may be covered by municipal insurance.

The first thing to consider is whether or not your pipe was broken due to neglect. If it was, you won't be covered. If you let your pipes freeze and then burst, for example, your insurance company will not help.

The second thing to consider is whether or not the broken pipe was caused by a natural disaster like an earthquake or flood that wasn't under your control. If you have homeowner's insurance and someone else's tree falls on your house during a storm, this would fall under their policy rather than yours because it was an act of nature and not one committed by anyone in particular.

The best way to figure out if your broken pipe is covered is to call your insurance agent. 

Steps to take after a pipe bursts

After a pipe burst, it's important to take the following steps:

  • Call a plumber. You'll want to make sure that any damage is repaired and you have an accurate estimate on how much it will cost.
  • Get your home inventory and insurance policy ready. After the repair is finished, document all repairs made on your house's interior with photos and receipts so that you can submit them to your insurer as soon as possible after filing a claim. It might seem like overkill at first glance (especially if there's no other damage), but having these documents ready will help speed up the process when dealing with both your plumber and insurance provider later down the line!

Preventing Broken Pipes

As a homeowner, you can help prevent this situation by doing the following:

  • Properly maintain your plumbing system. The pipes in your house need to be cleaned regularly, and any leaks should be fixed immediately.
  • Use the right tools for the job. If you're replacing a pipe, use an appropriate wrench or pliers rather than a screwdriver; if you're cutting through old lead pipes, use sealed shears instead of a hacksaw (unless you have an industrial-strength one).
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions when installing new fixtures or appliances like toilets and faucets; these will tell you how much water pressure is recommended for each fixture type. For example, there are low-flow shower heads available that have been designed specifically for homes with low water pressure issues such as ours; they'll save money on both water usage and heating bills since they don't require as much water flow to produce steamy showers!
  • Hire licensed plumbers with experience working on older houses like yours if possible—they'll know exactly what kind of repairs need fixing before moving forward with any actual work so none gets overlooked later down line!

When you have a broken pipe and need to get it fixed, your first step is to call your insurance company to find out if the damage will be covered. With proper coverage and a little bit of luck, you should be able to get your broken pipes covered by insurance. If not, then it’s time to take action. Contact your insurance provider and let them know as soon as possible so that they can begin filing a claim on your behalf. 

When you need the water that has flooded your home or business mitigated and restoration work done, give SERVPRO of Norman a call! We will help get your Norman business or home back to normal. 

Fire Commercial Cleanup Process

10/29/2022 (Permalink)

Fire Commercial Cleanup Process

If you've just experienced a fire in your Norman, OK home or business, you're likely dealing with more than just the loss of property and valuables. Smoke and soot can spread quickly after a fire, causing damage that can last for years to come. Cleaning up from a fire is essential in restoring your home or business to its pre-fire condition, but it can also be dangerous if done incorrectly. That's why it's important to hire skilled professionals who have experience cleaning up after fires and know how best to ensure that no residue remains once the smoke has cleared.

Smoke and Soot Spread Fast

Smoke and soot particles are the most visible sign of a fire. They can spread through a building in minutes after a fire, contaminating everything they touch. Soot particles are often the first priority when cleaning up from a fire because they can cause health issues if inhaled over time.

Starting the Cleanup Process

After the fire damage has been assessed and the fire department has left, it’s time to start cleaning up the mess. The first steps in this process are to clean up any debris and soot from walls, floors, and furniture. This can be done using a variety of methods including vacuuming or wet mopping with water and detergent solution. If you have carpets that were damaged by smoke odor, you may need to shampoo them as well.

Call the Professionals

Once the fire is extinguished and the bulk of the smoke has cleared, SERVPRO of Norman will use special equipment to remove particles from carpeting, curtains, and furniture. They will also vacuum soot and ash with a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner. The vacuum should be cleaned after each use to prevent excessive dust accumulation which can become airborne again when disturbed in some way (such as vacuuming).

Air purification. Professionals use advanced air purification methods to remove smoke and soot particles from your building's interior. They'll use air scrubbers, HEPA filters, and other methods to remove particles.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner (like the Shop-Vac brand) to pull dust and dirt from your carpets and floors after a fire has been put out by firefighters. A wet/dry vacuum is another option for removing debris from flooring surfaces

Hiring a professional to clean your house or business after a fire is the best way to get your home back in shape. Although you may be tempted to tackle the job yourself, it's important to remember that these types of cleanup efforts can be very dangerous and should only be completed by professionals who are trained and equipped with the proper equipment.

When you’ve been affected by a fire, it can be easy to overlook the damage that smoke and soot can cause. But if you want your home or business to return to normal as quickly as possible, it’s important to call in professional damage restoration experts who have experience dealing with these types of messes. These professionals will know exactly how much time is needed for cleaning up after a fire before it’s safe for people to return.

Hidden Mold in Facility Air Ducts

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

While mold is often visible on surfaces like ceiling tiles, walls, and floors, black mold could be hiding unseen in the ductwork at your facility in Hall Park, OK. If you suspect mold growth in your ducts, you will need to take steps to determine where the problem is and remediate any affected areas.

Why Does Mold Grow in Air Vents?

Mold requires four ingredients to grow:

  • Moisture
  • Darkness
  • Organic material (often found in dust)
  • A surface to grow on

Air ducts are dark and often contain moisture from humid air. Ducts that have not been cleaned in a while can contain dust. With all of these favorable conditions, mold can sometimes be found in ductwork.

How Can I Spot Signs of Mold in Ductwork?

The presence of black mold in your ducts may be indicated if you see black dust around your vents. It may be in patches and difficult to wipe off. You may also notice a musty smell. If any of these signs are present, you can call a mold remediation specialist to help you with removal.

What Is the Mold Removal Process?

After technicians have confirmed mold is present in your air ducts, they will inspect the insulation around the ductwork. If there are signs of damage, the insulation may need to be replaced.

Technicians will clean ducts and disinfect them using appropriate tools and mold-cleaning agents. They can also use specialized air filtration systems and HEPA vacuums to remove any spores from the air in your facility. If mold is also present on walls, floors, or ceiling tiles, technicians can conduct remediation for those areas.

Remediation specialists can also find the source of the mold problem, helping you prevent future growth.

Identifying black mold growth early and getting help from a mold remediation company in Hall Park, Ok, will help you keep your facility operational. Early intervention can also save you money in the long run.

How To Quickly Respond To a Disaster

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

How To Quickly Respond To a Disaster

A commercial building owner or manager should respond to a disaster at the first indication of property damage. Preparation ahead of time is necessary for the most effective response. Here are three measures that a property owner or manager can take at any time to create an emergency profile for a property in Noble, OK.

1. Establish a Restoration Relationship

Selecting a provider of damage mitigation, cleanup, and restoration services ahead of time can prevent panic over who to call when disaster strikes. SERVPRO specializes in every phase of the restoration process and can provide a single estimate that will simplify the process of making a commercial property insurance claim.

2. Develop a Property Profile

Picking a provider is only the first step toward a timely disaster response. A building owner or manager should create an emergency profile for each property to obtain the fastest feedback from damage mitigation, cleanup, and restoration specialists. Arranging for a no-cost assessment in advance ensures a quick response when every second counts. A facility walkthrough can supply all of the information and documentation restoration professionals need to assess damage through the Emergency Ready Program application.

3. Report Damage As Soon As Possible

The same ERP app used to create profiles can also notify a restoration company in the event of a disaster. Even if a building owner or manager chooses to contact the service by phone or online, property profiles provide important information and allow for a more efficient response. This app also supports the submission of the first notice of loss.
Building a relationship with a restoration company and maintaining an emergency profile can significantly expedite the process of reporting damage at a commercial building in Noble, OK. The information a building owner or manager provides about a structure can improve the accuracy of a preliminary assessment of damage and allow for quick mitigation and restoration.

Protecting Your Business From Flood Damage

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

Ways To Protect Your Building From Flood Damage

If you own a business, you know you need to protect your building from flood damage. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can do this in Hall Park, OK.

Have a Plan
One of the most important ways you can protect your business from a flood is to have a clear plan for what happens if it is going to flood. This plan should:

  • Be comprehensive
  • Encompass before and after the flood
  • Have vital information on what to do

Keep your flood plan on-hand or in an accessible place.

Keep Vital Information On-Hand
You will need to keep important information like insurance policies and the number of a storm damage remediation company in a separate location. This can help you get things started even before the floodwaters recede.

Prepare for Flooding

You can prepare for flooding by keeping some flood supplies on hand. You can easily store absorbant flood barriers and plastic sheeting.

Keep Electricity Away From Water

Whenever possible, move your electrical outlets to water safe heights. You should also keep all electronics like computers and printers off the floor. If it is safe and you suspect that it might flood, consider shutting down the power to any electronics and unplugging them. This will help to protect them against flood damage.

Use Flood-Resistant Landscaping and Materials

If you have the choice, choose flood-resistant materials to decorate your office. Most of these materials can survive around 72 hours in the event of a flood. This can save you time and money when you want to return to normal business operations.
Decorate your premises with native landscaping. Native plants help provide a barrier and can survive a flood if it is something normal for your area.

Seal the Cracks

Like using water-resistant materials, you can also help protect yourself by sealing any cracks in the outside of your building. This will keep water from seeping in.

Protecting yourself against flood damage is important in all areas. If you follow these suggestions, they can help you get back to business faster.

The Potential Income Loss After a Business Fire

7/28/2022 (Permalink)

The Potential Income Loss After a Business Fire

If your company is hit with a business fire, you will have many things to worry about. One of the most serious issues is the potential loss of revenue as your business shuts down for reasons of safety and repairs. For this reason, having a robust interruption insurance policy is often a necessity for many companies. This type of policy is added as a rider to your comprehensive insurance and has the following benefits:

  • Pays many of the bills while operations cease
  • Replaces lost business income
  • Pays some or all of the expenses of a temporary facility

The coverage typically lasts for the length of the business interruption. In some cases, the coverage will last a few days after the completion of repairs.

The Consequences of Inadequate Insurance
Business insurance is there to help your company manage risks. Without adequate insurance, your company in Slaughterville, OK, is vulnerable to the devastating effects of a fire. Your company could potentially face thousands of dollars of lost income each day your business can't manufacture or sell products or provide services. Without interruption insurance, this could result in missed loan payments as well as missed obligations to vendors. Your credit rating could take a hit and your relationships with vendors could suffer.

The Benefits of Professional Fire Restoration

One way to minimize the impacts of a business fire, is to hire the services of a trusted fire remediation franchise. The SERVPRO company is always Here to Help in any emergency situation.

Trained technicians will arrive on the scene fast and begin to work to get your company operational again. After a fire, they will remove soot and smoke damage and clean and sanitize the building. They will repair all damaged areas of your facility.

Interruption insurance is a vital tool to help your company survive a fire. A fast and efficient cleanup that minimizes the disruption is also beneficial to your company's bottom line.

3 Things You Should Know About Fire Damage Legal Liability Coverage

7/27/2022 (Permalink)

Fire Damage in a home Fire damage in Lexington, Ok home

3 Things You Should Know About Fire Damage Legal Liability Coverage

Most of the time, when a fire occurs in a rental property, the property owner's policy covers the damage to the building and the tenant's policy covers damage to the tenant's personal belongings. However, there are some instances where a tenant may be held liable for the damage to the building they occupy. This liability may be covered by fire damage legal liability coverage.

1. What it Covers
This coverage, which may be included as part of a general liability policy, applies to damages caused to the rented premises a tenant occupies that the tenant is legally liable for. It may be referred to on the policy as a "damage to premises rented to you" limit.

2. Who Needs This Coverage
Any tenant who negligently causes a fire that damages the rental unit or other parts of the building could be sued by the property owner. Fire damage legal liability coverage would pay for repairs to the building, cleaning smoke damage, and other costs the tenant is found to be legally liable for due to negligent actions. This coverage could be beneficial to any tenant and may be a requirement in some rental agreements.

3. What the Coverage Limitations Are
This coverage usually comes with a limit of $50,000 or $100,000. It only covers liability that arises out of damage caused by a fire. It would not cover other causes of loss, such as water damage. The coverage does not apply to contents. It only covers fire damage restoration for the premises. The insured person must be found to be legally liable for the damage and other exclusions may apply.

If your negligence causes a fire that damages the premises you rent, fire damage legal liability coverage may pay for the damage to the building you are legally liable for. An insurance professional in Lexington, Ok, can explain your coverage options.

5 Common Commercial Water Issues

7/11/2022 (Permalink)

Common Water-Related Problems

Staying on top of smaller issues in your commercial building is one of the best ways to prevent them from snowballing into larger problems. Remaining vigilant is especially important when it comes to plumbing issues, such as leaking pipes or backed-up toilets. Make sure you regularly check your building in Eason, OK, for the following common water-related problems.

1. Low Water Pressure
Low water pressure can indicate several different issues, such as leaking pipes. Any water that escapes through the leak naturally won't come out of the faucet where it's supposed to, leading to suboptimal water pressure.

2. Damaged Building Foundation
Structural damage in your building, such as cracked, bulging or otherwise warped foundation, can signal the presence of a serious leak. These deformities are often a result of flood water accumulating within your building's structure and can indicate a hidden pipe break.

3. Clogged Drains
Customers are much less likely to treat your commercial bathrooms with the same respect that they'd treat a residential one. This can lead to many undesirable items getting flushed down your pipes, resulting in clogs. At the very least, this leads to an unsightly bathroom. In severe cases, it can result in toilet backup or sewage overflow.

4. Pinhole Leaks
Pinhole leaks are especially common in older buildings, where the copper or cast-iron pipes aren't built to last as long. These tiny holes can cost thousands in wasted water. Keep an eye out for these silent leaks by watching for a spike in your monthly water bill or a drop in your building's water pressure.

5. Leaking Toilets and Faucets
Much like pinhole leaks, dripping faucets and toilets can slowly, yet steadily, drive up your monthly water bill. Make sure you take the time to inspect your commercial bathrooms to make sure none of the appliances are dripping or leaking. Repair any problems you come across.

Leaking pipes, dripping faucets, and clogged drains are all common plumbing issues for commercial building owners. Staying on top of the issue can help reduce the amount of damage your building suffers and keep your business running smoothly. Contact water restoration experts for professional help.

4 Important Safety Tips for Cooking With a Gas Range

6/27/2022 (Permalink)

4 Crucial Safety Tips for Cooking on a Gas Range

Whether you're using your gas range for the first or 400th time, the unique challenges of cooking over an open flame can be daunting. Here are four important safety tips to keep in mind when cooking with gas.

1. Check for Coverage

Each time you light a surface burner on your stovetop, check to make sure that the burner is completely lit. If you notice that the flame only surrounds a portion of the burner cap, turn the stove off again and look closely at the notches around the sides. If you notice grime or grease buildup in these notches, it’s time to clean your stove.

2. Clean Carefully

Cleaning a gas range is simple, but you may damage your stovetop if you aren’t careful. Don’t attempt to move your oven away from the wall, as you could damage the gas line that feeds the burners. Instead, sweep around the base of your appliance carefully with a thin broom or toothbrush.

Remove grates and burner caps completely before cleaning them so that no extraneous cleaning fluids puddle beneath them. Finally, make sure that any chemicals or cleaning fluids you used for range cleaning are completely dry before lighting your stove.

3. Prevent Smoke Smell

Whether you’re making soup, sauce, or the best three-bean chili in Noble, OK, cooking over flame often produces smoke, so it’s important to ensure that your kitchen is well ventilated. If you notice a smoky odor when cooking, then you may need to improve the kitchen's ventilation. You can achieve this goal by making sure your kitchen hood is functioning each time you use your stove and by opening exterior doors and windows.

4. Practice Fire Prevention

Observing basic fire safety is key when cooking with fire. A fire damage specialist can help you determine how best to prevent fires in your kitchen and how to proceed should your home require fire damage restoration.

Remember these four safety tips when using your gas range, and you’ll keep your stovetop in good repair and your kitchen safe.

5 Ways SERVPRO Eases the Claims Process

6/22/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Norman team Our team strives to help make every disaster seem, “Like it never even happened.”

5 Ways SERVPRO Makes Claims Processing Easier

When a client in Hall Park, OK, files a claim for damage to the property, time is of the essence. Ensuring that the situation is resolved as fast as possible and with every party’s best interest in mind means contacting a remediation and restoration company with claim services. With local franchises backed by a nationwide corporate entity, below are five ways SERVPRO eases the claim process.

1. Emergency Response

Whether fire, mold, storm or water damage, the longer the damage sits, the chances that there will be more damage. The right professional will be available 24/7 to take the claim and get the ball rolling to get the business’s property back to normal.

2. Pretesting

Maximizing time and money is essential to everyone involved. Claims professionals are trained to make restoring a priority over replacing. This cost-effective approach enables savings across the board and reduces hassles.

3. Inventory Service

Part of good claim services is having peace of mind that all loss are inventoried and documented. Our claims professionals create a detailed list, including photographs, of equipment and belongings. This not only provides peace of mind but also ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the losses.

4. Electronic Claims

Throughout any project, things can change. When that happens, it is essential that everyone is on the same page. With our Claims Information Center, you and your client have instant access to the entire project, down to every job. If something unexpected arises, it makes it easier to make the right decision fast.

5. Trained Professionals

Along with knowing that every technician working on the project is certified and trained, the people behind the scenes are also trained and well-versed in the insurance world. With this backing of professionals, you can have confidence that every part of the process will be completed by a professional.

Dealing with a claim shouldn't be more complicated than it has to be. Choosing a restoration company with built-in claim services helps keeps it simple while ensuring all the work is done right.

4 Steps To Stop Your Constantly Flushing Commercial Toilet

6/8/2022 (Permalink)

4 Steps To Stop Your Commercial Toilet From Flushing Constantly

A constantly running commercial toilet is a sign that something is wrong with the flushometer, the part that runs water into the toilet bowl. Besides being a nuisance for you and your company, a never-ending flush hikes up your building's water bill and could lead to toilet overflow and water damage. If the toilet at your business in Norman, OK, is continuously flushing, follow the steps below to stop a toilet flood.

How To Prevent Toilet Overflow
Before working on your toilet, determine if it has a manual or automatic flushometer. Manual flushometers can be fixed by:

  • Shut off water: Insert a flat screwdriver into a slot on either side of the flushometer to turn off water flow.
  • Take off lid and flange cover: Loosen the flushometer lid with a wrench and unscrew it. Remove the flange cover, noting that water may spill.
  • Clean gasket and weep hole: Take the gasket out of the flushometer and thoroughly clean off any sediment. Use a pin or small, pointy object to scrape out the weep hole.
  • Replace parts: Put the gasket back in the flushometer, screwing on the flange cover and lid. Turn on the water again using the flat screwdriver.

For an automatic flushometer, turn off the water with a screwdriver, similar to a manual apparatus. Then hold down the chrome button used to flush the toilet manually. If you hear two clicks two seconds apart, you need to clean or replace the diaphragm kit under the flushometer's lid.

What To Do If The Toilet Keeps Running
Suppose your toilet continues to flush after you attempt to fix it. In that case, you may need to replace the gasket or tighten the solenoid. Knowing how to make a toilet stop constantly flushing will save your business from needing water damage cleanup and keep your utility costs down. Take the proper steps to prevent toilet overflow and keep your building safe.

After a Wildfire, Prepare for Flooding

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

Prepare For Flooding After A Wildfire

Homeowners in Etowah, OK, who live near a flood plain know the importance of obtaining FEMA NFIP coverage to help with flooding damage restoration. For homeowners who don’t, it may not seem like a necessity. Surprisingly, if there is wildfire damage in the area, it means an increased chance of flooding.

Why an Increased Risk?

While the aftermath of a fire may not seem related to flood issues, the destruction of vegetation and charred soil cause big problems. That vegetation and healthy top soil are necessary to absorb rainwater. Once they are gone, that fire damage creates the potential for two major issues:

  • Debris Flows: After the flames are extinguished, the burned areas begin to erode. Once it rains again, the water moving downhill is moving faster than normal due to nothing helping to absorb it. As it moves through eroded areas, it begins to pick up rocks, branches and other debris, creating a destructive flow of debris.
  • Flash Flooding: While this may be associated with sudden, excessive amounts of rain, even a little rainfall may lead to a flash flood in charred areas. In lush, green areas, it takes a lot of rain to create this situation. In areas damaged by wildfire, half an inch of rain falling in under one hour is enough to create a flooding situation.

Why Consider FEMA NFIP Coverage?

Even if your home isn’t considered in a flood-prone area, it may be worth getting flood insurance after a fire. Depending on the severity, it may take up to five years for the soil to rebound and vegetation to regrow. During those years, your home is at a higher risk of flooding. Considering that just an inch of water has the potential to cause thousands of dollars of damage, adding another layer of insurance just might be worth it.

Dealing with the aftermath of a wildfire is its own challenge, which is quickly followed by an increased chance of flooding. FEMA NFIP insurance is one way to help protect your assets.

Protecting Your Business From Potential Fire Disasters

5/19/2022 (Permalink)

Protecting Your Company From Fire Disasters

A business is made up of financial obligations and people. As a business or commercial property owner, you likely want to do your best to ensure the safety of each of these components. Therefore, disaster and fire preparation are critical aspects of business and investment strategies. Suppose you talk to fire remediation services in Slaughterville, OK. In that case, you will likely discover there are primarily three concerns for ensuring your property and business, including teams and consumers, are safe from disasters.

1. Disaster Preparation Plans

Before you concern yourself with fire damage, you need to consider the safety and sustainability of workers and your business. Evacuation plans are of paramount importance, followed by contingency plans or continuity plans for the business.
Evacuation plans should include multiple exits from every room of the facility. Continuity plans should consist of the contact information of critical team members and other operational essentials.

2. Sprinkler System and Fire Extinguishers

The most significant aspect of fire preparation is installing fire suppression systems and tools. A sprinkler system and appropriate placement of fire extinguishers can reduce the risks of substantial damage to your facility. These systems can also save many lives during a fire.

3. Remediation Services

To ensure you do not have to deal with significant or prolonged business interruptions, you might consider contacting a fire remediation service before any disasters. These services will record your desired response tactics, and should they ever be called to a scene, they will know precisely what to do without bothering you for the information.
Fire preparation is often more involved than people realize, especially when it comes to commercial properties. However, establishing effective plans, installing appropriate systems, and contacting emergency specialists can help reduce risks, save lives, and put your mind at ease. Remember, the safety and survival of your business require strategic thinking.

What Are Some Good Candle Alternatives?

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

What Are Some Good Candle Substitutes?

Many people enjoy using candle alternatives instead of candle fire to scent their homes in Norman, OK. This excellent solution can help avoid potentially damaging fire involving candles. Consider the following highly effective open flame substitutes for your home.

Battery-Operated Candles

Flameless candles are a popular interior design accessory because they have the look of real candles, right down to their flicker. They run on batteries, and, unlike real candles, they do not melt, ensuring they will not require replacement. These candles usually come with remote control units that allow you to adjust them from anywhere in a room.

Candle Warmers

If you love the aroma of a scented candle but don't want to risk keeping an open flame, a candle warming stand is your best option. A wax candle can sit on top of a warming plate or electric heating stand that gently melts the candle's wax. Most candle heating devices automatically shut off after a certain amount of time, unlike real candles, which require vigilance to prevent accidents.

Oil Diffusers

Diffusers are growing increasingly popular among candle alternatives for scenting homes. They work by emitting a scented vapor made by mixing water with a small quantity of essential oil. Some large oil diffusers can even humidify a dry space, but they are most useful as an alternative to candle fire. Oil diffusers are also convenient for scenting a large area, whereas scented candles may only emit fragrance over a few feet. It is also safe to breathe air infused with essential oils, whereas some candle wicks release toxic substances while burning.

Reed Diffusers

Reed sticks dipped in essential oil containers offer a natural, flameless alternative for adding fragrance to rooms. The oil penetrates the porous reeds and travels up through their exposed tops, where its fragrance releases into the air. Reed stick diffusers as not as strong as electronic diffusers, but they are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to avoid a flame when adding fragrance to a room.

A local fire restoration service can recommend various candle alternatives to avoid a candle-related fire at your home in Norman, OK.

How To Become a Preferred Vendor

4/29/2022 (Permalink)

restoration machines in a room When your insurance agent provides a preferred vendor list that includes a local SERVPRO franchise, you can be totally confident.

What Does It Take To Become A Preferred Vendor?

Not all restoration companies are created equal. Your company needs help to restore your business space after a disaster in Slaughterville, OK, and you want to make sure that your first pick will be easy to work with, reliable, and provide superior service. Your insurance agent will provide you with a list of preferred vendors, but how can you know that you're really getting the best? At SERVPRO, you'll find some of the most stringent standards in the industry that ensure your project will be completed with excellence every time.

1. Quality Checks

When your insurance agent recommends a local franchise to complete your project, the SERVPRO vendor program has 21 guidelines that franchise owners must adhere to in order to earn jobs when you, the client, call the restoration hotline. These guidelines include conducting background checks for all employees, submitting to internal auditing for quality assurance, and maintaining all proper insurance coverage.

2. Rigorous Documentation

From the moment the customer contacts the restoration hotline, your case will be tracked every step of the way. You will be presented with information about which local franchise you were connected to, the amount of time it took to respond, the cause of the claim, and each step that was taken to complete your project.

3. Project Validation

Restoration companies have standards that must be followed when completing a project. You'll never have to wonder if your site was cleaned properly because you can request that drying validation be a part of your project documentation. You as the business owner can see the standards that the company promises and the tools that are to be used; there are no industry secrets. This transparency can provide you peace of mind, knowing that your restoration project was done to the highest standard.

When your insurance agent provides a preferred vendor list that includes a local SERVPRO franchise, you can be confident that your restoration project will be backed by high industry standards.

How Flood Insurance Helps Keep Your Business Afloat

4/24/2022 (Permalink)

How Flood Insurance Can Help Your Company Survive

Owning a business in Norman, Ok, can feel like exploring uncharted waters at times. One thing you don’t want to complicate the experience is damage from actual water, which can add up fast. When the dust settles (and dries), you could be looking at a bill for over $50,000 from just one inch of water. Here are three reasons why investing in a flood insurance policy for your business is important.

1. It's Usually the Only Insurance That Covers Flood Damage

Most commercial property insurance policies do not cover damage from flooding, a fact that, unfortunately, many business owners learn too late. Insurance can be purchased anytime from the National Flood Insurance Program. It offers coverage for up to half a million dollars for both building and personal property.

2. There’s No Such Thing as "No Risk"

You may be wondering why you need a flood policy if your business is not in a high-risk area. Flooding can be caused by blocked sewers and melting snow; even wildfires can increase flood chances in your neighborhood. According to statistics from FEMA, insurance claims from low-risk areas make up over 20% of all flood claims.

3. Other Assistance Options May Be Limited

While there are federal aid programs available to business owners affected by flooding, the president must declare a state of emergency to activate those benefits. What's more, these loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration must be paid back with interest. Because of this, having commercial insurance that also includes flood protection is like a lifeboat that can keep you from drowning in water damage or debt. Your insurance company will work in tandem with your local water damage restoration specialists to help get your business back on track in no time.

No matter where your business is based, flooding is always a risk. Having a flood insurance policy and knowing it inside and out can be the difference between treading water and smooth sailing.

The Right Way To Restore Water Damage After a Roof Leak

4/19/2022 (Permalink)

The Best Way To Repair Water Damage Caused By A Roof Leak

Water damage to your commercial building in Norman, Ok, comes in many shapes and forms, from minor water leaks to true catastrophes. A roof leak is one of the more common avenues whereby water penetrates your building envelope. As with everything, there is a right way and a less effective way to handle incoming water from your roof system. A trained and experienced storm mitigation franchise in your area is likely to have this scenario down to an efficient process.

First Things First

An experienced crew will arrive quickly at your property and do a fast inspection and assessment of the entire situation. They will then develop a plan to deal with the roof leak and other concerns. They will prioritize what should be done first, focusing on the following concerns:

  • The safety of all employees and customers
  • The presence of standing water
  • The repair of the damaged roof
  • The removal of water with wet vacuums
  • The drying out of wet areas

By following an orderly process, technicians will complete the most important jobs first. This is done to limit damages and to prevent additional damages.

Last Things Last

When the situation is under control, the technicians will make sure things are in place for a successful restoration of your building. They will replace missing shingles on the roof if necessary. Workers will use safe and effective cleaning agents to wipe down surfaces and remove unhealthy residues caused by the incoming water. 

Wet materials will be thrown out, and the restoration of damaged drywall and other structures will be completed. They will make sure all odors have been addressed, and that no moist areas remain to allow for mold growth. The roof leak will be closed so that any subsequent storms will not result in water damage.

An orderly process by restoration professionals is the smart way to beat any form of storm damage.

5 Things To Expect During Storm Damage Restoration

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

Team of a restoration company Storms can happen when you least expect it. SERVPRO has teams ready to respond 24/7/365. Contact us about your storm restoration emergency.

When It Comes To Storm Damage Restoration, There Are A Few Things To Keep In Mind.

A storm in Corbett, OK , can, unfortunately, cause problems for your business. If your commercial building has been damaged, many steps may be required to return it to its proper condition. You may need to tear out materials or rebuild certain areas. The following are five things to expect when working with a cleanup and restoration company.

1. Removing the Water

The first thing that should be done is water removal. Allowing water to remain in your building after a storm can lead to various kinds of secondary damage, including mold growth, rust and warped wood.

2. Throwing Out Damaged Materials

Depending on the amount of water inside and the severity of the damage, you may need to tear out some building materials. This usually includes highly absorbent substances, such as carpeting, insulation and drywall.

3. Drying the Building

Removing all moisture and thoroughly drying the building helps prevent secondary water damage, so it should be done as quickly as possible. To help with this step, dehumidifiers may be used. It can also be a good idea to leave doors and windows open if you can.

4. Making Repairs

If you needed to tear out materials, these must be replaced when repairs are made. Flooring may need to be redone as well. In some cases, there may be discoloration in areas affected by the water. Repainting the walls can fix this.

5. Restoring Affected Items

Along with the building, water damage can affect the objects inside. Many of these can be restored with the help of a professional service. Even items that you may consider beyond salvaging, like paper documents and artwork, can sometimes be saved. However, objects that cannot be thoroughly cleaned should be thrown out and replaced.

Storm restoration can be a lengthy process, but each step is necessary to return your building to a safe environment. Professional workers can get this done within a reasonable time frame so you can get back to business as usual.

How To Keep Your Home Safe From Fire

3/17/2022 (Permalink)

Fire damage in a home Our team at SERVPRO of Norman was called out to this local home after unexpected fire damage. Call us when you need it.

How To Prevent Fires In Your Home

Discovering a fire in your Eason, OK home could be one of the scariest things you ever experience. Nothing is guaranteed, but there are fire preparation measures you can take that go a long way in helping prevent a home fire.

1. Use Caution With Home Heating

Never use space heaters unattended and unplug them when they're not in use. Make sure that space heaters have an automatic shutoff for overheating or tipping over events. Keep anything flammable at least three feet from any sources of heat or flames.

2. Be Careful With Open Flames

Never leave candles or other open flames unattended (e.g., when you are out of the room, asleep or away from home). Use sturdy candle holders and keep them out of reach from children and pets and out of high traffic areas. One of the most critical fire safety lessons is never using an open flame where medical oxygen is used, even if the machine is turned off.

3. Maintain and Inspect Smoke Detectors

A critical part of your fire preparation is regularly maintaining and inspecting your fire alarms to ensure they're in good working order. You'll need to replace the batteries at least once a year and replace the units themselves every 10 years. Vacuum or dust off the units a couple of times per year to ensure the sensors are clear of debris.

4. Practice Safe Cooking

Stay in the kitchen to monitor food cooking on the stove, broiling in the oven or cooking in the toaster oven. Prevent hot pots and pans from falling off the stove by turning their handles toward the back of the stove. Fire damage restoration experts will advise you to keep a pot lid and fire extinguisher at hand's reach to snuff out flames if need be.
Avoid a disaster by putting a fire preparation plan together as soon as possible. Then, go over it with your family to make sure everyone knows about fire safety.

How To Handle Water Damage in Your Commercial Building

3/2/2022 (Permalink)

restoration machines Every building faces the risk of water damage. Being prepared will help you get your business back to normal much sooner.

How To Deal With Water Damage In A Commercial Structure

If you are dealing with water damage in your commercial building in Norman, Ok, due to a devastating water event, it’s imperative to have the damage inspected as soon as possible by a water damage restoration service.

How Professionals Handle Water Events

First, make sure to choose a service that has representatives standing by 24 hours a day. Furniture and drywall can become damaged beyond repair in a matter of hours, so time is of the utmost importance. Standing water from broken pipes or other water catastrophes encourage mold to grow quickly as well.
The professional follows these steps in the water cleanup process:

  • Ensures that the water source has been eliminated
  • Inspects the building and assesses the damage
  • Removes the water using industrial pumps and vacuums
  • Dries all surfaces and furniture with fans and dehumidifiers
  • Cleans and deodorizes structures and materials to remove odors, bacteria and mold

How To Reduce the Risk of Water Events

While all water damage events can’t be eliminated, developing a preventive maintenance plan can significantly reduce the risks.
Keeping the building’s roof in good repair is critical. Inspect it frequently for damaged or missing roofing materials and replace faulty pieces promptly. Keep the gutters free of dirt and debris and make sure the roof fixtures are fastened securely. Keep trees near the building trimmed frequently as well.

Have your HVAC system inspected periodically for damage and wear that can cause the air ducts to leak. Excess condensed water in the reservoirs can also pool and create problems. Make sure the heating and cooling system is cleaned on a routine schedule to keep it running smoothly.
Inspect the piping system in the building periodically. If you see water stains on the ceiling or walls or detect a musty smell, you may have an internal pipe leak.

Every building faces the risk of water damage. Being prepared will help you get your business back to normal much sooner.

Factors Affecting Your Cleanup Timeline

2/14/2022 (Permalink)

Specialist are cleaning water damage in a home. SERVPRO is your local water, flood, and fire damage restoration professional. Call SERVPRO today to learn more about how we can help!

Factors Affecting The Timeline Of Your Cleanup

When anything happens to your home in Norman, Ok, it is natural to want the problem fixed as soon as possible. If your home floods as the result of bursting pipes, however, the restoration process can take quite a few days. If the water damage is minimal and only affects surfaces that can be easily dried, water restoration specialists could finish the process in as little as three to five days. Other factors, however, complicate matters.

Water Contamination Level

If the water that floods your home is sanitary, the primary task involved in cleanup is merely drying. More intense levels of contamination, however, may result in additional cleaning processes, delaying the restoration’s end date. When it comes to flooding, there are three categories of water:

  • Category 1 – clean water from faucets or supply lines
  • Category 2 – contaminated water from bursting pipes carrying appliance or fixture outtake
  • Category 3 – sewer water or outside floodwater

The more contaminated the water is, the longer the cleanup process is likely to be.

Extent of Damage

Repair technicians can fix a broken pipe, but if the leak is significant, items affected may have to be replaced. If you have wood floors, they are likely to buckle and warp, requiring them to be removed. If your walls are saturated by standing water, the repair process is going to take longer while the section of the wall below the flood cut is removed and replaced. Any time the structural integrity of an area of your home is compromised by water damage, the timeline for fixing the problem will be extended.

While it is necessary to start the restoration process quickly after you discover bursting pipes in your home, the process itself may not be as fast as you would like for it to be. Flood restoration specialists in Norman, Ok, can give you an estimate of the time it will take to complete repairs on your home. Whether it takes a few days or a few weeks, it is important that the restoration be thorough.

Emergency Claim Response From SERVPRO

2/14/2022 (Permalink)

un equipo de una empresa de restauración SERVPRO’s emergency-minded approach makes them a great choice for insurance agents and adjusters needing help with claim services.

SERVPRO's Emergency Claim Response

Most insurance agents and claims adjusters understand how complex and time-consuming residential damage insurance claims in Norman, Ok, can be. This is especially true when slow, disinterested and unprofessional restoration companies get involved.

Fortunately, claim services do not always have to be this frustrating - as long as an insurance professional has the dedicated assistance needed to take care of a claim in a timely and efficient manner.

SERVPRO Damage Restoration

Why should an insurance provider choose this damage restoration service for its claims needs? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Each location is locally owned and operated, meaning both corporate and local resources are available to a location’s employees and customers when needed.
  • It is considered to be a “Preferred Vendor” for most insurance agencies, making it a trustworthy choice for insurance providers.
  • Emergency response is a number-one priority in damage situations - all locations have technicians available 24 hours per day and seven days per week to evaluate residential damage from water, fire or mold.

Faster to Any Size Disaster

SERVPRO’s emergency-minded approach makes them a great choice for insurance agents and adjusters needing help with claim services. With a 24/7 team of cleanup technicians on their side, insurance professionals can quickly and accurately assess damage to speed up and improve the claims process for the benefit of both the insurance company and its clients - and help worried homeowners get the restoration assistance they need during a stressful and chaotic time.

Claims adjusting will always have to be a careful and detailed process, but having a great team of remediation professionals can help it be far less hectic.

Any adjuster or agent needing to find a team of professional, competent damage assessment technicians with an emergency response approach to disasters in Norman, Ok, can contact SERVPRO and see what a difference excellent attention can make for claim services.

The Top 3 Tips To Prepare Your Business for a Disaster

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

The Top 3 Disaster Preparedness Tips For Your Business

When you imagined owning a business in Norman, Ok , disaster preparedness was likely the last thing to cross your mind. However, the fantasy and reality of entrepreneurship are not always the same. In the world of corporate America, business preparedness can mean the difference between success and failure. Here are the top three tips to protect your livelihood in the unfortunate event of a disaster:

1. Protect your employees. In an emergency, safety takes priority. Take steps in advance to optimize the well-being of staff and customers when the unexpected strikes. First, communicate crisis procedures verbally and in writing with employees. Second, practice evacuation and shelter-in place practices with your team. Third, maintain disaster kits that include items such as bottled water, first aid and flashlights.

2. Arrange for business continuity. After a tropical storm or other destructive weather event, restoration professionals work to return your business to preloss condition. During this time, you may not be able to operate from the premises. A good disaster preparedness plan includes backing up data and housing copies of important documents easily accessible off-site. These include customer information, inventory, insurance policies, employee records and financial papers.

3. Safeguard your commercial property and inventory. Protect your investment by ensuring you have the proper insurance coverage. For example, not all general policies include flood damage. Business interruption insurance is also commonly offered as an add-on option. When a storm is looming, take precautions such as boarding windows, securing furniture and moving valuables to a safe location.

Disaster preparedness is crucial for business owners in Norman, Ok. Proper planning protects your employees, commercial property and inventory in a weather catastrophe. Maintain relevant insurance and back up important financial documents off-site in the event your building is not accessible. This level of business preparedness allows you to run your business in an alternate location, while the restoration company focuses on repairing the storm damage to looking “Like it never even happened”.

After Your Commercial Fire

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

Following A Commercial Fire

No business in Norman, Ok, wants to stay down any longer than necessary after a catastrophic fire event. Stay informed about common fire cleanup issues in order to maintain continuity and keep your company running smoothly.

1. Immediate Attention

The first concern for any business owner is the safety of the employees. Once firefighters have left the property, do not enter the property until you have been cleared by an inspector. Do not attempt to wade through lower floors that have been inundated by a fire suppression sprinkler or any other form of flooding resulting from fire damage. Emergency services may have shut off your utilities for safety reasons; do not attempt to restore them yourself.

2. Documentation and Prevention

The next steps involve assessing the damage and preventing ongoing problems. Once it is safe to enter the property, begin an inventory of all affected assets, including electronic devices and sensitive paper documents. Contact your insurance agency to send an adjuster who will confirm your claims and begin the proceedings which will allow you to collect on your policy and begin fire cleanup. Many agencies will require that you consult with an IICRC-compliant fire restoration service to begin more complex activities such as roof repair, smoke damage cleaning, and standing water removal.

3. A Note on Roofing

Unfortunately, fighting a fire frequently involves making holes in roofing materials to prevent hot air from accumulating in the upper areas of the building and intensifying the blaze. This ventilation process prevents fire damage overall, but does require extra attention after the fire has been put out. Place tarps or plywood over the holes to prevent rainwater and other environmental hazards from damaging your assets through exposure. You chosen restoration service can assist with tarp services and other temporary enclosure methods.

No business should endure significant downtime from a fire event. Develop a recovery plan for fire cleanup and review it with your employees and consultants.

Storm Prep for Property Managers

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

Damage to the roof and ceiling of an office following a violent storm in Vientiane, Laos. Storms can be dangerous and even deadly. Fortunately, storm preparedness can be a lifesaver.

Property Managers' Storm Preparedness

Preparing for a storm isn’t always top priority within property management, but it should be. The fact is storms are responsible for countless injuries across the country each year, and if any of those occur on your property, you could be facing liability. It’s easy to see that Etowah, OK, storm preparedness should be top of mind, but where does one begin? Use these tips to get a handle on this important bit of planning.

Make a Storm Plan

Every multi-building property needs a comprehensive storm preparation plan at minimum. Such a plan should cover things like

• Disaster-relief information
• Emergency contacts
• Evacuation plans
• Nearby shelters

and the like. Create a plan months in advance as part of storm preparedness. Review and tweak it with your staff, then make sure you distribute it to residents.

Secure Loose Objects Around the Property

A powerful storm can transform furniture and even waste bins into dangerous projectiles that can harm people and damage buildings. One of the easiest ways to prepare your property for a storm is inspect it for anything that could be picked up by strong winds. Remove portable items to safe, indoor storage. For stationary items, use tarps, ties, locks and similar securing devices to keep things in place. Don’t forget to trim trees to prevent branches from becoming projectiles amid high winds.

Stock Up

Shortly before a storm and definitely in its midst, important supplies will run dry. The smartest property managers prepare by stocking up on essentials months before the storm season. Keep lots of water and batteries on hand, as well as shelf stable foods if possible. It’s also a good idea to invest in a backup generator or several.

Storms can be dangerous and even deadly. Fortunately, storm preparedness can be a lifesaver. Use these tips to keep your property safe when facing storm damage and it will help things go smoother.

Potential Effects of Water Leaks on Building Materials

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

Water Leaks And Building Materials: What They Can Do

A broken pipe in your home in Eason, OK, can cause significant water damage. This is particularly true if you don’t notice the problem when it first occurs or you don’t call for repairs right away. Signs of damage can include swelling wood, water stains and even mold. The longer the excess water is in contact with your house’s walls, support beams, flooring and ceiling materials, the more damage you are likely to see.

Choose Timeliness

If a supply line breaks, a lot of water will probably spill out and start pooling. It doesn’t take long for problems to manifest:

  • The first few minutes - water can spread or cause rugs or other textiles to stain floors and walls
  • The first few hours - wood frames and drywall start to absorb water and swell
  • The first few days - clean water becomes gray water and may start to foster mold growth

As you can see, if you don’t get the problem resolved quickly, swelling wood is only one of the potential effects with which you may have to contend. The sooner water restoration specialists can assess and address the problem, the fewer problems you may end up having.

Minimize Risk

If the walls of your home are merely wet, avoiding additional damage may be as simple as drying them off. If your building materials have taken on water and started to expand, however, technicians must tear out the affected walls and beams and replace them with new, unblemished material. To minimize the risk of this happening, turn off the source of the water and hire someone to perform water pipe repair as soon as possible. Then you can focus on removing water and restoring your structure.

It doesn’t take long for a pipe or supply line break to result in swelling wood beams or saturated drywall. By addressing the leak quickly, you may be able to save your home from further damage.

Should You Worry About Secondary Damages?

12/7/2021 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning water damage in a home. When you find water in your home, be sure to call the trained experts at SERVPRO of Norman for mitigation services.

Is It Necessary To Be Concerned About Secondary Damages?

Any time flooding or leaking water affects your home, there's a potential for secondary damages, such as black mold. These damages are those that don't show up immediately but crop up weeks or even months after you think the matter has been resolved. Unfortunately, this also means that you may discover lasting damages after insurance adjusters have already worked through and resolved your claim. These damages may come in several forms.

• Mold
• Electrical trouble
• Corrosion
• Wood rot
• Structural weakening

High Risk Areas

Fortunately, you can avoid lasting damages by recognizing what causes the secondary problems and the most likely areas of risk. Remember that black mold and other related damages happen when moisture is hidden under, behind, or even between two surfaces.

• Wooden floors, subflooring, floating fabrics
• Pressed wood under any flooring
• Spaces inside the walls
• Within crawlspaces and humid attics

After you've dried up spills, leaks, or flooding, there may be hidden areas of damage. Even if you suspect potential damages in areas of high humidity, it can be hard to address the trouble if you can't reach those areas. When this happens, the best route is to call a water restoration professional. In fact, many homeowners contact these professionals as soon as they've dealt with the immediate situation.

Contact Professionals for Help

Why contact a professional? These experts have the tools and training to know where to look and how to access hidden areas. They may have equipment and cleansers for dealing with issues hidden within the walls. For example, the leaking dishwasher may have caused corrosion along the wiring behind the cabinets or caused damage to the foundation of your home in the basement. Eason, OK, professionals know what to look for and how to resolve the most common problems.

Long after you've resolved the primary damages resulting from a water disaster at your home, the lasting effects of black mold or humidity could cause a cascade of new damages. When you understand the potential for harm, where to look, and how to respond, you can reduce the potential for further trouble.

4 Steps To Restore a Wood Floor

12/6/2021 (Permalink)

A specialist is checking a floor after a water loss SERVPRO has trained restoration technicians ready to help after water damage.

How To Restore A Wood Floor In 4 Easy Steps

It is important to dry a wood floor as soon as you notice signs of water damage. Water from a leak or pipe burst can cause wood to warp or result in other forms of damage. Here are four steps that may be necessary to restore wood flooring.

1. Remove Water

Removing standing water is the first step to restoring flooring. This may require the use of a pump or wet vac for damage caused by a flood, pipe burst, or leak. Use a mop or towels for slight damage. If a small amount of water has spilled and remained on the floor, spread out newspaper and allow it to absorb water.

2. Dry Moisture

After standing water is gone, use a dehumidifier to draw moisture out of wood. Ventilation can also be helpful. It is necessary to determine whether water has penetrated through the polyurethane coating or another sealing treatment. It may be necessary to tear out and replace the subfloor, taking time to allow the underlying concrete to dry, to prevent mold growth.

3. Sand and Scrape

Once all of the levels of flooring are dry, it is time to work on the appearance and condition of the surface. Wooden planks damaged by water may warp or become discolored. Sanding and scraping may even the surface and remove stains. Rely on the expertise of water damage restoration professionals.

4. Refinish or Retrofit

Wood flooring exposed to water may need to be refinished. Planks with severe damage can be removed and replacements retrofitted. Restoration experts can recommend the best solution for each case of water damage.

Keep in mind that wood flooring may add several days to water damage restoration, particularly in cases of extensive damage caused by a flood or pipe burst. This is necessary to restore the condition of a wet floor and prevent secondary damage, such as mold. Contact a service with experience restoring wood floors at commercial properties in Norman, Ok.

Microwave Maintenance for Fire Prevention

12/6/2021 (Permalink)

Preventing Fires With Microwave Maintenance

If you have a microwave in your Etowah, OK, home, then you may be wondering how you can get rid of that pesky smoke smell that comes with frequent use. Fortunately, some routine maintenance may solve this problem. Here are a few things you can do to prevent both odors and potential fire danger.

Maintenance Steps You Can Take

Maintaining a clean appliance is as important for fire prevention as it is for a properly functioning unit. Here are some steps you can take:

  • If applicable, replace any filters regularly. Filters are most commonly seen on models located over the vent grill.
  • Clean your appliance often to avoid grease and food particle buildup. These can burn and even cause a fire if allowed to remain.
  • Only use microwaveable materials in the unit when heating food. Dishes should be marked as microwave-safe.
  • Never put metal material of any kind inside the appliance.

Cleaning Options

In many cases a regular cleaning can solve smoke smell problems. There are many cleaners on the market for use on kitchen appliances, but vinegar, soap and water are also good cleaning options. You can put a microwaveable bowl with vinegar and water into the unit and heat it until it begins to steam. The steaming process will help loosen any built-up food, allowing you to clean it off.

What To Do After a Fire

In the event a fire does occur, the first step should be to get it out as quickly as possible. You may have a fire extinguisher on hand or need to call emergency personnel. Afterward, cleaning up the fire damage is often the next task. A fire damage restoration service may be able to help. The professionals can make repairs to your home and remove smoke odors. In some cases they can salvage damaged appliances.

Regular maintenance can not only help keep your appliance free of that awful smoke smell, but it can also help prevent a potential fire. Remember, in the event a fire does occur, a professional can help make any repairs necessary to your home.

Steps for Fixing Toilet Leaks

11/4/2021 (Permalink)

Fixing Toilet Leaks: A Step-by-Step Guide

A leaking toilet can be a frustrating problem to have. Fortunately, it's usually an easy problem to fix. A large amount of water will likely call for professional remediation. If you notice only a little water on the floor of your bathroom, however, you can probably remedy the issue by following these steps.

1. Identify the Source

Seeing water on the floor of your bathroom does not necessarily mean you need toilet repair, but the toilet is the likely culprit. Mop up the water with a towel and watch where the new puddle that forms comes from. That way you can identify if the toilet is leaking from the base or from somewhere else, such as a faulty supply line.

2. Remove the Toilet

If the water is seeping out of the base, you can sometimes tighten the bolts that secure it, and that fixes the problem. If it doesn't, however, you may need to remove the leaking toilet so that you can replace the gasket that seals it. Loosen the bolts and lightly rock the old toilet back and forth until it separates from the floor.

3. Remove the Gasket

Lifting the toilet off the floor leaves behind the wax gasket that provides the seal against leaks. You will probably need to scrape to get the gasket completely off. It is important that removal is thorough so that the new gasket will work.

4. Replace the Gasket and Toilet

After the toilet has been removed, you have the space to replace the gasket. Put it in place and then set the toilet back on top of it. Align it so that it will seal where it is supposed to seal and then replace the bolts to clamp the toilet firmly in place.

If you have a leaking toilet in your home in Norman, Ok, it is generally pretty easy to fix the leak. Just follow the appropriate steps so that your toilet can function without problems.

Three Tips for Preventing a Cigarette Fire in Your Home

11/4/2021 (Permalink)

Three Tips for Avoiding a House Fire Caused by Cigarettes

As a smoker in Etowah, OK, or if you share a residence with a smoke, you may already be aware of the dangers of a cigarette fire, and the fact that this is still one of the most common ways house fires start. If this is something that concerns you there are a few easy steps you can take to help prevent a fire in your home.

1. Smoke Outside

Smoking outside is one of the easiest steps you can take to prevent an ashtray fire from spreading in your home. Not only is there less risk of a flammable object coming in contact with a lit cigarette outdoors, but keeping the smoke outdoors may also help prevent odors from settling into your valuables.

2. Avoid Smoking When Distracted

One of the main ways a cigarette fire can start is when the smoker becomes distracted. Avoiding distraction while smoking can help prevent accidents that occur when a lit cigarette is left unattended or accidentally dropped. Avoid smoking when on medication, if you are feeling sleepy, when multitasking, or when drinking.

3. Properly Dispose of Used Cigarettes and Ashes

Improperly disposed cigarettes and ashes are another common way an ashtray fire can occur. Always put out your cigarette when not in use, even if you intend to come back to it. Clean out your ashtray regularly, and ensure there are no smoldering remains before dumping.

If fire cleanup becomes necessary, or if you are worried about odor then a professional service in Etowah, OK, may be able to help. They can restore your home back to its original shape and may also be able to help with any water damage that occurred as a result of the fire.

A cigarette fire can cause a lot of damage to a home. However, this type of fire can also be preventable. If you or a loved one smoke, remember to do so outside, don’t smoke while tired or distracted, and always properly dispose of the cigarette and its ashes. Also remember to never leave a cigarette unattended.

3 Ways To Protect Your Building From Winter Storms

11/4/2021 (Permalink)

Three Ways To Keep Your Building Safe During Winter Storms

Winter storms in Eason, OK, may seem like outdoor problems, but the freezing temperatures they bring can cause issues inside your commercial property as well. A burst pipe can flood the building, and pipes burst easily when they freeze. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to ensure that the pipes in your walls stay warm and intact, even during a winter storm.

1. Insulate Pipes

Most of the pipes in your building are inside the walls, which means they may be isolated from the warmth the rest of the building enjoys. Because of this, it is imperative that you insulate your pipes, particularly those that run along the outer perimeter of the building. A frozen pipe can occur in no time if it is not protected from external temperatures.

2. Drip Water

When water drips through the faucet into a sink, the water in the pipe must keep moving in order to supply it. This can keep your pipes from freezing. It may seem wasteful at first, but the payoff justifies the minor excess. If you don't want to return from your weekend to discover that a burst pipe has left hundreds of gallons of standing water in your building, it may be profitable to accept the lesser waste of strategically dripping faucets.

3. Set Thermostat

Knowing that no one is going to be in the building every night and weekend may tempt you to turn off the heating system while the building is empty. This is not a wise idea. By keeping your building at the same temperature overnight and at a minimum of 55 degrees Fahrenheit over the weekends, you can keep the pipes warmer and less likely to burst.

A burst pipe can cause just as much, if not more, damage to your building as a basement or roof flood can. While remediation experts can fix the problem, it's best to make the effort to prevent it in the first place.

What To Do After a Fire

11/1/2021 (Permalink)

Cabinets with smoke damage, kitchen damaged by fire. Fire restoration services in Eason, OK.

What Should You Do After a Fire?

A house fire is a devastating event. The steps that follow in the aftermath may seem like a formidable undertaking, but having this list of what to do, along with the help of a fire restoration service, can help.

1. Call your insurance company immediately. Its representatives can guide you through your options based on your fire insurance coverage and give you detailed instructions about what you need to do in your particular situation. They can also help you begin the process of filing a claim – an essential step, since everything that happens next comes with a price tag.

2. Use caution. Once you’ve been given permission by the authorities to enter your home, be aware of any risks to your safety. There could be exposed wires, wet floors, and compromised structures such as flooring or roof damage. Limit movement in the house, as you can cause further damage by tracking soot and water to other areas. Additionally, your health could be at risk from exposure to soot particles and toxic materials via skin, ingestion, and inhalation. Restoration specialists have the experience and tools to properly deal with these hazardous conditions.

3. Secure your property. Broken windows or doors are likely after a fire. A professional fire restoration service can board these up to minimize further damage from weather, vandalism, or theft. If your roof is damaged, the service may also provide tarps for protection from the elements. Smoke cleaning services, as well as water damage restoration, are valuable services generally offered.

4. Make important calls. Besides your insurance company, your landlord or mortgage company, as well as any utility providers, will need to be contacted. Inform the police that your house will be vacant. Your employer and your children’s school should be notified. You may also contact a local charitable organization for help with immediate needs, such as a place to stay, clothing, and other items.

The process of getting your home and selife back to normal can be difficult and painful. Thankfully, with the help of a professional fire restoration service in Eason, OK, you can be confident that your home can often be restored to its original condition.

3 Steps for Estimating the Cost of a Fire at Your Business

11/1/2021 (Permalink)

3 Steps for Estimating the Cost of a Business Fire

When your Slaughterville, OK, commercial building is affected by a fire, taking the first steps toward assessing the damage can be difficult. From structural issues to lost equipment and inventory, creating a repair and restoration estimate often includes many factors. However, there are a few steps you can take to approximate the total cost of the damage so you can begin the process of rebuilding your business.

1. Get Help From Your Insurance Company

Contacting your insurance company as soon as possible after a commercial fire can not only be key in getting your claim processed efficiently, it may also help you with your cost estimation. Agents, inspectors, and adjusters have the experience and tools to help you calculate the value of your property and equipment, the extent of the destruction, and what it might cost to hire a fire damage and restoration company to repair your building. This support may help you estimate expenses more efficiently.

2. Include Inventory Losses

If you own a retail shop and much of your inventory was lost in the blaze, it is important to add the total value of these items to your estimation. This includes both stored and displayed stock, so you may want to review your records before you add the sum to the cost of the damage. If some of your inventory can be restored for resale, you can include this expense in your estimated cost as well.

3. Calculate Mitigation and Repair Costs

Once a commercial fire is out, you may be facing mitigation costs that include the hiring of a tarp service to cover a damaged roof and retaining a plumber to repair water lines destroyed in the blaze. Mitigation may prevent further problems with the building, but you may want to discuss the cost of these services with company representatives beforehand.

Creating a damage estimate after a fire at your Slaughterville, OK, business can be a stressful experience. However, knowing which costs to include and how to calculate them may give you peace of mind and help you take the first steps toward rebuilding your company.

What You Should Do if Your Flight Gets Canceled Because of a Storm

10/20/2021 (Permalink)

What Can You Do After a Canceled Flight?

Storms can cause a lot of problems. Wind, hail and rain can lead to damage to your home in Norman, OK. This extreme weather can even mess up your travel plans. While you know to turn to a home remediation expert after storm damage to your residence, what can you do after a canceled flight?

Talk to the airline. As soon as you find out your flight is canceled, you need to get in touch with the airline. If you're already at the airport, you may be tempted to hop in line at the desk. However, you can save yourself some time in line by simply calling the airline customer service number. This could help you figure out your next step sooner and may lead to a better rebooking.

Learn about compensation. Many airlines want to keep their passengers happy. If you are booked on a canceled flight, you may be able to get some type of compensation directly from the airline. What sort of compensation could you see? It depends on the airline, but you may be eligible for discounts on rebooking, reimbursements for missed connecting flights or complimentary meals while waiting at the airport.

Get a hotel. If your wait is going to be really long because of a canceled flight, you may want to book a hotel sooner rather than later. Chances are a lot of other travelers will also get stranded. Your airline may help you book a hotel, but you may have to take this step on your own. Either way, you should do it as soon as possible to ensure you don't have to sleep on the floor of the airport.

Storms can cause a lot of crazy things to happen. You may have to deal with flooding in your home or changed travel plans. You can use these storm tips to help you make it through a flight cancelation with your sanity intact.

Flooded Home: How to Handle It

10/20/2021 (Permalink)

How to Deal with a Flooded House

You walk through the doors of your home to find your feet buried in one inch of water. Oh, no! What happened? Further probing reveals a supply line break, and the water damage is exponential. From the moment you notice water in home, you should call a restoration company to help with the water damage. Many times a mitigation company will have the experience and specialized equipment to help homeowners dodge the hundreds of dollars in damage. The sooner you address the problem, the better.

Restoration Company: Why It Matters

A restoration company deals with problems like water in business, a pipe break or flood damage on a daily basis because they have made it their living to bring as much mitigation as possible to the harmful effects of water damage. The best way to reduce the consequences is to call them as soon as possible. Mold starts to form within 48 to 72 hours.

How a Flood Damage Company Handles Water Damage

When it comes to restoration, one of the first tasks a restoration company sets out to do is drying the excess water. The drying and water cleanup might happen in a number of ways. For example, the flood damage specialist might bring in a fan to dry out the water at the source. Second, he will cut the power if the flooded home has water near electrical outlets. Almost all water cleanup companies will tell you to call them immediately if you suspect water has gotten near a power outlet, rather than wandering into electrically charged water, which can lead to injury or serious death. A pipe break can be dangerous if you have not taken the right precautions, and you don't have the knowledge on how to address it.

What a Water Cleanup Company Does After the Flood Damage

Whether it's water in home or water in business, the stages of water cleanup will almost always be similar. For example, once the water gets taken care of, the second stage will be to address the source of the problem. A supply line break, for example, has a fairly straightforward resolution. With a pipe break, unfortunately, you can't predict it, but the fix will be fairly straightforward. While a pipe break might be obvious, a roof leak will have to be fixed before you go too far with fixing the flood damage. Otherwise, you will have the same issue with a flooded home sooner or later. Restoration also becomes about getting rid of the chances that it will come back.

How To Find Out If You Have Mold Coverage

10/20/2021 (Permalink)

walls of a home covered with black spots, mold growth inside a home Mold damage in Eason, OK.

How to Determine If You Have Mold Coverage

If you’re dealing with extensive fungus growth in your home, you may be wondering if you have mold coverage. The answer, unfortunately, is not so straightforward. As concerns about black mold have grown in recent years, many insurance providers have started including mold exclusions in their policies. These exclusions specifically state that mold remediation will not be covered. Other providers may include mold insurance, but place a cap on how much they are willing to pay for remediation services in Eason, OK. In most cases, however, it depends on the cause of the mold growth.

What Is Usually Covered

Many insurance policies will cover mold damage if it is a direct result of issues covered by the policy. For example, insurance usually covers burst water pipes, which may result in a mold problem. If you have coverage for your sump pump or a backed up sewer, then your policy may also cover fungus growth that results from these sudden, catastrophic events.

What Is Usually Not Covered

Unfortunately, mold is often a result of ongoing problems related to maintenance or landscaping and damage from these types of issues are usually not covered by insurance policies. If your mold problem is a result of the following, it is almost certainly not covered by your policy.

  • High humidity
  • Poor ventilation
  • Drainage problems
  • Leaky roofs and windows
  • Groundwater seepage
  • Leaking supply lines
  • Flooding

If you have specifically purchased flood insurance, you will need to check it for mold exclusions and caps. Your flood insurance provider may offer you the option of paying extra for mold damage coverage.

What To Do

The best thing you can do is perform regular maintenance and keep your home well-ventilated to avoid fungus growth in the first place. If you do develop a mold problem, you will need to read your policy carefully to see if you can get coverage for mold remediation services in Eason, OK. Discuss your options with an insurance claims adjuster or SERVPRO representative.

The First 3 Steps Toward Fire Recovery

10/18/2021 (Permalink)

The First 3 Steps Toward Fire Recovery

The process of recovering from a fire should start as soon as the flames are extinguished at a business or commercial building in Etowah, OK. Property owners should report the damage to a one-stop mitigation, cleaning, and fire restoration shop. Trained professionals will take the following measures to jumpstart fire damage recovery.

1. Document Damage
Building owners may have an immediate impulse to start cleaning up a property with fire damage. It is important to thoroughly document the condition of the structure and contents in photos and videos.
General commercial property insurance covers fire restoration. It is necessary to demonstrate the extent of damage and have an insurance adjuster visit the location to make a fire insurance claim.

2. Mitigate Damage
After documenting the condition of commercial property, measures can be taken to prevent primary or secondary damage from becoming more severe. Damaged walls or holes in roofing may permit animals, debris, precipitation or trespassers to enter a structure after a fire.
Mitigation may involve boarding up walls, tarping over roof damage or putting up security fencing to restrict access to the premises. If a fire was extinguished with hoses or sprinklers, it may be necessary to extract standing water. Mold spores may begin multiplying within 48 to 72 hours, and residual moisture also intensifies the corrosive and staining effects of soot and smoke.

3. Restrict Access
Anyone who enters the affected portion of a building between the moment a fire breaks out until cleanup is complete can intensify damage to surfaces or contents. In addition to soot cleaning and disinfection, content and smoke cleaning may be necessary prior to reopening.

Commercial property owners should hire trained specialists to mitigate, clean, and restore damage at a building in Etowah, OK. Experts can reduce risks of re-contamination, secondary damage, or other problems that may emerge if fire restoration work is not complete.

How To Know If Your Facility Has Mold

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

No commercial building in Norman, OK is completely immune from developing a mold problem. Mold can occur any time there is excess dampness or condensation inside a facility. If you’re unsure whether there is mold at your commercial property, an indoor environmental specialist can perform a mold test so you can try to catch it early.

A few questions to consider.

  1. Has there been any recent water damage? Moisture is the primary source of mold, so whether it’s a leaky roof or the effects of flooding, any kind of water inside your commercial facility can lead to mold growth. 
  2. Are the air ducts cleaned regularly? HVAC and other ventilation systems are commonly known to carry mold, so it’s important to find out when they were last cleaned. 
  3. Is there a strong odor in the building? Sometimes a musty smell means there is mold present. If your employees report an unpleasant odor, it could be the presence of black mold, which is often smelled before it is seen.

Mold can hide in many places indoors, such as under carpet, inside walls and paneling, and in piping and insulation. It has also been found behind wallpaper, but it’s important to be cautious about investigating it without an indoor environmental specialist present; once exposed, mold spores can spread easily. It only takes two to three days for mold to grow indoors. If you do suspect a mold outbreak at your commercial facility, stay away from suspected areas until experts can come and perform the necessary tests. 

If a mold breaks out but goes undetected for a long time, the more damage it can cause. That could disrupt your operations and impact you financially. If your building has suffered any water damage, watch for mold signs. The sooner it’s discovered, the sooner an indoor environmental specialist can come in to clean it up. 

Ready the Barricade and Secure the Adirondack: How to Prepare Your Home for a Flood

9/27/2021 (Permalink)

Drying equipment on floor. Being attentive to official warnings, protecting your belongings, and safeguarding your interests ensures that you are in the best possible position.

Despite popular belief, flooding does not always occur rapidly. Sure, flash floods happen, and you aren’t given months of advanced warning, but those who live in flood zones understand the potential risks and when they are most vulnerable, especially during the rainy season. The question most asked by those new to flood zone areas is how do you prepare and stay safe? While there are many answers to that question, one of the best is the three-pronged approach provided by FEMA.

1. Prepare To Evacuate

The first step in preparation is to make sure that you protect yourself. Pay attention to the public warnings and alert systems, and don’t think that you know better, just listen. Evacuate when you’re told to evacuate. If you don’t leave, you risk being trapped in floodwaters without the luxury of emergency services.

2. Protect Your Belongings

Before you evacuate, and before any significant flooding begins, you would be wise to secure and protect any of your valuable belongings. Protecting items is simple and can be done by elevating any critical mechanics and technology, waterproofing any personal items like photographs by putting them in sealed plastic bags, and clearing away or tying down any exterior furniture that may cause damage to your home during the flood.

3. Protect Your Interests

Beyond the short-term objectives of evacuating yourself and securing your belongings, if you live in a flood zone, you should have flood insurance to protect your home from flood damage over the long term. While not a typical element in most insurance plans, flood insurance can be beneficial and is often a requirement in high-risk flood zones.

While there are undoubtedly restoration specialists in the Norman, OK, area, it is ideal to limit any potential storm damage from flooding by taking the above precautions. Being attentive to official warnings, protecting your belongings, and safeguarding your interests ensures that you are in the best possible position when the storm comes, literally and figuratively.

Recurring Black Mold Means Concealed Problems

9/13/2021 (Permalink)

Mold growth inside wall. Black mold doesn’t have to have a hold on your home.

With your repeated efforts using any number of remedies, you may have once thought you were victorious over black mold. To your surprise, it has come back despite thorough cleaning. This may be symptomatic of a more serious infestation at your home in Norman, OK. This mold will continue to grow if you do not treat the core problems.

What Allows Mold to Grow Again

Mold continues to grow as long as it has sources of food and a wet environment. Your home is unavoidably going to have materials where black mold can thrive, so you cannot treat that. A problem you often can remedy, however, is the mold’s access to water. Water can be where it shouldn’t be and feed mold for a number of reasons, including:

• Humid weather and bad insulation
• Condensation from poor airflow regulation
• HVAC problems
• Flooded or wet rooms
• Leaking or broken pipes

By treating water damage, the mold will no longer have ideal conditions to centralize and spread its spores. These locations are often dark and out of sight, so the source of all your recurring mold problems may not be easily locatable.

What Can I Do to Stop Mold

You can help protect your residence with regular inspection and repair of pipes, attics, crawl spaces, sinks, and any HVAC system. By properly securing your home from water infiltration, you can stop the mold from having a place to ever begin.

Without commercial equipment and extensive knowledge for mold remediation, however, you may not be able to fix the problem by yourself. Fortunately, there are services offered by professional mold cleanup crews that can fully remove mold and any associated water problems. This includes mold hidden inside walls and other difficult places. These companies can remove every single spore from your residence to treat the problem instead of just control it.

Black mold doesn’t have to have a hold on your home. Without any spores left to spread, the seemingly never-ending mold growth will finally reach the end of its story.

How To Prevent the Most Common Business Losses From Water Damage

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

Drying equipment on floor. It’s important for any business owner to be aware that seemingly small problems such as damaged pipes can result in major water damage to businesses.

When managing a business in Norman, OK, it’s essential to be aware of the damage that can be created from water. Damaged pipes, flooding, and other forms of water damage can be incredibly detrimental to any business. Though every form of water damage cannot necessarily be prevented, you can better protect your business by being aware of the common causes of water damage.

Maintain Pipes

Over time, a business’s pipes can become more susceptible to damage. Changes in water pressure can cause damaged pipes to burst, which can cause structural damage to your building and can destroy products inside the building. Frequently inspecting your business’s pipes can help decrease the likelihood of your pipes becoming damaged.

Observe Invoices

Leaking pipes are often less noticeable because leaks can happen slowly over time, but leaking water can create unsafe environments as well, creating mold. By the time many people realize their business has leaking pipes, the damage has been done. However, if you know the average cost of your water bill and notice the cost creeping up, you are more likely to catch leaks when they begin.

Identify Environment

As you manage your business, be aware of areas that are susceptible to flooding. Different environments are more likely to have floods, and if you know your business is located in an area that has experienced flooding before, take preventative measurements to keep your business safe. Certain plants and types of grass can help to absorb excess water. Additionally, using sealants that don’t absorb water can mitigate the effects of flooding.

It’s important for any business owner to be aware that seemingly small problems such as damaged pipes can result in major water damage to businesses. Knowing common causes of water damage and working with a qualified company to fix issues when they occur can help your business stay afloat.

Fire Damage Cleanup In Norman

7/6/2021 (Permalink)

Kitchen cabinets damaged by fire Fire damage in a Norman, OK kitchen.

Fire Damage Cleanup In Norman

Once a fire has caused fire damage to your residential property in Norman, OK, you may find yourself wondering if your home will ever look as pristine and perfect as it once did. This concern is logical given that fires often leave burnt ceilings and walls as it leaves smoldering furniture with unsightly ash and soot. Although witnessing the negative impact that fire can have on your home can be disheartening, please realize that fire damage restoration of your property is close by. To make it happen, you need to call a certified, qualified fire damage contractor like SERVPRO. Learn more about how these professional contractors can help restore your property by reviewing this short outline.

Equipment and Expertise

There are numerous reasons that hiring fire damage restoration experts from SERVPRO can prove beneficial for your home after a fire damaging event. They have the licensing, equipment, training, and experience necessary to complete the job from start to finish while relieving you of the stress of orchestrating the repair of your home. Additionally, the educational background that these contractors possess, IICRC training, empowers them to ensure that your residential property passes the safety and building codes of your community. Our technicians understand that fires cause smoke to seep into your walls as well as other hard surfaces of the property. Unfortunately, this can result in your property smelling of smoke unless the issue is addressed. Our certified Fire and Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) treat your home in Oklahoma City expediently and thoroughly.  Our technicians utilize specialized equipment to eradicate unwanted smells and correctly remove soot buildups.

Additionally, our fire damage experts will make use of specific equipment and tools to eliminate water damage caused by the firefighters putting out the flames. Standing water can lead to mold growth that could bloom in 48-72 hours after the water intrusion. Our technicians can restore your property to its former state by replacing ceilings, walls, flooring, and other structural damage.

Ensuring Your Safety

Many fire damage experts will caution you about attempting a DIY project to start the cleanup process right after a fire. Your property may not be safe for reentry. Hidden dangers from damaged building materials, slippery standing water, and noxious fumes are several reasons for caution.

If your Norman, Ok home has been the victim of fire damage, consider the leader in the fire damage restoration industry. The SERVPRO  local crews can be at your home within one hour of your house fire to give you support and the highest degree of customer service.

Sooners Receive Fire Damage Restoration

6/24/2021 (Permalink)

Severe fire structure Fire damage in Hall Park, OK.

SERVPRO Technicians are Certified to Deal with Fires

Fire damage can be caused by unattended candles, cooking problems, as well as electrical and heating mishaps. But Sooners also understand that when damaging storms and tornadoes move through, sometimes a fire can occur. At times like these, homeowners and business owners need help immediately. A quick response helps to mitigate damages and helps to reduce costs.
If a Hall Park, OK fire damage has nearly devastated your building, our specialists are available to provide tarp service or to board up. We make it our goal to save as much of your valuable property as possible. Our aim is to restore rather than tear down. We provide water removal, smoke/soot/odor removal, drying out, cleaning, repairing and restoration to a preloss condition.
Our certified team of SERVPRO experts can help get your property back to a pre-fire condition. We understand the stressful and hazardous conditions that fire damage can cause. Our team members are compassionate technicians and consultants who care about our Oklahoma neighbors. We have advanced technology in our equipment and tools to help. We can deodorize, eliminate fire residues, remove mold/mildew. We also provide furniture clean-up, and we are prepared to repair and restore your valuable investments.
If the results of a fire are not treated quickly, then the smokey odors and the water can penetrate everything you own. When you call, we remain with you from the beginning after everyone has left and we stay with you until you receive a satisfactory ending.
When you need professional help in getting your property back to its original state, call SERVPRO of Norman. We are locally owned and operated. We are strategically located, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and an emergency phone call away. We are proud to serve the Oklahoma communities with our knowledge and expertise. Call us at (405) 292-0808 when emergency fire damage happens.

Tips for Dealing With Mold in Your Home

6/15/2021 (Permalink)

Wet drywall with mold growth Discovering black mold in your home is always a scary situation.

Mold in a home has many negative consequences. It is unpleasant to look at for starters. Black mold often has a somewhat slimy appearance and it can cover walls and ceilings with black and dark green splotches. It often puts forth a musty odor and degrades indoor air quality. Finally, mold will break down materials over time, requiring the expensive replacement of such items as drywall, carpeting, furniture and more. If you discover mold in your home in Mickiddyville, OK, a professional mold cleanup is usually required.

Looking for a Moisture Problem

All types of mold thrive on moisture or high humidity. Black mold tends to grow in warm, damp places. If mold is growing in your home, there likely has been some type of water damage. These events are among the most common sources of excess moisture in a home:

  • A roof leak
  • A leaking pipe
  • A flood
  • A broken appliance
  • A leaking toilet or shower

The first order of business is to stop the water leak or to dry out the moist area. Even if the mold is cleaned up, the growth will return if there is still too much moisture.

Dealing With Other Issues
If you discover mold in your home, you can help matters by taking a few precautions. Close off the room where mold is present. This will prevent any further spread. Close windows, turn off fans and shut down the HVAC system. Also, turn off any flowing water. As soon as possible, call for the services of a local mold remediation company. Highly-trained professionals will arrive quickly and take the necessary actions to remove mold from your home. They have seen it all before and will use their training and equipment to address the situation.
Discovering black mold in your home is always a scary situation. Just remember that help is never far away.

4 Things Property Managers Should Do To Prepare for Major Storms

5/18/2021 (Permalink)

How To Prepare For Major Storms

Hurricanes and tropical storms can bring devastating wind and rain to buildings and homes. As a property manager, you have a responsibility to protect your property and your residents. While these storms can cause a tremendous amount of damage in Lexington, OK, there are several steps you can take to mitigate losses and keep those around you safe. Having a storm preparedness plan can ensure you are well-equipped to handle these emergencies if they come your way.
Here are four things you should consider when handling a hurricane or storm.

1. Create a Plan
Prepare a document that outlines all emergency procedures for the property. This document should include the names of your staff members and all your residents, along with their contact information. In addition, you should keep an updated list of phone numbers for your local fire department, rescue squads, ambulance services, and police stations.

2. Train Your Staff
Ensure your property management team knows how to access the disaster preparedness document and train them thoroughly on all safety protocols, including how to seek shelter or mandatory evacuation procedures. Make sure your employees know how to locate and use fire extinguishers, first aid kits and other equipment.

3. Inspect Surrounding Areas
If the threat of a hurricane has been announced, perform a quick inspection of the grounds and remove any items that could pose a threat. Tie down and secure items that could get swept up in the wind and cause harm to your residents or damage the property.

4. Plan for Next Steps
Storm preparedness encompasses both pre-storm and post-storm activity. As soon the storm passes and it is safe to move about, inspect the property to identify any damages, risks, and mechanical failures. Communicate property updates to residents via phone, email, or text, and inform them of any concerns or threats. If necessary, call a commercial storm cleanup service to assist with restoring the property to safe conditions.
While you cannot control the path of a hurricane or storm, you can control how well you plan ahead. Storm preparedness can mitigate costly repairs, reduce damage, and keep your residents safe.

3 Categories of Water That Can Cause Damage to Your Home

3/12/2021 (Permalink)

Categories Of Water Damage

Any kind of water damage in your Etowah, OK, home is likely to cause you a fair amount of stress and frustration, but not all water damage is the same. Contaminated water can bring additional problems. Depending on the category of water involved, how it should be handled will vary. There are three different categories of water that you should be aware of.

1. Clean Water
The easiest type of water damage to remove is that caused by clean water which is also known as category 1. This is the water that will usually come from sources like faucets, pipes and supply lines. Like other categories of water, it should be removed as quickly as possible to prevent secondary damage like mold or rust, but it does not contain harmful contaminants.

2. Gray Water
Category 2 water is also called gray water and is moderately contaminated. Chemical contaminants may be present in this water. When appliances such as washing machines or dishwashers break, this is the category of water often involved. Flooded toilets that only contain urine will also fall under this category as well as clean water that has leaked through multiple levels of a building and picked up contaminants.

3. Black Water
Black, or category 3, water contains high amounts of contaminants. This can include sewage, waste, mold spores and bacteria. This water commonly comes from overflowing plumbing fixtures and flooding from storms. Category 1 or 2 water that is not cleaned quickly enough can also become category 3. Because it is highly contaminated water, it is best to have it removed by a professional water damage remediation company.
Although water of any type can damage your home, contaminated water often requires more cleanup and repairs. It is important that affected areas of the building as well as damaged belongings are thoroughly cleaned or replaced to prevent the spread of mold and bacteria. To ensure they are done correctly, these tasks should be performed by professionals.

What To Do When Your Basement Floods

2/23/2021 (Permalink)

A basement flood in Norman, OK, can be stressful. Building owners should know what to do when flooding occurs. You must remove the water, repair damage, prevent mold growth and file an insurance claim.


Flooding can happen for a number of reasons:

  • Rain
  • Melting snow or ice
  • Broken pipes
  • Overflow from appliances

If the flooding is not being caused by environmental factors, you should shut off the water source as quickly as possible to minimize damage.

Removing the Water
When your basement is flooded, you need to remove the water as quickly as possible. You should open doors and windows to allow air to circulate. For small amounts of water, you may be able to use towels to soak it up. For large amounts of water, you will likely need a pump or industrial vacuum. Always check that the electricity in the area is shut off before making contact with the water.

Repairing Damage and Preventing Mold Growth
Water can damage building materials, such as wood or drywall. It can also damage electrical wiring. A water damage restoration service in Norman, OK, should inspect the area and repair any damage. They will also make sure everything is fully dried and then clean the area with antibacterial sprays that prevent mold growth.

Filing an Insurance Claim
Familiarize yourself with your insurance coverage to be sure a basement flood is covered before an emergency occurs if possible. After the flood, make a list of belongings that were damaged and take photos of any damage for your insurance provider. Contact your agent as soon as possible to begin filing a claim.
If you experience a basement flood, you can minimize damage if you know what to do. Remove the water from the basement, repair damage, prevent mold growth and file an insurance claim as soon as possible. Before a flood occurs, make sure your insurance coverage includes flooded basements.

Common Plumbing Issues in Commercial Buildings

2/16/2021 (Permalink)

Whether you rent space or own a commercial building, you need to understand these common plumbing problems. Some, such as a blocked sewer, are relatively easy to deal with, while others, including broken pipes, require considerably more intervention. Here are some typical situations that you might face.

Foundation Shifts and Cracks

Over time, foundations shift and can crack. This can lead to a number of issues:

  • Incoming and outgoing pipe breaks
  • Outgoing sewage line breaks
  • Flooding
  • Wall and floor damage

Although all of these are fixable, you can only do it at considerable expense. In some cases, your business insurance might cover these. You will have to check your policy.

Blocked Sewer Lines
Many things can obstruct the sewer lines. Everything from flushing the wrong item down the toilet to a piece of concrete falling into an outgoing line at the street level can contribute to this problem. No matter what precipitates it, you need to quickly take care of it because a blocked line can cause many other issues, including toilet overflow.

Broken Pipes
Like a sewer blockage, broken pipes can be disastrous for a business. A blockage may even cause a pipe to burst. When a pipe breaks, it can cause flooding problems. In the case of severely damaged pipes or flooding, you need to call a water remediation company in Spring Hill, OK. These specialists can quickly and effectively clean your business before the water causes other issues such as mold and mildew.

Deteriorating Lines
Depending on the building's age, you might have copper, concrete, or even steel and cast iron lines. All of these are subject to deterioration. As pipes decay, they can seep or leak, causing mold, mildew, and other serious problems. Periodic inspection of these lines is necessary to keep them functioning properly.
Take care of a blocked sewer or broken plumbing problems immediately since they can ruin your business and building. Although you can't always prevent them, staying alert can help get these difficulties fixed before they interrupt your normal operations.

Everything You Need to Know About Mold Contamination

2/2/2021 (Permalink)

Mold Quarantine If mold containment feels too daunting to tackle on your own, not to worry — SERVPRO is Faster to Any Size Disaster

The last thing you want to do after dealing with water damage, whether from a broken pipe, a flood, or any number of other causes, is turn around to find yourself with a mold problem. In the event that you do find mold growth in your business' building, however, it is important to know how to properly contain it so that its spread is slowed while you wait for your local Noble, OK, mold cleanup professionals to arrive. It can grow on almost any type of surface, including, but not limited to:

  • wood
  • drywall
  • carpeting
  • linoleum
  • plaster

How Mold Spreads

Mold growths appear when mold spores, which are the fungus equivalent of plants' seeds, land on a hospitable surface of almost any kind. The spores prefer a moist, dark environment, and once they take hold, they can begin to spread at incredible speeds. As soon as 24-48 hours after water damage has occurred, mold contamination will likely begin to take over the affected area.

Why Mold Containment Matters
Because mold is so fast to grow, and because it is able to spread onto almost any moist surface, it is a good idea to take steps to contain your mold growth while you wait for professional mold cleanup help to arrive. Otherwise, the mold spores will jump from one surface to another until large swaths of your building are contaminated, whereas taking proper action such as installing a HEPA Filtered Negative Air machine can nip the problem in the bud. A HEPA filter is a powerful machine that sucks in all the surrounding air and pulls particles like spores out before releasing the air back into the room, thereby reducing the risk of mold spores floating onto a new surface.
If mold containment feels too daunting to tackle on your own, not to worry — SERVPRO is Faster to Any Size Disaster and will guide you through the mold cleanup process from start to finish.

5 Reasons You Need a Fence Around Your Business

1/19/2021 (Permalink)

Here Are the Top Reasons to Install a Security Fence Around Your Business

Many business owners wonder why a fence around their building is a necessity. Fencing is a great option for keeping people out of burned-out buildings that need remediation, preventing encroachment, and improving your business's market value.

1. Security
The most important reason to install a fence is added security. Fences can protect your expensive equipment and employees. This is important with the amount of crime that takes place in Corbett, OK. Installing a fence is a simple proactive measure that can prevent your business from being targeted by these criminals. That's because a fence is a deterrent for burglars.

2. Property Lines
Installing a fence can help clearly mark your property lines. Property lines can become a big problem for businesses that encroach on each other. Install a fence to prevent encroaching.

3. Privacy
Privacy is one of the most common reasons business owners install a fence. This can offer you a barrier from the rest of the world, so you don't have to worry about people watching you while you work. High fences are the best for offering privacy.

4. Aesthetics
A security fence can actually make your business more appealing. Some materials can offer a visually appealing fence, which can increase your building's market value. If your fence is planned perfectly, you won't have to worry about sacrificing security for looks. Just remember to choose the materials that work best for your building. Look for something that matches but is still durable.

5. Market Value
A high-quality functional fence will increase your business' value. If you decide to sell that site, you will get more because of the security, privacy, and appealing looks.
These are some of the many reasons you should install a security fence around your business. The most compelling reasons include adding security, preventing encroachment, and improving your building's value.

3 Ways To Prevent Sewage Backup in Your Home

1/19/2021 (Permalink)

Sewage water coming out a bathtub A sewer backup in your home can be a frustrating and expensive problem to deal with

Tips That Can Help You Prevent Sewage Backup in Your Home

A sewer backup in your home can be caused by flooding, clogs, or other problems with your sewer system. Raw sewage in your home can create an unpleasant cleanup situation, damage your property, and expose your family to contaminants. These three tips can help prevent sewage backup in your home.

1. Keep Your Sewer Lateral Maintained
The pipeline that connects your home to the city's sewer main is called a sewer lateral. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining this pipeline. A pipeline that is not properly maintained can crack, wear out, or become filled with tree roots. Damage to your lateral mainline can lead to sewage backup in your home.

2. Dispose of Waste Properly
One of the main causes of a sewer backup is the improper disposal of waste products. Pouring cooking oil or grease into a toilet or sink drain can create clogs in your pipes that could cause a bathtub backup or other sewage problem. This happens because grease and oils solidify as they cool, creating blockages that prevent water from flowing through the pipes. Similarly, paper towels, diapers, and feminine hygiene products can clog up sewer lines. Dispose of these items in the trash, rather than flushing them down your toilet.

3. Install a Backflow Valve
Installing a backflow valve on the sewer line in your basement allows sewerage to flow out of your property, but not into it. You should not rely on a backflow valve to completely prevent backup issues, but when used in conjunction with other prevention methods, it can greatly reduce the issue. However, if you do experience a sewage problem in your home, contact a sewage cleaning company in Noble, OK, to address the issue promptly.
A sewer backup in your home can be a frustrating and expensive problem to deal with. Fortunately, these three tips can help you prevent this problem from occurring in your home.

How To File a Homeowner's Claim for Water Damage

1/14/2021 (Permalink)

How To File a Homeowner's Claim for Water Damage

If your home in Mickiddyville, OK, suffers serious water damage, you will want to file an insurance claim. Your homeowner's policy will spell out what damages and expenses are covered, and it will provide some information on how to file a claim. Don't worry if you are unfamiliar with the process. You will get help along the way. Knowing a few things ahead of time, though, will make things go more smoothly and could even result in you getting reimbursed in a more timely manner. If you have a flood of water in your home, you will be dealing with several issues all at once.

Speak With Your Insurance Professional

One of your first calls should go to your insurance agent. This will give you vital information such as whether you are covered and what you have to pay for a deductible. You should also ask how long you have to file an insurance claim. You may be required to take some or all of the following measures:

  • Fill out some paperwork
  • Allow an adjuster to inspect the damage
  • Identify areas of damage
  • Document damage with photos or notes
  • Locate receipts of damaged items

Don't be afraid to ask questions. Whether the water damage is caused by a pipe burst or a sewage backup, the entire process can seem overwhelming at times.

Obtain Additional Help
Few people recover from a major water issue without a lot of assistance. A qualified water mitigation team will come to your home and remove standing water and repair water damage. A crew of highly-trained workers will inspect and assess the property and then go to work to remedy any problems. The right company can also help you streamline your insurance claim. Representatives experienced in insurance issues will document restoration expenses and send these materials directly to your insurance company. This will speed up the process and make sure you get reimbursed for all damages and expenses.

When the Dreaded Sewer Backup Happens

12/23/2020 (Permalink)

Here's What To Do If It Happens To You

If there’s anything that can fill you with dread, it’s discovering you have a sewage issue in one of your commercial properties. There is never a convenient time for it to happen, and you are probably not equipped to handle much more than a common toilet backup. Fortunately, there are experts in sewer clean up out there, and they’re only a phone call away.

1. Protect Yourself and Turn Off the Water.
If it is a matter of a simple flooded toilet, all you probably need are some rubber gloves and shoe protection to get in there and turn the toilet valve off. A major sewer backup, on the other hand, is a much more serious situation. Depending on the extent of the problem, gloves, plastic booties, goggles and a face mask are in order. Make your way to the main water valve and turn it off.

2. Contact a Sewer Cleanup Specialist in Slaughterville, OK
Most companies in this field are on call 24 hours a day, every day of the year. This is an emergency situation, so don’t delay in reaching out. The sooner you call, the less likely it is that there will be residual damage after it’s cleaned up.
Following the initial cleanup, certified water damage technicians will decontaminate the premises using EPA-approved, hospital-grade cleaners to remove all pathogens, in accordance with CDC guidelines. They're also trained in identifying and removing all odors, so there's no need to worry you’ll be living with the aftermath for weeks to come.

3. Call Your Insurance Company.
This is where it gets a little tricky. Some insurance policies cover sewer issues, but many do not. Luckily, you can buy a separate insurance rider that will protect you if it happens again; so, if you haven’t already purchased one, now’s the time to do it.
At one time or another, you will probably experience an event that requires sewer cleanup. Hopefully, it will be a minor inconvenience, but even if it's a total disaster, there's no need to panic. There are qualified professionals in Norman, Ok, on-call and ready to help.

4 Reasons Mold Keeps Coming Back

11/24/2020 (Permalink)

Mold contamination on a wall Mold damage in Eason, OK

4 Reasons Mold Keeps Coming Back

Black mold is an extremely tenacious organism; it always seems to rear its ugly head again right when you start to believe that you've gotten rid of it for good. You've exhausted all of your treatment options, yet the mold just won't give up. Before you head back in to defend your Eason, OK, home, make sure you're not guilty of the following common mistakes.

1. You Didn't Replace Your Water Damaged Possessions.
Feeling sentimental about your possessions is understandable and it can be difficult to get rid of your favorite items after they've fallen victim to mold damage. You might think that your favorite rug is clean after mold remediation, but there's probably still spores hiding in the material. As tough as it is, you're better off just replacing your items.

2. You Didn't Ventilate Your Home Properly During Remediation.
Any type of moisture can attract black mold, including moisture in the air. Next time you head in to tackle the problem, make sure you open your windows and doors to let the moisture escape. It's also a good idea to invest in some floor fans to aid with air circulation or a dehumidifier.

3. You Didn't Remediate the Initial Water Damage.
If your mold problem is a result of water damage, then you have to make sure you resolve the initial damage before you engage in mold cleanup. Make sure to completely clear out and dry any standing water, as well as identify and fix the source of the damage.

4. You Didn't Use the Correct Cleaning Products.
It's natural to immediately reach for the bleach when you discover a mold issue. Unfortunately, bleach doesn't actually kill mold; it only changes the color so you can no longer see it. Instead, try mixing your own non-toxic cleaning solution using equal parts white vinegar and water.
Don't allow black mold to take up continued residence in your home. Contact mold remediation experts for assistance dealing with any persistent mold issues.

3 Tips for Identifying a Bathtub Leak

11/23/2020 (Permalink)

3 Tips for Identifying a Bathtub Leak

Does your home in Norman, Ok, have a bathtub leak with no identifiable source? Water damage is a serious issue that cannot go unaddressed.

1. Check the Shower Pan
The shower pan is the floor of your shower, and it is where some of the more common leaks can occur. If you have water dripping into your basement, you should check for a shower pan leak. To do this, cover your drain with several layers of duct tape, and be sure that it is watertight. Then, fill the bathtub with about two inches of water. Be sure to fill it with a bucket from the sink, not from the tap, as the faucet may also be the cause of the leak. Here, you are testing only the shower pan. Wait from five to eight hours and check around and under your tub for leaks.

2. Check the Faucet
Faucet leaks may seem obvious to identify, but dripping water can occur in other places than only the spout. A bathtub leak can also occur around the base of the faucet or even under the fixture. Begin by drying all the water around the faucet base, then, turn on the faucet all the way. After a while, if it is a surface leak, water may begin to build around the base of the faucet. If this is not the issue, you can next check for a leak under the sink. After drying everything once again, check the water supply lines to the faucet and the drain pipes below.

3. Other Plumbing and Professionals
After checking for a leak both in the shower pan and from the faucet and neither appear to be the issue, the source may well be another pipe that is not related to the bathtub at all. There is lots of plumbing in the bathroom, and only a professional can quickly identify and repair any leaks.
A bathtub leak can come from many sources, some easier to identify than others. However, all can be handled by an informed homeowner and a licensed professional.

Flood Insurance: 3 Things All Renters Should Understand

11/13/2020 (Permalink)

If you rent property, you likely understand the importance of insurance coverage. Renter's insurance covers damage to your belongings in most situations, but most renter’s policies don’t cover flood damage. If the property is within a designated flood zone, the property owner likely has a flood policy, but that policy won’t help with any of your expenses. Read on for three things you should understand about flood insurance.

Understand the Definition of “Flood”

If the supply line to your toilet breaks and your bathroom floor is covered in an inch of water, you might say that the pipe break “flooded” the bathroom. In insurance lingo, however, this would be considered “water damage.” The word “flood,” in the context of property insurance, refers to damage caused by a storm surge, heavy rain, storm-level winds, or rising water. Most renter's insurance specifically excludes coverage for flood damage.

Understand Your Risk
FEMA has determined the probable flood risk for nearly every part of the U.S. and created maps of the designated flood zones. You can check Hall Park, OK’s flood zone designation on FEMA’s website. Keep in mind, however, that roughly 33% of all flood claims occur in low-risk zones.

Understand the Consequences
In the event of a flood, flood insurance will cover the cost to replace damaged personal property, as well as the cost of temporary housing and other living expenses if you must relocate while the rental property is being repaired. Since flood-damaged property requires specific flood remediation procedures to be habitable, you will likely need to vacate the property at some point. Without flood insurance, you could end up having to replace any damaged belongings yourself, in addition to covering your housing costs until the rental property is restored.
If you rent in an area that’s storm-prone or is within a federal flood zone, it’s worthwhile to consider supplementing your renter's insurance with a flood insurance policy. These policies are typically inexpensive, and well worth the investment if a flood should occur.

5 Essential Elements of a Business Contingency Plan

11/2/2020 (Permalink)

Five Key Elements That Should Be Included

A lot goes into ensuring your Etowah, OK, business is successful and thriving. Along with focusing on the crucial elements of daily operations, owners should also plan for the what-ifs. Establishing a contingency plan is a vital element to ensure the safety of everyone on the premises, as well as safeguard the business for an unexpected disaster. While every plan should be developed on an individual basis, below are five key elements that should be included.

1. Account for Everyone
When developing an evacuation plan, the requirements of all employees, customers and emergency responders should be taken into account. That may include considering if any person may require additional assistance due to a disability and how easily will be for responders to access the building.

2. Define Roles
An unexpected event can quickly turn into a chaotic scene. Designating a chain of command is essential to ensuring the situation stays as calm as possible. Specific people should be given specific tasks that they will be responsible for during an emergency. This will reduce confusion and speed up the evacuation process.

3. Training
A contingency plan only works if employees know what to do. Any new employee should be trained on the plan, and training should be conducted throughout the year to ensure everyone remembers what to do. It is also recommended to have occasional drills to see the plan in action and make any necessary tweaks.

4. Data Protection
Protecting people is always the top priority. In this day and age, data may be the second most important thing to protect. If an evacuation becomes necessary, it is often detrimental that a business still be able to access vital information needed for continuity.

5. Include Post-Disaster Plans
Along with ensuring people know what to do during a disaster, it’s also important to know what to expect afterward. Establish protocols to assist employees and the business during recovery.
A contingency plan is an essential component of any successful business. It helps ensure everyone’s safety and establishes protocols for unexpected downtime while a fire and water damage restoration specialist makes repairs.

Top 5 Hidden Places You Aren't Thinking to Check for Mold

10/22/2020 (Permalink)

Five Places To Check In Your Home For Mold

There are plenty of obvious places in your home to check for mold growth. Many homeowners spend time thoroughly searching their basements, bathrooms and kitchens for mold, yet neglect some of the more hidden areas in their homes. Read on to find out which 5 places you're neglecting to check in your home in Noble, OK.

1. Your Washing Machine
It's natural to assume that your washing machine is self-cleaning, especially with all that soap and water tumbling around in it all day. Neglecting to properly dry your washing machine can lead to moisture buildup that attracts mold.

2. Your Drywall
You might find ugly patches of black mold appearing on the walls or ceilings. Moldy drywall can occur in any room that sees excessive moisture.

3. Your Window Sills
When the humidity levels in your home are too high, it can cause excessive condensation to form on your window sills. This moisture is what causes the mold on wood. It's important to regularly check window sills, as mold that originates here can quickly spread to other areas of your house.

4. Your Carpets
Mold typically grows underneath your carpets. Any liquid-related spills or accidents can cause moisture to become trapped in the carpeting, permeating the areas underneath and inviting mold growth. Before you tear up the carpet to check, you might try smelling it or feeling it to see if it appears damp or musty.

5. Your House Plants
House plants are common culprits, especially when you tend to over water them. The excess of standing water in the soil creates the perfect environment for a fungal breeding ground.
Don't limit your routine mold inspections by only searching major problem areas in your home. Take the extra time to inspect the hidden locations listed above. Mold growth can occur when and where you least expect it, and you want to make sure you stay on top of it. Contact mold remediation experts for assistance dealing with any mold issues you may have.

Fixing a Leaky Ceramic-Disk Faucet

10/22/2020 (Permalink)

Follow These Steps If You Are Dealing With A Leaking Ceramic-Disk Faucet

A leaking faucet may be easy to ignore, but did you know that avoiding the problem is actually costing you hundreds of dollars in wasted water every month? The majority of leaky faucet problems are also relatively easy to fix by yourself. Follow the steps below if your home in Spring Hill, OK, has a leaking ceramic-disk faucet.

1. Shut Off the Faucet's Water and Plug the Drain.
Look underneath the sink to find the handle or set of handles on the piping. Use these to turn off the water to the leaking faucet. Next, plug the drain. You're going to be working with a lot of tiny parts and the last thing you want to do is drop any of them down the drain.

2. Remove the Handle and the Escutcheon Cap.
Unscrew the handle to remove it. The escutcheon cap is that little metal bit that sits directly below the handle. Remove this as well.

3. Remove and Clean the Disk Cylinder.
Unscrew the disk cylinder to remove it. You should see several neoprene seals on its underside. Pry these seals out and fully immerse them in a glass or bowl of white vinegar. Leave to soak for several hours. After they're clean, you'll be able to see whether or not they need to be replaced.

4. Replace the Seals, If You Need to.
After you're done cleaning the seals, inspect them to see whether they appear worn out. If you need to replace them, bring the old seals to the hardware store to use as a reference.

5. Reassemble the Sink and Slowly Turn the Water Back On.
Work backwards from the above steps to reassemble your ceramic-disk faucet. Make sure you turn the water back on very slowly, as too much force can crack the ceramic disk. Now you have a fixed leak.
Don't let a leaking faucet add hundreds of dollars to your monthly water bill, especially when the home remedy is so easy to perform. If the above steps didn't help, double check to make sure your dripping faucet actually is a ceramic-disk model. Contact flood remediation experts for additional assistance, if need be.

SERVPRO Works in a Warehouse's Favor in Lexington

9/23/2020 (Permalink)

Quick Response Can Greatly Benefit the Outcome After Water Damage Has Occurred

When a warehouse or agricultural business has been flooded or taken significant water damage, safety, speed, and thoroughness in restorations are all factors that cannot be compromised. SERVPRO carries the technology, tools, and personnel to handle these complex and often large-scale disasters quickly and cost-effectively, without ever sacrificing on quality and transparency. If your warehouse has taken on substantial water damage, rest assured that we are up to the task of handling the damages.
Fast and Heavy Water Removal
Many Lexington commercial warehouse water damage cases occur in food and agricultural buildings, making water removal a big and demanding job when it is required. SERVPRO stocks the sort of heavy-duty equipment needed to pump out water in high volumes, and to dry the area completely once standing water has been removed. In buildings with large floor spaces or underground levels, we often bring in multiple truck-mounted pumps to get water out within hours. Once that is complete, our fleet of air movers and dehumidifiers moves in to finish the drying process.
Safety Precautions and Preventative Measures
Many warehouses contain perishable or hazardous materials, requiring specialized care to handle and dry. We have a broad range of certifications to our name, enabling us to tackle even the most unique and potentially dangerous floods and water damages. We also work closely with you and insurance companies to make sure that any particular safety requirements for the building are fulfilled to their fullest extent during restorations.
Fast Response Times and Intensive Service
A common problem that plagues damaged buildings is a lack of commitment from the restoration company. Some companies will delay their response times either out of incompetence or to directly increase damages and costs for you. We employ a strategy of fast responses and mitigation to drive down costs and get your warehouse back in operation in as little time as possible.

Tips for Salvaging Electronics After a Fire

9/23/2020 (Permalink)

Fire Cleanup Process

Your home in Corbett, OK, probably has several electronic devices that make life easier and more enjoyable. If your home catches fire, however, these devices need professional cleaning before you can use them again. Here are some things you can expect from fire restoration experts during the fire cleanup process.

Just because a device looks fine on the surface, that doesn't mean it's safe to use. Technicians will probably want to complete a thorough inspection of all the electronic equipment in your home:

  • Computers
  • Televisions
  • DVD players
  • Gaming systems

Device inspection involves more than just looking at the surface of the machine. They may have to open up the device and look for signs of smoke damage to the wires and other sensitive components. Smoke is highly corrosive and can cause a device to short or stop working altogether. Waiting for the device to be approved by technicians before you turn it on again may mean the difference between saving it and having to replace it.

Fire cleanup for electronics is a delicate process that should only be handled by certified professionals. They have to do more than just wipe down the surface. Every molecule of smoke residue must be removed gently. This ensures that your device is cleaned without causing further damage. An air compressor may be used to blow out large smoke or soot particles. Ultrasonic technology can remove smaller particles without damaging the fragile inner components of the machine. Once the process is complete, technicians can test the equipment to make sure it is working properly.
You should never use electronic equipment that has been in or near a house fire until you have the green light from the fire cleanup company to do so. That doesn't automatically mean you need to throw them out, though. Always have your equipment inspected and cleaned by knowledgeable, experienced experts.

Can Mold Odor Spread An Infestation?

9/1/2020 (Permalink)

Find Out More About Spores And Mycotoxin

Mold odor is often one of the first indications of a mold infestation at a commercial property in Slaughterville, OK. The smell of mold is a symptom of the problem, but does contribute toward the spread of colonies alone. Mold smells are also unrelated to the presence of toxins in some species. Find out more about the microbial volatile organic compounds responsible for the musty odor of mold as well as spores and mycotoxin.

mVOCs Emit Odors
Microbial volatile organic compounds are the source of the characteristic smell of mold. More than twenty off-gases are produced through the metabolic process of fungi, including the following substances:

  • Alcohols
  • Esters
  • Ethers
  • Ketones

Spores and toxins are not associated with the odor of mold. Only spores can spread and most mold is caused by airborne spores.

Spores Spread Mold
Mold is present everywhere, but does not settle down and start growing unless sources of moisture and nutrition are available. Water introduced by property damage such as a broken pipe or leaking roof and building materials consisting of cellulose or other organic materials are ideal for supporting mold growth. Mold remediation involves the removal of colonies of mold and the filtration of spores, mVOCs and other byproducts of fungus out of the air.

Mycotoxin May Be Present
Some species of mold including stachybotrys chartarum or black mold are known to contain toxins. While mold odor and spores may affect sensitive individuals, toxins have the potential to affect all of the regular or occasional occupants of a building.
If you smell mold inside a building in Slaughterville, OK, the next step is to determine the location and extent of the infestation. An indoor environmental specialist may need to take interior air samples, swab surfaces or test contents. Professional sample gathering and lab testing are necessary to identify mold species and determine whether mycotoxin is present.

Defining Business Interruption Insurance and How to Make a Claim

9/1/2020 (Permalink)

Say your office in Lexington, OK, experiences a structural disaster. Either an electrical fire or flooding caused by faulty plumbing causes severe damage. Work comes screeching to a halt while a restoration professional toils to return the situation to normal. The resulting revenue loss can be debilitating, but business interruption insurance is designed to alleviate the financial binds caused by these sorts of crises.

What Does Business Interruption Insurance Cover?

In the event you must make such a claim, this type of insurance will reimburse for normal operating expenses, such as:

  • Employee wages
  • Loans
  • Mortgages and leases
  • Taxes

You can also expect fast funding for necessary repairs, such as replacing a broken pipe or temporary boarding of burned-out walls. Note that you are not protected for broken items, utilities or income not already listed within your records. Losses caused by natural flooding, earthquakes or pandemics must be handled through other insurance options.

How Are Business Interruption Claims Processed?
In order for your claim to be approved, you must have a thorough investigation conducted. Your claims adjuster will be able to explain the process, so meet within a few days of the loss. Because insurance companies will closely examine your accident zone, you need to gather as much documentation as possible. If you sustain large water damage, for instance, save every piece of waterlogged equipment, take dated pictures of the inundated area and gather receipts for requisite projects like ripping out soaked carpets or conducting mold inspections.
Your claims adjuster will determine the specific amount you are owed. In certain cases, an outside accountant with investigative skills on top of the relevant financial abilities will be utilized. Consider employing your own to double-check the insurance company specialist’s calculations.
Business interruption insurance protects companies from financial binds when calamities such as flooding, fire or other unforeseen circumstances strike. To protect yours, purchase a fitting policy and then review the filing procedure ahead of an income-halting incident.

Commercial Flooding: Understanding Water Toxicity

9/1/2020 (Permalink)

Three Levels Of Water Toxicity

When water infiltrates your commercial building, it can cause significant damage to your structure and property. If your Mickiddyville, OK, business has been damaged due to flooding or other water-related problem, you may be interested in the three levels of water toxicity.

Category 1
This low-level of contamination is also known as clean water. Water from supply-side sources or stormwater that has not contacted the ground result in Category 1 contamination. Examples of this include:

  • Leaking water heater
  • Broken supply line from an ice maker or water filter
  • Snowmelt leaking through a damaged roof
  • Broken supply-side water pipe

Generally, damage from Category 1 water will be covered by your conventional business insurance, as long as none of the damage involved flooding.

Category 2
This moderate level of contamination, called greywater, comes from water that has been used by a consumer or appliance. It contains small amounts of detergents, food particles, grease and dirt. If your dishwasher or washing machine has leaked, you probably have Category 2 damage. Professional cleanup services are recommended, and your business insurance will likely reimburse you for a portion of it.

Category 3
Known as black water, this highly toxic water can cause serious damage and be difficult to clean up. If a sewer line back-up or a flood caused your water damage, you are dealing with Category 3 toxicity. When flooding occurs, the water can pick up physical hazards, chemicals and sewage. It is important to hire a professional remediation service to safely perform the cleanup and remediation for your building.
If a flood was the cause of your property damage, your conventional insurance will not cover the damage. You would need to have a separate flood insurance policy. Your agent can give you more information.
When your building takes on water, it can be stressful and costly to clean up the damage. Whether you have major flood damage or a small leak, it’s important to determine the contamination level of the water. Then you will know how to proceed with returning your business and your peace of mind to normalcy once again.

Tips to Reduce Maintenance Costs

8/12/2020 (Permalink)

Measures You Can Take Ahead Of Time To Reduce Your Home's Maintenance Cost

While maintenance is an inevitable part of facility management, the costs attached can sometimes be overwhelming. Everything may seem fine in your home and then all of a sudden you need to replace your HVAC unit and hire storm restoration professionals. Because of this, you find yourself spending more than you planned on home maintenance. Once you have a problem like this, the only thing you can do is find a solution. However, there are measures you can take ahead of time to reduce your home's maintenance cost.

1. Use Preventative Maintenance
There are often two different types of maintenance strategies in use: reactive and preventative. Reactive maintenance involves fixing things when they break. Preventative maintenance revolves around checking things periodically and fixing them before they break. The most common approach used by homeowners is a reactive strategy. This is because this strategy appears cheaper. However, it is only cheaper when things are running smoothly, which is not always going to be the case. Therefore, preventative maintenance strategies are becoming more popular. This is because taking a proactive approach to maintaining your home will help you save money in the long run. To apply this strategy to your home, remember to have regular checks performed on all of your appliances while keeping tabs on everything within your home in Hall Park, OK.

2. Update Your Lighting
If you use your lights a lot, you may spend a lot of time changing bulbs. While this doesn't seem like a problem, these bulbs can add up. Furthermore, the time you spend shopping for and changing bulbs can add up. One solution which can help you reduce your maintenance cost includes investing in LED lighting. LED bulbs last significantly longer and put out the same amount of light as an incandescent bulb. Although these bulbs cost more upfront, they will pay for themselves in the long run by reducing the amount of energy you use and lasting longer.
The best ways to reduce the maintenance cost in your home are often simple fixes. Try using preventative maintenance to avoid any major breakdowns and try updating your lighting for increased energy efficiency and longer-lasting bulbs.

3 Steps To Take if Mold is Found in Your Home

7/28/2020 (Permalink)

Mold infestation along a wall in a house Mold damage in a Eason, OK home

A Few Things You Can Do If You Suspect You Have Mold In Your Home

When you think there may be mold, especially black mold, in your Eason, OK, home, it’s important to take care of it as quickly as possible. Left unattended, this fungus can cause long-term damage to the property. To help protect your home, here are a few things you should do if you suspect mold is present.

1. Call a Professional

One of the first steps for removing mold from the home is to contact a local mold remediation service. These professionals have the ability to test for the presence of mold and safely remove it while preventing further spread. They can also determine if a moisture problem has contributed to the mold’s growth and fix that and any related damages as well.

2. Contain the Affected Area

If not treated, mold can turn into black mold, which may be a bigger problem. To ensure they get all the mold out of your home without running this risk, your remediation team will contain the area. This often includes blocking off the space with plastic sheeting and using ventilation to control the airflow and prevent spores from traveling elsewhere in the house during cleaning.

3. Prepare for Lots of Cleaning

The next step of a mold cleanup usually involves lots of cleaning. Your restoration team can remove the visible spores and then use special souls, liquid detergents, and powders to sanitize the area. They should even be able to restore most damaged personal items, including furniture, books, knickknacks, and clothing. Once clean, these items can be removed to storage to stay safe until the repairs and cleaning of the space are complete.

If you believe any mold, including black mold, is present in your home, it’s important to contact professionals as quickly as possible. They can help contain the area to prevent further spreading and then ensure that everything is cleaned, including damaged personal items. If you have any questions, your restoration team can help.

What Are Safe Alternatives for Candles?

6/27/2020 (Permalink)

Candles are a common but dangerous household item. According to Alder Home Security, candles are the fourth leading cause of house fires. The National Fire Protection Associationreported that there is a report of a candle fire 24 times per day, with about one-third of them beginning in bedrooms. And, around the December holidays, be especially aware if a candle is lit - fires caused by candles spike during the winter season. To safely scent your home in Norman, OK check out the following three candle alternatives. 

Candle Alternatives

  1.  Flameless Candles

Battery-operated flameless candles are a great option for areas of your home that are often vacant, such as hallways, guest rooms and bathrooms. They are often made with scented wax to smell like an authentic candle and flicker as if they were lit with a real flame. Leaving candles unattended or forgetting to blow them out are two of the reasons for 85 percent of fires, according to the National Candle Association, and flame-free candles can be a preventative measure. 

  1. Luminaries

If you’re looking for an option that looks different than a traditional candle, picking up a flameless luminary is a way to go. It’s made up of a decorated shade, and some brands allow you to choose between different scents. As an added bonus, some types shut off after four hours so you don’t have to remember to turn them off. 

  1. Candle Warmers

For those who enjoy the look and smell of an authentic candle, candle warmers make great lit candle alternatives. The lamp heats the wax from the candle by warming the top to release its scent. The lamps come in multiple designs and can hold most 22-ounce candles. You may be able to purchase scented candles with or without a wick, or you can heat your own. 

Candle alternatives are excellent additions to homes to prevent candle-related fires. These options can still provide the look, smell and cozy atmospheres in Norman, OK that traditional candles provide – without the risk.

Know What Water Impacted Your Business

6/11/2020 (Permalink)

Know What Water Impacted Your Business

Contaminated water is a problem for business owners and their adjusters. Not only do these situations pose a physical dilemma, but the increase in microorganisms deems the location a hazard. But was the flooding clean or dirty? Without proper assessment, it's hard to know. A restoration without diagnosis could be completed improperly, allowing further growth and destruction. Thus, to ensure the safety of customers and employees, as well as proper cleaning, proprietors and their agents should rely on a reputable water restoration company in Norman, Ok, to diagnose and guide the remediation efforts.

1. Category 3
Of up most concern is flooding from outside sources and breaks in the building's sewage lines. These origins bring black water, liquid that is highly contaminated with microbes, into your establishment, filling porous materials with mold spores and bacteria. The longer this sits, the more difficult it becomes to clean. In fact, common household cleaners such as bleach may remove external staining; however, they do no absorb deep, leaving behind infestation. A preferred vendor such as SERVPRO understands what to extract such as waterlogged drywall, carpeting, and valuables, reducing the count.

2. Category 2
When the lines to a dishwasher, washing machine or refrigerator break, contaminated water does enter the area. Bacteria is still possibly present, making this a situation that should be handled with care. In addition, a toilet overflow, not from a sewage break, may also fall into this section, especially if feces or urine was present. A thorough inspection would dictate what should be sanitized and dried.

3. Category 1
This section involves a clean supply line leak or bust. While spores are not a concern, if not attended to promptly, this could lead to saturated belongings, structural concerns, and mold growth. The premises need to be dried out, and, the teams can use sophisticated equipment such as gamma irradiation and vacuum freeze-drying to salvage important documents and photos.
Be cognizant of whether your place has been hurt by contaminated water. If it has, work to ensure appropriate, immediate cleaning occurs.

How Can I Clear a Stubborn Clog?

5/27/2020 (Permalink)

Types Of Cleaners

Sometimes the reason for a clogged drain is a mystery. The use of any drain cleaner should be a last resort after failed attempts at manual approaches such as plunging. If you must use chemicals, determine the type and seriousness of the clog. Then, choose one of the following types of cleaners:

1. Enzymatic
Enzymatic drain cleaners contain bacteria that produce clog-feeding enzymes. They’re intended to clear and prevent soft clogs (e.g., paper or hair) and may take up to 24 hours. These cleaners definitely won’t clear a solid clog (e.g., grease). However, they are harmless to all pipes. You’re also safe to use them without protective gear.

2. Caustic
Caustic drain cleaners use alkaline chemicals to transform a clog into a material that’s dissolvable in water, making it easy to wash the contents down the drain. These cleaners are great for dissolving grease, food, and soap scum; this type of clogged drain can typically be cleared within 30 minutes. Newer plastic, copper, or stainless steel pipes are usually fine with these cleaners. However, plastic pipes over 20 years old can be softened by them. Metal pipes of aluminum chrome, galvanized steel, and brass can be corroded. Safety glasses, chemical-resistant gloves and a respirator are recommended for use with caustic cleaners; they can be irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory system.

3. Acidic
Acidic cleaners are the most powerful and fastest-acting. Just about any variety of clog can usually be cleared within 15 minutes. An acidic cleaner might be needed for sewage cleaning if other options have failed to release the clog. These cleaners are highly toxic and corrosive, so they should be the last thing you try for a stubborn clog. Plastic pipes under 20 years old and copper pipes are usually fine using these cleaners, but older pipes have a high probability of corrosion. Safety glasses, chemical-resistant gloves, and a respirator are required when using these cleaners.
If your Noble, OK, home experiences damage from a clogged drain, restoration professionals can help. They’ll return your home to its preloss condition as quickly as possible.

How To Properly Maintain Your Microwave

5/27/2020 (Permalink)

How To Properly Maintain Your Microwave

It's important to keep all of the appliances in your kitchen properly maintained so that they work well for many years. Don't overlook your over-the-range microwave in your cleaning routine. If not cleaned thoroughly, it can start to give off an unpleasant smoke smell. Call a professional right away to conduct a fire damage assessment if you suspect smoke damage.

Wipe Down After Each Use
The best way to keep your appliance clean is to wipe it down after each use. If dried bits of food remain, they can affect the function of the unit.

Lift out the tray carefully and wipe it with a damp towel that's been dipped in sudsy water. If hard, crusty food particles don't come off easily, soak the tray in the soapy water for a few minutes. Rinse and dry with a clean towel.
Wipe down the inside of the appliance with a soft, damp towel. Don't forget to gently scrub the vent grill.
If you've had a spill inside the unit, making it difficult to remove the dried food, you may need an additional step. Add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar to a bowl of water and heat it in the microwave. You should then be able to easily wipe away the debris with a soft towel.

Clean Thoroughly Every Month
Once a month, clean the grease filter. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for removing the filter and soak it in water with a few drops of gentle dish detergent. Using a soft toothbrush, lightly scrub the filter to remove any dirt.

Replace the Charcoal Filter
Charcoal filters absorb pollutants to keep your appliance from producing a smoke smell or other unpleasant odors. Once the pores in the filter fill up, however, the filter will no longer be effective. Replacing the filter every 6 months or so will keep bad odors at bay.
Keep the kitchen appliances in your Spring Hill, OK, home sparkling clean to reduce unpleasant smoke smell and other odors.

Tips for Handling Flight Cancellations

5/12/2020 (Permalink)

Tips for Handling Flight Cancellations

A canceled flight is a common occurrence during storm season in Mickiddyville, OK. If you are making plans a few months ahead of time, you can't predict the specific circumstances the actual day of your flight will bring. Having a solid backup plan can help you adapt with minimal stress if your flight is delayed or canceled, and these tips can help you create one.

Be Organized
It's never a bad idea to have important information compiled for easy access. When you book a flight, particularly when storms are possible, make sure you keep certain information on hand:

  • Flight number and departure time
  • Contact information for airline
  • Reliable hotel booking apps
  • Phone number for local flood restoration company

If the unexpected occurs, having all this information stored on your phone or in a secure, accessible location can help you be proactive. You can rebook your canceled flight, find a place to stay and have someone check on the safety of your home if you can't get back to it.

Be Prompt
Even if your flight is canceled, it's a good idea to stick to your schedule. Show up at the airport and go through security just as you planned. Airlines make adjustments as needed, and it's prudent to be in a position where you can jump on the next available flight as soon as that option becomes available.

Be Flexible
One of the best storm tips for travel is to be flexible. Having a good plan does not guarantee that it will go smoothly. If you find that you are unable to catch a new flight home, you may just need to wait out the storm in a nearby hotel, which you can view as an opportunity to relax and rest. Incorporating the possibility of change into your outlook helps you stay calm.
No one looks forward to having a canceled flight, but it is not an insurmountable obstacle. You can prepare ahead of time so that you are able to adapt to whatever changes an incoming storm may bring.

The Mold Cleanup Process

5/12/2020 (Permalink)

Mold contamination in a home Mold growth in a Corbett, OK home

Mold Remediation Process

Mold comes in many varieties, including the notorious black mold that often makes news headlines. Regardless of the type of mold affecting your Corbett, OK, business, it is important to have it properly addressed. The following steps outline the mold remediation process.

1. Containment A key part of the restoration process is preventing the mold from spreading. In some cases, simply turning off the HVAC will be sufficient. In more severe cases, it may be necessary to install barriers to keep the mold contained.
2. Filtration Using a HEPA air filter will trap mold spores that are in the air. This will help keep the mold from spreading or re-growing.
3. Cleaning Whether you are dealing with toxic black mold or a more benign variety, it is important to remove all visible mold. There are a variety of cleaners to choose from, including bleach and commercial moldicides. A professional can determine the best cleaner to use. Any items that cannot be fully cleaned should be thrown away to prevent further damage.
4. Restoration After all visible mold has been removed, it is time to repair or replace the damaged property. Some repairs you may be able to do yourself, but delicate items often require professional attention.
5. Prevention After mold cleanup has been completed, it is important to prevent another infestation. Understand that even though the visible mold has been removed, there are still mold spores in the air. A HEPA air filter can minimize the amount of spores but will not fully eliminate them. Therefore, it is important to keep the area dry to minimize the chances of a re-infestation. For particularly mold-prone areas, it may be beneficial to invest in mold-resistant paint, carpeting, or other materials.
Whether your commercial building suffers an infestation of black mold or any other variety, a certified restoration company can help you get your business back to normal. They have the experience and equipment to do the job quickly, safely, and thoroughly.

What You Need To File a Claim After a Fire

4/20/2020 (Permalink)

Team members of SERVPRO Restoration experts in Lexington, OK

What You Need To File a Claim After a Fire

If your commercial building in Lexington, OK, catches fire, there will probably be considerable costs involved in mitigating the fire damage. When you file your insurance claim, you want to make sure that the policy you pay for will work well for you when you need it. To do that, you need to be able to give as accurate an account of the damage as possible. There are several practices you can put in place now to prepare.

Baseline Information

Your insurance adjuster may take pictures or videos of the damage upon arrival after the fire. To understand the full extent of the damage, however, your provider may find it helpful to see where you started. Document items that could be damaged in a fire:

  • Picture or video tour of the building before the fire
  • Receipts for equipment, including date of purchase and cost
  • Itemized list of upgrades to the building since time of purchase
  • Blueprint of the building's original structure

Keeping an accurate account of what your building looks like before fire damage gives your adjuster a baseline with which to compare the destruction. Make sure you document everything and store it in the cloud or in a remote location, just in case you need it.

Restoration Experts

You likely keep a record of emergency personnel handy so that you can find contact information easily when you need it. Add fire mitigation specialists to that list. These experts are trained to respond quickly when there is a problem. They can help you document the damage, assess what needs to be done and give you an estimate of what the restoration process will cost. They can even work with your insurance company by providing an itemized list of necessary repairs and keeping your provider updated with any changes along the way.
Mitigating fire damage can be costly. If you have all the information you need and know who to call when disaster strikes, you have a better chance of filing a successful insurance claim.

A Fire Drill Is Literally the Difference Between Life and Death

4/9/2020 (Permalink)

A true emergency is a rare event for businesses in Slaughterville, OK. However, some OSHA regulations may require that a company be prepared to react in case a serious event, such as a fire, flood or severe weather, requires an evacuation. On top of the regulations, if someone is injured or killed on your property – even if you just lease it – you can be held accountable, especially if you were negligent in your duties to protect lives. One of the best ways you can prepare for a disaster is to hold a fire drill.

Evacuations May Be Required for Several Disasters

During certain events, such as a tornado, you may be required to shelter-in-place. However, other hazards will require immediate evacuation, including

  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Toxic chemicals and gases

All emergencies that need evacuation require very rapid action and advanced preparations. However, of the likely hazards, fire is probably the most immediate. A small flame can grow exponentially once it’s become established. In one nightclub fire, the flames went from concerning to fatal within about 90 seconds, leaving 100 people with no time to evacuate, thanks to a deadly event called a flashover. Fire investigators said that most of those lives could have been saved if the management had held the required evacuation drills – and some went to prison for their lapse.

Designate One Person to Develop an Evacuation Plan

The most effective way to ensure employee and customer safety is to choose one responsible team member to create an emergency reaction plan. With some brief research, they can ensure that at least one employee is always on duty who knows how to quickly evacuate the premises. A single fire drill once a month – a few minutes’ time – has frequently been the difference between life and death.
Once a fire or flood damage has struck your building, first make sure everyone is safe, then contact a local fire damage cleanup company to inspect the building for safety hazards, tarp exposed areas and start the restoration process. They’ll help you with insurance claims and get your business back on track.

Why You Should Not Ignore Mold in Your Home

3/26/2020 (Permalink)

Drywall in bathroom covered with mold. Mold infestation Mold damage in a Hall Park, OK bathroom

Black mold is a serious problem that homeowners might face. It can contaminate and even destroy your belongings.

So What Exactly Is Mold?

It is a group of organisms that releases spores and feeds on organic materials. Mold is a natural part of the environment, but it can cause harm if it ends up in your house.
Unlike plants, mold does not make its own food. Instead, it consumes water. That is why you often see mold in wet, musty areas of the home, such as the basement, attic, and bathroom.
In fact, mold damage typically accompanies some type of moisture problem. It is particularly common near:

  • Leaks
  • Burst pipes
  • Drainage backups
  • Condensation

Cleaning Mold

Black mold does not go away on its own. You must eliminate the mold immediately before it spreads throughout your home.
First, however, you must find from where the mold is coming. Check your house for any floods or leaks and dry the affected area right away.
Before you start the black mold cleanup, you must be properly protected. You should purchase either a carpenters' mask or a surgical one. Be sure to wear long pants and shirts, as well.

Finding the Right Products

Chlorine bleach might sterilize your clothes, but it doesn’t work on black mold. All it does is get rid of the stain. Bleach doesn’t fully remove the mold, so it can't prevent the mold from coming back. The chlorine in bleach can be toxic, as well.
Instead, you should look for products made from enzymes. You can use these non-toxic cleaners on small areas of mold in your house. Larger contaminations, however, should be handled by mold remediation experts.
You can't just ignore black mold in your Hall Park, OK, home. If you see or smell the spores in your house, you should remove them right away or contact a mold cleanup professional.

Understanding the Difference Between Mitigation and Restoration

3/20/2020 (Permalink)

When storm season hits Eason, OK, your commercial building may suffer some damage. The process of getting your building back to its original, functional state can be a long one. There are two main parts to this process, and the length of time it takes the flood cleanup company to complete it depends on many factors.


The first thing that storm restoration experts must do is mitigate the damage to your property. Mitigation generally involves four main tasks:

  • Removing damaged items
  • Tearing out ruined building materials
  • Drying out the affected area
  • Disinfecting every remaining surface

The main goal of mitigation is to get rid of the damage to the building. Damage can be anything from disintegrated drywall to bacteria or mold growth. Before any rebuilding can take place, everything that cannot be salvaged must be removed. Then whatever remains must be cleaned. If you call the flood cleanup company quickly after the building is damaged, mitigation can usually be completed in a few days.


Once all the damage is gone, restoration can begin. This part of the process can take much longer than mitigation. Even if there is a lot of damage to remove, mitigation is fairly straightforward. Restoration depends on finding the right materials to make your building look "Like it never even happened". The contractor in charge of your building's restoration details each task that needs to be done. One thing that can speed up the process is to find a restoration company that also handles mitigation. With one team working on the same project, the transition between the two can go more smoothly.
A storm that floods your building can leave behind a lot of damage. Once the damage is cleaned up, you still need to restore your building to its former state. A flood cleanup company that also specializes in restoration can simplify this potentially complicated process.

How to Prevent a Hotel Fire

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

Common Causes of Hotel Fires

As an investor in hospitality, a hotel fire must be one of your biggest fears. Guests run the risk of losing their lives if a fire breaks out at night, and you stand to lose a lot of money in missed business. For these reasons, you need to know how to prevent a fire at all costs.
Common causes of hotel fires in Etowah, OK include:

  • Kitchen fire
  • Laundry equipment failure
  • Electrical malfunction
  • Careless smoking

Do Regular Assessments
The first step to fire prevention is identifying things that could cause a fire in the building. That includes doing regular maintenance on electrical fixtures, replacing any frayed wires in kitchen appliances and testing smoke detectors. Keep a clean record of every fire safety precaution so you can know what remains in the to-do list.

Appoint a Fire Warden
Having a fire warden with basic firefighting skills can save lives and property in the event of a hotel fire. This individual is responsible for formulating the fire escape routes and identifying the meeting point. He must also make sure every guest and staff member gets to the meeting point in the event of a fire. However, you might need several wardens depending on the size of the resort.

Install Fire Alarms
Installing fire alarms in your hotel is a legal requirement, but you should also check the systems at least once a month and test manual call points every week. The detectors should include flashing lights to alert people with hearing impairment, and they should also be loud enough to wake sleeping guests. The recommended volume is 75dB for alarms near the bed head.
Although insurance might cover fire restoration costs, getting back to regular business can be an uphill task. Nobody wants to sleep in a hotel that is associated with a fire. So, take these precautions seriously to secure your business.

Toilet Clogs and How To Fix Them

2/14/2020 (Permalink)

Your home can suffer water damage in many ways, but sewer problems are probably the last things you want to deal with. These issues can cause widespread damage and pose a threat to your health and safety. Luckily, professional flood remediation crews are equipped to do sewage cleaning. For smaller, yet nagging, problems with your plumbing system, there are some things you can do to repair them.

Sources of Toilet Clogs

Have you ever seen or heard your toilet overflow while you showered? This phenomenon may confuse you, but the reason is simple. Somewhere between the toilet and the sewer, there's a clog. As your shower runs, the waste lines are blocked, so they exit at the first possible place: the toilet. Here are some possible reasons for the blockage:

  • Excessive toilet paper
  • Hair and other feminine hygiene products
  • Other debris that was accidentally flushed down

Use a Plunger

For smaller clogs, a simple plunger might clear out a clogged pipe. This is often effective when the blockage is higher up in the line closer to the toilet. Make sure you get a good seal with the plunger. Then, thrust downward a few times. If the water in the toilet goes down, and it flushes properly, you fixed the problem.

Use a Snake

If the plunger fails, try a plumber's snake. This device can reach far down into the line. Using flexible wire, it is designed to remove tough clogs. Many of these are motorized, though you can find hand-held ones too.

Call the Professionals

The sewer line could also be to blame for the blockage. If this is the case, a professional crew in Norman, OK, can take care of sewage cleaning and get your system running properly.
Sewage cleaning isn't for a novice. If you discover this to be the culprit for your toilet overflowing, make sure you get an experienced technician on the case.

The Benefits of an Electronic Claims Service

1/23/2020 (Permalink)

When a disaster strikes your client’s business in Noble, OK, it’s important to make sure that you get an accurate picture of the damages. Since the client will likely be filing an insurance claim, the insurance company will probably be one of the first calls. It’s just as vital, however, to work with a reputable mitigation and restoration company that can start the repair process and keep track of it every step of the way using an efficient electronic claims service.

Keeping Track of Damages

An insurance adjuster’s job is to assess the damages to the client’s property. Many customers like to have a secondary list to back up their claims, though. The electronic record that SERVPRO keeps includes certified technicians’ professional assessment of the damages:

  • Floor or ceiling tiles that are ruined
  • Walls that need replacement
  • Items that require repairs, such as electronics or furniture

The electronic record can verify information on the insurance claim with pictures and videos. Many insurance companies want more than a list of charges. Being able to show the extent of the damage with visual proof can help the adjuster make an accurate assessment. Such files can be uploaded for easy access.

Providing Timely Information

Whenever clients submit hard copies of the information needed to verify claims, the insurance agent has to wait to receive them. With an electronic claims service, up-to-date facts and figures are available all the time to anyone who has access to the records. The provider can see not only the original estimate but also any adjustments the technicians have had to make along the way. Availability to the latest information can help you settle the claim efficiently.
If a client makes an insurance claim after a covered building sustains water, fire or storm damage, it makes sense to work with a restoration company that keeps accurate electronic records. This claims service can be the key to helping clients make their businesses whole once more.

How Quickly Does Mold Spread?

1/9/2020 (Permalink)

Black mold found behind bathroom tiles Black mold, a common fungus, spreads quickly

How Quickly Does Mold Spread?

Black mold, a common fungus, spreads quickly. This is because, in nature, this microbe is a natural decomposer; therefore, when it encounters water and organic matter, it can produce quickly, often within one to two days. It attacks your company's structuring; and, if left unattended, can destroy drywall and wooden structures, creating quite the expensive repair job. As a business owner in Corbett, OK, remain vigilant. Consider the following three things to mend the situation and keep this from happening to your establishment again.

Locate the Trouble

Ceiling leak issues are not always immediately noticeable. Often starting as something small, they continue sometimes for months, with water simply accumulating in the attic or crawl space. If you notice moisture or wet rings, hire a roofing expert and mold remediation team to investigate the problem. Not only should the hole be closed off to prevent additional damage, but then inspected to determine the extent of pollution.

Treat the Space

Black mold necessitates swift removal. Ask for antimicrobial spray to kill the spores. Then, have professionals tear out any affected porous items and dry out the region. Holes may be cut in surrounding areas to determine how far fungus has gone. Bring in industrial dehumidifiers to pull out the excess humidity, and do not progress until testing reveals it's fully aired out. Wipe off walls, have fixtures sanitized and see to it that any polluted objects receive replacement.

Schedule Regular Checks

Try to prevent allowing a roof leak to grow. If you own the building, schedule routine inspections, checking for any issues with the flash or shingles. Immediately fix these complications. If you rent, work with the landlord or manager to have then look over the roofing. Doing this could help prevent future predicaments.
Black mold advances swiftly, so if you suspect contamination, seek expert assistance right away. Have the region evaluated, looking for hidden trouble. Patch the roofing, and extract the impacted material.

Simple Ways to Keep Your Business Protected From a Fire

12/26/2019 (Permalink)

Keeping Your Business Protected From a Fire

A fire disaster is something that no business owner wants to think about. Unfortunately, it is a reality that can happen to anyone at any time. The best way to handle fire damage is to be properly prepared for it. No matter what kind of business you run, fire preparation is essential to the success of your company. Here are some simple but effective ways to keep your business in Mickiddyville, OK, protected from a fire.

1. Conduct Fire Drills

When a fire takes place, people often break out into a panic and fail to act in an orderly manner. It’s important to schedule regular fire drills so that everyone knows what to expect in case of a real emergency. Take some time to map out the entire building and highlight all exits and stairwells in your fire escape plan. During drills, make sure that everyone is assigned an exit and staircase to maintain a sense of structure and order.

2. Maintain Your Fire Alarm System

Another crucial aspect of fire preparation is proper fire alarm maintenance. To confirm that your alarm system is in working order, be sure to schedule regular inspections and test the alarms at least once a year. If you come across any issues, make sure you take care of them immediately. Failing to take prompt action can put your business in danger if a real fire occurs.

3. Keep Paths Clear

Keeping your business free of clutter and other fire hazards is essential to basic disaster preparation. Make sure that all paths and walkways on your property are free of obstructions and easily navigable. Additionally, the interior of your building should be just as organized. Encourage your employees to clean up after they’re done working and check each exit and stairwell for any blockages.
Relying on fire preparation to protect your business is vital. However, if a disaster ever takes place, don’t hesitate to schedule a fire damage assessment immediately.

3 Situations When Your Business Should Get Flood Insurance

12/24/2019 (Permalink)

3 Situations When Your Business Should Get Flood Insurance

If you have a business in Lexington, OK, then you probably have some sort of insurance coverage to protect your building from multiple types of damage. However, if you don’t have additional flood insurance, you may want to consider adding it to your policy. The following are a few situations when you should do this.

1. When You Are Located in a High-Risk Area

There are many areas that often experience flooding. If your building is located in one of these areas, then flood insurance can be very useful. In some cases, those with buildings in high-risk locations might even be required to purchase additional coverage. This will likely be the case if you have a mortgage on the building with a federally insured or regulated lender.

2. When You Want Complete Coverage

While your commercial insurance will cover a large variety of damage, both from accidents and natural events, it will usually not include flood damage. Floods can cause a lot of damage which can be expensive to repair. For this reason, your insurance company will likely require you to pay more for this kind of coverage.

3. When You Get Severe Weather

Even if you are not in an area where flooding is considered likely, you may want to consider purchasing the additional insurance if there are many severe storms. A large amount of rain can cause water levels to rise, resulting in flood damage. The same can also occur after a snowstorm when the snow begins to melt. If this happens too quickly and the water has nowhere to go, it will likely cause damage to your building.
Purchasing flood insurance for your business will ensure that you are prepared for any situation. If your building is damaged and you need a cleanup and restoration service to make repairs, the money you get from your claim can help pay for this. Otherwise, you may be stuck paying for restoration on your own.

What Is Category 3 Water Damage?

12/13/2019 (Permalink)

Black water is likely to be contaminated. It may contain bacteria, viruses, parasites, or dangerous chemicals that other types of water are unlikely to have. When encountering this type of water, you should take precautions to keep yourself protected because exposure to this water is not considered safe.

What Are the Dangers?

Black water can come from many sources. Inside homes, it usually comes from toilets that have overflowed or from floodwaters that have picked up contaminants such as sewage and animal waste. This water can carry many potential hazards:

  • E. coli
  • Norovirus
  • Intestinal worms
  • Salmonella
  • Rotavirus

What Are the Clean-up Methods?

Whether you are faced with a basement flood due to rising floodwaters or a sewage cleanup in your bathroom, you should treat the water as if it is contaminated. Protect yourself by staying out of the water whenever possible. If you must enter, wear protective clothing and gloves. Ensure the water does not enter your mouth or any open wounds. If you can stop the inflow of water, that should be the first thing you do. You may prefer to clean and sterilize minor accidents yourself, but unless the water damage is contained to a very small area, you may need the help of a professional. Professionals can safely extract the water, dry, and disinfect the area. They use specialized tools, machines, and disinfectants to dry larger areas quickly, reducing the likelihood of contaminants in your home. If you have sustained damage to structural items due to category 3 water, they can remove and replace these items for you.
If you experience black water in or near your home in Slaughterville, OK, remain calm and do your best to stay out of the water. Although it can be a scary situation, with the help of a professional water restoration company, you will soon be on your way to a clean and healthy home.

How To Clean a Moldy Washing Machine

11/27/2019 (Permalink)

How To Clean a Moldy Washing Machine

A front-load washing machine gets clothes cleaner than a traditional washer while using less water and detergent. However, if the wrong type of soap or too much soap is used, it can stick to surfaces inside the washer. This creates a ripe environment for mold and bacteria growth. If you notice a musty smell coming from your washer, you likely have a mold problem. You do not have to live with the smell. With a few easy steps, it is fairly simple to have your washer smelling fresh again.

Clean With Vinegar and Baking Soda

Instead of using harsh bleach, you can clean the inside of the machine with a vinegar and baking soda solution. Mix 1/4 cup baking soda with 1/4 cup water. Pour the solution into the detergent container. Add two cups of vinegar into the empty drum. Run the washer through a cycle using high heat.

Scrub With a Scrubber Sponge

After the wash cycle is complete, check the washing machine to see if any grime, dirt, or mold remains. Be sure to check the rubber seal around the door. This is prime real estate for water to get trapped, and bacteria and mold love to grow in areas that trap moisture. The backside of a kitchen sponge should provide enough friction to remove any remaining grime.

Prevent Mold Regrowth

Now that your washer is free from the mold smell, you will want to prevent it from returning. To do this, use a detergent that is made specifically for high-efficiency washers. Avoid creating an environment that is hospitable to mold by removing clothes promptly. Leave the washer door open so that the machine dries out between loads.
Returning your washing machine to normal only requires a few steps, and you will have your dirty laundry smelling clean again. If you find that you still have a mold problem in Hall Park, OK, you can contact a mold remediation company to restore your washer.

Renters Insurance and Fire Damage

11/22/2019 (Permalink)

A fire to your Eason, OK, home or apartment can be a major hassle, and it may be even trickier if you are a renter. Fortunately, renters insurance generally covers fire damage.

Insurance Coverage Categories

There can be many types of expenses related to a fire at the property you rent, so it is important to be fully covered. Every policy is different, but most companies offer coverage to renters in the following areas:

  • Contents
  • Loss of use
  • Liability
  • Medical payments

Contents coverage replaces your personal belongings if they are destroyed in a fire, assuming you are covered for replacement cost rather than actual cash value. Loss of use coverage helps pay for temporary living arrangements while the home you rent is being restored. If you accidentally start the fire, liability insurance protects you against lawsuits filed against you. Medical payments coverage pays out for claims small enough not to warrant determining fault. As a general rule, renters insurance covers costs that affect the renter. Costs that affect the owner, such as damage to the home’s structure, are covered by the property owner's insurance policy.

How To Document the Damage

After a fire, you may be tempted to immediately begin the fire restoration process. However, it is important to take time to properly document the damage first. This way, your insurance company can fully compensate you. Once the authorities have declared your home safe, you can begin taking the photo or video evidence of the fire damage. Make sure the photos or videos are as detailed as possible. In addition, make a list of all the items that cannot be salvaged, the date you purchased each one and the purchase price. It is helpful to keep a home inventory of all big-ticket items in either a fire-proof safe or cloud storage.
Renters insurance can help you financially after a fire. However, for assistance with fire cleanup and the refurbishment of your personal property, you may wish to enlist the help of a certified fire restoration company.

What To Expect During a Roof Restoration

11/16/2019 (Permalink)

What To Expect During a Roof Restoration

After a storm in Etowah, OK, you may find your home is in need of a roof repair. There are a few steps you can expect to see your local storm damage restoration company take during the restoration process. Here's what you may want to know.

1. An Assessment of the Damage

One of the first steps you will see your local restoration company take is the assessment of any damage. This will help them determine whether they're looking at water, hail, snow, or wind damage so that the proper repair steps can be followed. After the assessment they will also be able to provide an estimate for your insurance company.

2. Prioritization of Repair Tasks

Once the assessment has occurred the restoration team working on your home can begin determining the prioritization of repair tasks. During a roof repair, certain tasks will need to be performed ahead of others in order to complete the restoration correctly and efficiently. For example any damage sub-layers will need to be repaired ahead of replacing shingles. The professionals working on your home will first determine which repairs need to be made and in what order before starting the restoration.

3. The Completion of Repairs

Once the roof damage to your home has been assessed, and after a restoration service has determined the best order of repairs, they can begin to restore your roof. Depending on the damage type and severity you may say anything from repairing a small area of shingles, to checking for and replacing waterlogged wood. If your gutters have been damaged you may also want to have them replaced at this time.
During the roof repair process, you can expect to see your local restoration company make an assessment of the damages, prioritize the repair tasks so they can have an efficient order of work, and then conduct and complete the repairs. If you have any questions a professional may be able to help.

How To Conduct Fire Drills and Prepare for Workplace Emergencies

10/30/2019 (Permalink)

How To Conduct Fire Drills and Prepare for Workplace Emergencies

As a commercial business owner in Norman, OK, you have plenty of tasks to perform and problems to solve each day. You may not spend much time thinking about what you will do during a workplace disaster.
However, preparing for emergencies ahead of time can limit the impact of the disaster on your business. There are many types of emergencies that can affect a commercial building, including:

  • Tornadoes
  • Fires
  • Explosions
  • Chemical spills
  • Hurricanes
  • Floods

Fire and storm damage can be devastating. Flood cleanup can be especially time-consuming and costly for your business. That is why you should create an emergency action plan and conduct at least one fire drill per year.

Emergency Action Plans

Some employers are legally required by the General Industry Occupational Safety and Health Standard to create action plans. Yet all companies should have some disaster preparedness measures in place.
Any disaster plan should detail how employees can report emergencies, and how the rest of the building will be notified. You should also come up with an evacuation procedure and make sure that workers know the best way to get out of the building. Make sure to consider the needs of any disabled employees.

Conducting Drills

A yearly fire drill can reinforce the plan and ensure that employees know what to do and where to go during a disaster. You may even want to call your local fire and police departments for assistance with the drill. Afterward, talk with your employees and managers to assess how the drill went. Discuss any weaknesses with your plan and adjust it accordingly.

Disaster Cleanup

Of course, even if you are fully prepared for emergencies, you may not be able to prevent flood damage to your building. Storm cleanup specialists can restore your property quickly so your employees can get back to work.
Holding a fire drill in your office will give your employees peace of mind. They will know what to do in the event of a disaster.

Understanding Insurance Claims and Rates

10/14/2019 (Permalink)

Comprehensive insurance plans are a wonderful investment because you can rest easy knowing you and your home are protected in the event of an accident, natural disaster, or other incident that would otherwise cause major financial problems. But there can be a downside to filing an insurance claim, in that you run the risk of having your rates raised in the future. Understanding how claims work and how you can protect yourself from skyrocketing rates help ensure you will be fairly compensated without paying a hefty price down the road.

Common Insurance Rate Factors

Insurance rates tend to stay fixed so long as there is not a major change to the home, your personal circumstances, your surrounding area. Rates can change, however, for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Number of claims – If you have filed multiple claims, especially within a short period of time, your rates are likely to be raised since you will be considered a high risk client
  • Who is at fault – Filing an insurance claim following a natural disaster is less likely to result in a rate hike since you are not at fault
  • Type of incident – A home flood is often damaging to your reputation with your insurance company and is more likely to result in a rate hike than something small such as a first speeding ticket

Additional Points to Consider

Since you run the risk of rate hikes, it is important to be discriminating when deciding whether to file an insurance claim. During a home flood in Norman, OK, for example, ask yourself if paying to repair and remediate water damage is affordable without involving the insurance company. It usually does not make sense to file a claim for a small incident, especially if the cost will be similar to your deductible. Remember that insurance exists to help you when you truly need the financial support, not to pay for any small repair or cleanup, so understand your policy and the impact it will have before deciding whether to file a claim.

3 Tips for Maintaining Your Smoke Detectors

10/7/2019 (Permalink)

3 Tips for Maintaining Your Smoke Detectors

Homes should have fire alarms in each room, capable of signaling residents of any potential danger. After all, flames spread quickly throughout a home, threatening the lives of those inside and causing significant damage to the property. The loud noise needs to happen to give people time to escape and seek help. If it doesn't occur, you'll need fireman and a fire restoration crew in Spring Hill, OK. These people can work with you to restore the house, cleaning up the smoke damage. They cannot, however, replace people, so take the time now to prepare yourself and maintain the unit.

1. Schedule Regular Maintenance

Many people fail to realize that they do have some control over the smoke detector. You don't need to wait for it to beep to change the battery. Instead, set aside some time to keep it working properly. Homeowners can do the following:

  • Change batteries every six months
  • Replace units every 10 years
  • Periodically test the silent button

2. What Do You Do if It's Beeping?

At some point, one or more of the detectors will start to beep. You'll need to test the unit and determine what is wrong. First, turn off the circuit breaker to the fire alarm and disconnect the system, removing the detector from the unit and unplugging the power supply. Take the new batteries out, and insert fresh ones. Then, reattach the detector and switch the breaker back on.

3. Clean It

Occasionally that is not enough. You'll need to evaluate the unit for any dirt or debris. If something has made its way inside, the sensor could have issues and not function correctly, allowing fire damage without proper warning. Clear out anything causing issues. For that difficult dust, grab an air blower.
Protect yourself and others by keeping your fire alarms in good condition. Test them, change the batteries, and keep them clean. A functional smoke detector could save your life.

3 Ways That Mold Can Spread Throughout Your House

9/25/2019 (Permalink)

Hand in blue gloves tears off wallpapers damaged by mold Mold removal in Noble, OK

3 Ways That Mold Can Spread Throughout Your House

Black mold is a common problem that many homeowners in Noble, OK, deal with at one time or another. The problem is that this fungus spreads easily and can be difficult to get rid of once it has started growing. If you have mold in your house, keep the following in mind as these are all ways that it can spread.

1. Excessive Moisture

One of the biggest sources of spreading mold is excessive moisture in your house. Whether it’s from water damage, steam or high levels of humidity, moisture makes it incredibly easy for mold spores to grow. To help prevent this from happening, you should get any leaks repaired right away, regularly clean sinks and showers and open windows when showering and cooking. You may want to invest in a dehumidifier as well.

2. Air Conditioning and Heating Systems

Mold spores are small enough that you won’t know if they are traveling through the air in your home. If you know that you have a problem with spreading mold, then you should avoid using items that can make it worse. A central heating and air conditioning system can be one of the worst causes of this. Fans should be kept off as well.

3. Mold Removal

If it is not done by a professional mold remediation company, attempts at mold removal can actually make the situation worse. If you are trying to remove a growth and do not properly block off the area, then you risk mold spores moving into other spaces. It can also get on your shoes and clothing and spread throughout the house that way.
Because spreading mold is easy to do, you should be very careful if you have found this fungus in your home. To avoid creating more problems, it is best to hire a professional with the training and equipment to get the job done correctly.

What To Know About Sewer Damage Cleanup

9/25/2019 (Permalink)

3 Steps To Clean Safely and Efficiently Sewer Damage

If your business in Spring Hill, OK, faces a potential sewer cleanup, you may be wondering how to go about the process. Here are three steps that can help you not only clean up the mess thoroughly, but safely and efficiently as well.

1. Call a Restoration Service

If you find your business is in need of a sooner clean up its best to contact a water damage restoration service as quickly as possible. Sewage cleanup can be tricky for a number of reasons, however professional services have the tools and knowledge required to do so properly. They will be able to instruct you as to the necessary steps and safety precautions.

2. Sewage is Black Water

Because water from a flooded toilet, sewage main, and other similar sources are categorized as Black water, certain safety precautions have to be observed when conducting a sewer cleanup. Black water is any source of water that could have bacteria in it including that from fecal matter. As such proper safety gear must be worn during the process, and the area must be thoroughly sanitized afterwards.

3. The Area Should Be Sanitized

If you experience a sewer backup at your place of business it's important to have the area thoroughly sanitized after the cleanup process. This helps prevent the spread of bacteria that could cause further problems, and helps keep you and your employees safe. During the sanitation process certain cleaners may be used, and the restoration service may inspect areas other than that where obvious damage occurred. This is partially to ensure that no water damage has seeped into unseen areas such as behind walls or under flooring where it can present future problems.
Because a sewer cleanup can be a tricky process due to the black water nature of sewer contamination, and the necessity of sanitation, it's important to contact a professional restoration service if you experience problems of this nature. Not only will these professionals have the proper tools, but they should be able to answer any questions you may have as well.

Navigating Floodwaters When There Are No Other Options

9/9/2019 (Permalink)

What To Do If You Find Yourself Driving In A Flooded Street?

Floods are the most common calamity associated with weather, and you're likely to experience some degree of flooding sooner or later. Inclement weather is always inconvenient, but when drainage systems back up, things can start looking ominous. What if you find yourself in a flooded street after the water has started to rise? Driving on flooded roads is highly discouraged, but if you absolutely must, keep these travel tips in mind:

1. Proceed With Extreme Caution

Turn your hazard lights on and start driving very slowly. Try to gauge the depth of the water by viewing fire hydrants or other cars. If it looks like there are at least six inches, turn around. If you don’t, your engine could stall or sustain permanent damage. Twelve inches of water can set your car afloat.

2. Watch Out for Hazards

Debris in the water can carry an electrical charge if there are downed power lines in the vicinity. Stay in your car and get to high ground as soon as possible. You may also encounter fallen trees or branches. Avoid fast-moving water; it’s imperative that you do so to avoid being swept away.

3. Monitor Other Vehicles

Follow other vehicles from a distance to see how they’re navigating the flooded street. If you see the tailpipe of another car get submerged, it’s time to turn around; your car has a good chance of stalling soon.

4. Drive Slowly and Steadily

Drive only in first gear. Don’t stop unless absolutely necessary. The faster you drive, the greater the chance water has of getting into the undercarriage. If the car stalls, do not restart the engine or it will suck up more water. Driving over three or four miles an hour can cause a large splash that can block the view of other drivers.
Exercise extreme caution if you have to be out on a flooded street. The best advice is to wait it out to remain absolutely safe and protect your vehicle. If your home in Corbett, OK, sustains flood damage, you can hire flood damage restoration professionals to get things back to normal as soon as possible.

Effective Ways to Protect Your Building From Flood Damage

8/29/2019 (Permalink)

You have probably seen news footage of floods wiping out roads, houses and buildings. This isn’t a disaster you want to imagine affecting your Lexington, OK, office. Even moderate amounts of water can cause significant flood damage. However, if you are prepared, there are ways you can fend off many of the typical issues people see with floods.

Check the Plumbing

Flooding doesn’t always infiltrate a building because of the weather. In fact, internal problems are some of the biggest causes of this emergency. Small leaks in the plumbing system, as well as defective or old pipes, can let large amounts of water into the office. Make sure you do some of the following to safeguard your workplace:

  • Have a professional inspect the plumbing system each year.
  • Replace older pipes at the first sign of trouble.
  • Report even minor leaks to the building manager.

Make Sure Your Building Has Good Drainage

When rain is a factor in flood damage, rain gutters and downspouts are often to blame. If your office building has broken or poorly installed gutters on the roof, water could pool up by the foundation. During a large rainstorm, this water could creep into the lower levels of the facility. Make sure the gutters are in good condition and the downspouts divert water away from the property.

Add Waterproofing

Despite your best efforts, you may not be able to prevent a flood in all circumstances. Luckily, there are professional flood restoration teams that can come to your rescue. You can also help minimize the damage with a few steps. One of the most important things you can do is add waterproofing to the floors. You can look into adding a layer of veneer material to your walls to protect them from storm damage and other water concerns.
Flood damage can cause headaches to your operations, but you can do something about it. By following these steps, you can keep damage to a minimum or even keep water away entirely.

Insurance Coverage for Water Damage

8/29/2019 (Permalink)

Ways an Insurance Policy Can Help You Avoid Potential Disasters

Whether you are facing water damage from a flash flood or issues with your plumbing, the insurance coverage that you have is going to come in handy one day. Here are a few ways having an insurance policy that covers water damage can help you avoid potential disasters.

Natural Disasters

If your home is in a flood zone, it’s even more important to ensure your policy covers damage related to natural disasters. Since it only takes a small time for your property and personal belongings to be soaked through and damaged, insurance coverage for the following is typical for home policies:

  • Water damage from rain, snow and ice
  • Water damage from extinguishing a fire
  • Water damage from faulty appliances or burst pipes

You may want to investigate your specific geographical area to see what kind of coverage makes sense for your home and make sure your policy covers potential risk factors. That way you know you’re covered even in unpredictable circumstances.

Gradual Damage

Sometimes the water damage you face is due to gradual damage over time, like a broken or leaking pipe. Fortunately, most insurance policies cover gradual damage to pipes. They can also connect you with qualified professionals from emergency restoration companies who can fix the broken pipe and anticipate any potential damage from the repair process, although they may not pay to repair the pipe itself. If an insurance company accepts a claim for an issue and months later you find mold or mildew due to an incorrect or incomplete repair, the insurance company will probably accept that related issue as well. For this reason, it is important to keep records of any maintenance done on your home before and after any water damage claim to make sure that you have full access to the benefits of your policy.

“Like it never even happened.”

Having insurance coverage for your property in Mickiddyville, OK, is essential. While you may not anticipate there being a flood or broken pipes any time soon, having the coverage you need is important so that when that rainy day does come, you are prepared.

3 Ways to Deal With Mold in Your Apartment

7/29/2019 (Permalink)

3 Ways to Deal With Mold in Your Apartment

Finding mold in your home can be frustrating and sometimes worrying. Determining what to do next can be difficult. The good news is that, if you live in an apartment in Hall Park, OK, you won’t necessarily have to deal with the mold cleanup on your own. If you do discover a growth, here are a few things that you can do to handle the situation.

1. Keep Moisture Levels Low

The easiest place for mold to grow is in dark, moist environments. This means that if your apartment has high levels of moisture, it won’t be surprising if it develops mold contamination at some point. One way to reduce the moisture in your apartment is to open windows when you are showering or cooking since these activities can cause steam to build up. You might also want to invest in a dehumidifier.

2. Clean Regularly

Mold is spread through the growth of spores. Unfortunately, you cannot see mold spores with the naked eye, so you won’t always be able to tell if you have them in your home. In order to keep them from multiplying, you should make sure to clean regularly. Include both hard surfaces such as counters and porous materials like carpet in your cleaning routine. Don’t allow your sinks and showers to remain wet after use, and always clean up spills immediately.

3. Contact Your Landlord

If you have attempted mold cleanup on your own but the problem remains persistent, you should inform your landlord. He or she has an obligation to ensure that your apartment is suitable for use, so if you can’t find a solution on your own, your landlord will be able to help.
If you have a long-term mold problem, hiring a mold remediation specialist to perform mold cleanup might be the best choice. If you tell your landlord about the issue, he or she will likely be able to take care of this for you. However, be sure that you take steps to prevent the mold from returning once the removal has been completed.

How To Remove Dryer Lint From the Exhaust Hose

7/21/2019 (Permalink)

Clothes dryers require some maintenance to not only stay fully functioning for as long as possible but also to ensure your own safety, as an accumulation of lint can cause a lint fire. To prevent this from happening in Eason, OK, there are a couple of simple things you can do to keep your dryer running properly.

Clean the Lint Screen

Each time you use the dryer, it is best to clean the lint from the lint screen, which is found either inside the dryer or somewhere easily accessible on the outside. Gently pull it out and wipe the lint off with your hand, brush, or a vacuum hose. Leaving lint to gather over a long period of time could cause a dryer fire.
If you use dryer sheets, wash the lint screen with soap and water every few weeks. Dryer sheets can leave a residue behind and may increase fire damage. You can also take a vacuum hose and vacuum out the area where the lint screen is held, to clean out any lint that has been left behind.

Clean the Vents and Exhaust Hose

If your dryer has been leaving your clothing damp after a full drying cycle, this is a good time to check for lint accumulation in other places and clean out the other vents to avoid a lint fire.

Unplug the dryer.
Remove the exhaust hose from the wall. There will probably be a circular clamp around it that can be removed by squeezing, or there will be a bolt that is easily loosened with a screwdriver. If you have a gas-powered dryer, it’s a good idea to call a professional because moving the machine may cause a gas leak.
Clean out the exhaust hose with a cleaning rod or vacuum.
Check the vent outside your home by taking off the screen outside and vacuuming or brushing out accumulated lint. Then put the screen back in place.

If this does not solve your drying problem, you can also take the panel off the back of the dryer and vacuum or dust off all visible parts. Once this is done and the dryer is put back together, plug it in and do a quick cycle to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Making these things part of your regular cleaning routine is the best way to keep your home safe from a lint fire and ensure your dryer works well for as long as possible.

Staying in Business After an Emergency

7/17/2019 (Permalink)

An emergency that occurs at your business in Norman, OK doesn’t just impact the physical structure of your building. It can affect your employees, your business plan and your bottom line. Having a business continuity plan in place can help minimize the impact of a disastrous occurrence. Follow these four steps to establish your plan.

4 Steps to Establish a Plan to Stay in Business 

  1. Business Impact Analysis

The first thing to do is recognize what processes may be affected by an emergency. How you run your business while certified specialists are restoring your building is not going to look the same as it does when your company is fully functional. Your BIA can reveal the core elements that keep your business going and the resources you need to carry them out.

  1. Basic Business Function Strategies

Your emergency response plan should include a detailed list of actions and resources. Use the information discovered in your BIA to plan alternatives to your regular business procedures to keep the business running. Then list the resources you need to support these alternatives:

  • Necessary space
  • Equipment, furniture and office supplies
  • Important records and other vital information
  • Basic inventory
  • Utilities and other outside services
  • Human resources

Your business continuity plan is only as good as the support it has.

  1. Recovery Team

Put together a team to iron out the details of your plan. The team may consider strategies such as telecommuting for some employees, relocation, contracting some work to third-party services or use of unconventional spaces. The recovery team is tasked with finding manual workarounds for key business functions that are impacted.

  1. Testing and Training

You never know if something is going to work unless you try it, and you don’t want to wait until you need your emergency response plan to know if it is going to be effective. No plan is complete until it has been tested and vital personnel have been trained to put it into action.

You cannot always avoid disastrous emergencies. You can, however, make a business continuity plan to deal with their impact.

3 Safety Tips for First Responders

7/11/2019 (Permalink)

Three Tips For a First Responder

When a natural disaster strikes Mickiddyville, OK, first responders and emergency relief workers quickly spring into action. The services that these men and women provide are honorable, courageous, and selfless. The situations and conditions of this work can be extremely hazardous, so it is essential that emergency workers are protected while on the job. Here are three tips for a first responder to consider to ensure that he or she stays as safe as possible.

1. Receive Vaccinations

One way that disaster responders can remain safe in a hazardous work environment, such as a flood response, is to receive vaccinations and immunizations against any illnesses that they may be exposed to. Certain bacteria and other diseases may be present in a disaster zone. However, receiving vaccinations can significantly reduce the chances of becoming sick. The Centers for Disease Control website provides information regarding which vaccinations are required and recommended for a first responder.

2. Wear Protective Gear

Safety equipment is critical for disaster relief workers. Wearing protective gear such as gloves, face masks, and sturdy boots may be a good idea. Other items that a disaster response worker may consider are googles to cover the eyes as well as hardhats. It is also helpful to check that communications devices such as radios and mobile phones are functioning correctly before entering a dangerous area in case an emergency call needs to be made.

3. Be Aware of Surroundings and Report Issues to Professionals for Cleanup

Finally, it is always crucial to be aware of surroundings. After a disaster hits, structures may not be stable. It can be beneficial to take note of and report any severely damaged areas of a home so that professionals in disaster restoration can also remain safe when beginning repairs.
Emergency personnel have a difficult job that may require working in dangerous conditions. However, by following these tips, a first responder can stay safe and continue his or her admirable work assisting and rescuing individuals who desperately need help.

How To Develop an Emergency Action Plan

6/28/2019 (Permalink)

As a business owner in Lexington, OK, you are responsible for what goes on in your building. This includes how well-equipped you and your employees are to respond to an emergency situation. It is important to create a contingency plan for responding to any type of emergency that may affect your building and the people inside it.

Plan Basics

Being prepared is more than just acknowledging that something can go wrong. A good emergency action plan has several components:

  • Types of emergencies that may occur
  • Safe space and evacuation plan
  • Key personnel and the specific tasks they perform
  • Contact information for employees
  • Contact information for emergency response team and damage mitigation experts
  • Medical assistance procedures

Don't assume that putting a map to the nearest exit on the wall by the front desk is enough to keep your employees safe during an emergency such as a fire. You need to know exactly what has to happen and exactly who is responsible for each task in your contingency plan. Having a solid plan can ensure that nothing important is overlooked when disaster strikes.

Plan Practice

Your evacuation plan can look great on paper and still fail if you do not walk employees through its steps on a regular basis. To ensure the successful implementation of your emergency protocols, start by training all employees so they can learn the details of the process and the part they play in it. Host surprise drills in which everyone gets to practice evacuating the building or proceeding to the designated protective areas safely. The more you talk about and run through your plan, the calmer employees are likely to be if an emergency does happen.
It is important to document your emergency action plan so that you have clear instructions. Developing a good contingency plan doesn't stop at writing everything down, though. Through both preparation and practice, you can keep your employees safer in the event of an emergency.

Flooding Can Cause Serious Water Damage To Your Home

6/25/2019 (Permalink)

Water Damage

Water damage caused by natural events are very common in many areas of the country. One of the most common forms of water damage is the accumulation of water in the basement. This is due to natural rain or moisture events that are beyond the homeowner's control.

Water damage in Spring Hill can be devastating if you have experienced this type of flooding or moisture in your basement on a regular basis. You may live in a low-lying area that receives all of the groundwater after a heavy rainstorm, or you may have a break in the foundation that causes frequent leaks. However, one should never attempt to clean up water damage by themselves. Professional water damage specialists at SERVPRO of Norman should be consulted immediately so that they may assess the damage, complete a proper cleanup, and ensure that contamination does not become an issue in the future.

Installing Sump Pump as a Precaution

However, the use of a sump pump in basements cannot be overstated as an excellent precaution homeowners can take against flooding. A sump pump is simply a pump that is used to remove water that has collected in a water-collecting sump basin. These are usually found in the basement of homes.

Sump pumps make for an effective precaution against water damage, because of their funneling, accumulation, and safe passage of water from your basement to a location away from your home. This is accomplished through an intelligent use of drains. First, the water entering one’s home would enter through the perimeter drains of a basement waterproofing system. Then, this water would funnel into the “basin” if it rains or if natural groundwater seeps in.

Sump pumps can save the day if you live in a home that regularly floods during storms or if your home is located in a valley or other low-lying area. It can also solve dampness problems which can occur when the water table is above the foundation of a home. Sump pumps will carry water away from your home to a location where it is no longer in danger of creating water damage in your home.

Municipal storm drains and dry wells are common drainage locations. Some older sump pump installations have used the sanitary sewer lines to discharge accumulated water, which may violate current plumbing codes and municipal bylaws. If you have an old sump pump set up, it may be a good idea to upgrade now and get up to code.

Contact Us Today

To ask questions, request a service, or allow us to respond to your water damage emergency, contact SERVPRO of Norman at (405) 292-0808. With our Emergency Services, we are available to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Benefits of Hiring A Water Damage Restoration Company for Your Norman Home

6/20/2019 (Permalink)

Why SERVPRO Can Restore Your Home in Norman Following Water Damage

Once your residential property in Norman is damaged by a flood, burst pipe or secondary water damage caused by extinguishing a fire, contacting a water damage restoration services is imperative. The restoration process is multi-faceted. In addition to incorporating the extraction of excess water from your home, the remediation project involves cleaning, sanitizing and repairing all areas affected by the water damage.  Moreover, it is critically important that water extraction begin immediately to limit the damage to household items and the property structure. Water and moisture removal executed promptly will mitigate the chance of mold growth, that can start to bloom within 48-72 hours.

Restoring Your Home Quickly

One of the benefits to you of hiring SERVPRO, a top water damage restoration company, is the professional attention to detail needed for a successful completion of the service. We will be on the scene usually within one hour to assess the water damage and initiate a plan of action for quick water extraction, cleanup, repair, and final restoration of your Norman home. Our water damage experts possess a skill set that required extensive IICRC training and in-house continuing education on the latest techniques. We utilize the best available industrial grade equipment such as truck-mounted water pumps, portable wet-vacs, air movers, and several types of dehumidifiers to expedite the entire service.

Preventing Mold and Mildew Growth

Another benefit of securing SERVPRO is that our highly trained technicians can prevent the accumulation of mold and mildew growth on your property. They accomplish this objective by removing excess water before the fungus can start to grow. Moisture meters and hygrometers measure for hidden pockets of moisture and excessive humidity. If mold has already begun to accumulate on your property, the remediation specialists will use special equipment, disinfectants, and cleaners to remove the fungus. The proliferation of mold can cause several health hazards. In fact, individuals who are repeatedly exposed to mold are at a greater risk of lung complications, respiratory issues, and pathogenic diseases. We complete this mold remediation with follow up inspections to check the moisture levels. 

Call SERVPRO Today!

Water damage is a serious issue. Residential properties like your home in Norman that have suffered water damage are a breeding ground for mold accumulation and structural damage. SERVPRO works closely with many insurance companies and adjusters to release some of the burdens from you. We will document our plans, inventory your personal items for disposal or cleaning (you have the final say with your adjuster) and do all we can to look out for your best interests. We want you back home as soon as possible.

Proactive Plumbing Tips for Business Owners

6/20/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial office with water damage due to a burst pipe

Commercial buildings are prone to certain types of plumbing problems. Many people filter through your building in Slaughterville, OK, and you can't watch the whole structure all the time. There are some measures you can take, however, to prevent some common water issues.

Frequent Inspections

All fixtures wear out eventually, and those in public buildings see more traffic than others. Regular inspections can help you identify problems, such as:

  • Broken pipe - Look for water stains on ceilings and walls.
  • Clogged toilet - Make sure each toilet expels the contents of the bowl when flushed.
  • Blocked drain - Check sinks for slowed or stalled draining.
  • Hidden leak - Monitor your water bill for unexplained spikes.

In addition to these issues, any time you see water where it shouldn't be, it is likely you have plumbing problems of some kind.

Reliable Partners

You don't want to wait until you have a problem to find someone to fix it. Establish a relationship with a local plumber early. Then, when you need plumbing help, you know someone to call who can be there quickly. It is also a good idea to find water restoration experts who can mitigate the damage caused by the leak. Then all you have to do when you discover a problem is make a couple of calls and turn off the water main to avoid additional damage.

Timely Maintenance

Sometimes leaks happen, and there's no way to prevent all of them. The best way to avoid extensive damage from a broken pipe is to address it quickly. The sooner you call professionals who can get it fixed, the less damage you will have in the long run, and you can avoid mold growth and other secondary damage as well.

You may experience a few plumbing problems in your building. If you are vigilant about inspections and routine maintenance, however, you can minimize the damage they cause.

What May Be Causing Your Toilet To Leak?

6/14/2019 (Permalink)

Different Causes of a Leaking Toilet

Discovering a pool of water under your toilet after flushing can leave you wondering what is causing this to happen. It is likely that your toilet is leaking, which can be a result of various factors. Understanding the different causes of a leaking toilet in your Hall Park, OK, home can help prepare you to fix the problem properly and reduce water damage.

Dry Wax Ring

One of the most common reasons for a bathroom leak is a failed wax ring. The wax ring, which is located between the sewer pipe and the bottom of the toilet, can cause leaking around the toilet’s base when the ring dries out. If this is the case, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Shut off water by turning valve behind toilet
  •  Flush until all water is drained from tank and bowl
  • Disconnect water supply tube from bottom of tank
  • Remove toilet and wax ring
  • Clean flange and install new wax ring

You can follow these steps on your own or have a plumber do it for you. Make sure to quickly replace your wax ring in order to prevent any further water damage.

Loose Tank Assembly

Another possible explanation for your leaking toilet is that the tank is not tightened properly. To fix this problem, first turn the shutoff valve and drain the water as explained in the last section. Next, use a screwdriver to hold the tank bolts in place and tighten each one. Once the tank is tightened, your job is complete.

Improper Installation

In some cases, the problem is that one or more parts of the toilet were not installed properly to begin with. If an important piece is not inserted correctly, or if it is missing completely, your toilet will not function the way it should and therefore may start to leak. Depending on what needs to be replaced, you may have to remove the toilet as described previously and reinstall one with repaired parts.

If left unaddressed, a leaking toilet can lead to severe damage in your home. Schedule water damage repair to keep the problem under control.

4 Tips for Removing Mold From Your Shower

5/30/2019 (Permalink)

How to Get Rid of Mold in Your Shower

Over time, it is normal for the grout in your shower to look dingy. If that dinginess is fuzzy or slimy, however, you probably have shower mold. Getting rid of mold damage in your shower may be something you can handle on your own if the problem is very small, but if your efforts are incomplete, you may be setting yourself up for a larger problem later. Here are some tips for getting rid of mold in your shower.

1. Skip the Bleach

Bleach should not be your first choice for mold cleanup. Not only does it give off undesirable fumes, but it also is comprised of mostly water. Since black mold thrives in water, using bleach would most likely mean you are just feeding it instead of killing it. Instead, use a detergent such as Borax to combat the mold in your grout.

2. Use Elbow Grease

In order to get rid of shower mold, you are going to have to scrub. You may have to use several rags or a brush to clean the entire surface, since reusing the same dirty rag will probably just redistribute the mold rather than actually cleaning it off your tiles.

3. Don't Cover It Up

If you scrub and the grout stays moldy, it will probably need to be replaced. Don't just add new grout on top of it, though. The existing grout will need to be removed before new grout is applied.

4. Get Professional Mitigation

You should only attempt black mold cleanup if the problem covers a very small area. If your whole shower has mold, you should call mold remediation specialists to take care of the problem. They have the training and equipment to do the job well, and they can test afterwards to make sure the fungus is gone.

If your home in Eason, OK, has a mold problem in the bathroom, it's important to clean it as soon as possible. Shower mold can be handled easily if it's caught early.

SERVPRO Technicians Will Not Waste Any Time Restoring Your Fire Damaged Property

5/28/2019 (Permalink)

Returning your home to its original state after a fire involves removing damaged property and debris, structure reconstruction, and cleaning of the building and personal property. Each task requires trained personnel with the latest in restoration equipment and cleaning agents.

SERVPRO maintains a 24-hour response team with access to a nationwide network of equipment and cleaners to handle any fire damage to your Lexington, Oklahoma home. When it comes to recovering structural and personal property, we have developed four techniques to ensure the right chemicals, procedures, and tools match the damage.

4 Fire Damage Restoration Techniques in Lexington

  1. Absorption – Some surfaces are too fragile to use a water-based or solvent-based cleaner. In these cases, a dry powder is used to coat the property lightly. They are very efficient in removing soils from porous surfaces like brick, carpet, drapes, marble, and upholstery. Once the contamination has absorbed into the powder, it is easily extracted by dry wiping or using a vacuum if possible.
  2. Surface Techniques – Spray and Wipe and Foam Cleaning prevent material from being saturated with water or a cleaning agent. Spray and Wipe is the preferred technique for hard surfaces and furniture. Once the agent is sprayed or misted onto the property, it is wiped off with a dry towel. We use Foam Cleaning on property that is easily damaged by excessive moisture. It still puts enough cleaning agent onto the assets while reducing the amount of liquid. Technicians apply foam by hand using a sponge or with a pump-up sprayer which is dryer still and a better technique for more delicate or older fabrics.

  3. Saturation Techniques – Hand Wash and Rinse use cloth towels soaked in a cleaning agent to cover and lightly scrub soils and other contamination from surfaces and fabrics. After several repeats, a dry towel is used to absorb the remaining moisture. For deeply stained cloth, we deploy an Upholstery Cleaning Machine (UCM). This device uses a cleaning agent or water to remove heavy soil along with an adjustable agitation action to work contamination from the property.

  4. Immersion Technique – Response team members, place affected property into a tank filled with one of our cleaning agents. The technician maintains constant observation of the property to ensure thorough cleaning without damage to the item. If needed, the technician has the option to use an ultrasonic cleaner to generate sound waves which force millions of vapor bubbles through the immersed item for a faster operation.

SERVPRO of Norman has the tools and training to put your home back to its pre-disaster state. Regardless if it is a small or large fire, we work with you to get your life back to normal. If you need us, call today at (405) 292-0808.

4 Common Causes of Residential Fires

5/22/2019 (Permalink)

4 Common Causes of House Fires

A home fire can cause extensive fire damage and put your family’s safety at risk. There are precautions you can take, however, to prevent a fire from breaking out in your home in Etowah, OK, in the first place. Here are four common causes of house fires and how you can avoid them.

1. Cooking and Kitchen Appliances

One of the leading fire causes in homes happens in the kitchen. Someone may leave a burner on when cooking, or a grease fire can get started when oil comes into contact with a heating element. Following standard kitchen safety tips can help you avoid the need for fire damage cleanup. Keep all flammable objects away from burners, and never leave your stove unattended while it’s on.

2. Clothes Dryers

A lot of lint can build up in your dryer in a short amount of time, particularly if you have a large family and thus a lot of laundry. If the lint comes into contact with a heating element, a home fire can occur. Fire cleanup professionals recommend cleaning your lint screen before every load and cleaning out the inside of your dryer as well as the exhaust hose every six months.

3. Electrical Circuits

An overloaded circuit can result in an electrical fire. Too many plugs or worn extension cords can cause a shorted fuse. Make sure your outlets can handle the wattage you need before you plug in too many appliances. It is also a good idea to purchase surge protectors to avoid the need for fire cleaning.

4. Heaters

Space heaters are great in the winter, but if you don’t use them safely, you may get way more heat than you want. Give them a three-foot radius so that nothing flammable touches them. Make sure they remain upright, and turn them off when you’re not in the room.

A home fire can cost a lot of money and put your family at risk. Avoid the common causes to prevent fires from happening.

When Does Mitigation Stop and Restoration Start?

5/11/2019 (Permalink)

Performing mitigation in a Norman, OK building

Mitigation takes place in the hours and days after a flood with the goal of stopping primary damage from worsening or preventing secondary damage from occurring. A flood cleanup company may extract water, perform cuts and promote drying. Restoration can begin after the affected area is clean and dry. Here are a few ways to differentiate between mitigation and restoration.

After Damage Occurs

Limiting the severity of damage is the top priority after a flood. A mitigation service may provide any of the following measures:

  • Assessing and documenting damage
  • Determining structural risks
  • Extracting water and debris
  • Tearing out damaged building materials

All of these steps fall under the category of mitigation. A business or building owner can hire a specialized cleanup firm or rely on an all-in-one mitigation and restoration company.

After Damage Has Been Limited

Mitigation continues after initial measures have been taken to extract flood water. A flood cleanup company will then take steps to eliminate every trace of damage:

  • Cleaning
  • Disinfecting
  • Drying

Disinfection is necessary for leaks or flooding involving contaminated water. It may take several days for the area to dry.

After the Area Is Clean and Dry

Restoration can begin after all traces of flood damage have been cleaned or removed. A new company or the same one-stop shop will repair and rebuild the structure. Relying on one company for mitigation and restoration has several advantages, such as continuity of services and a single estimate and schedule.

The differences between mitigation and restoration are more obvious if a building or business owner relies on different companies to provide these services. The transition between companies may also increase the risk of miscommunication or interrupt the workflow. For a consistent quality of work and timely completion, building and business owners should depend on a flood cleanup company that provides both mitigation and restoration services in Norman, OK.

Top 5 Flood Safety Tips for Homeowners

4/26/2019 (Permalink)

Hire SERVPRO, the professionals in water damage restoration.

Tips For Flood Safety

Floods are the top natural disaster throughout the United States. Obviously, certain areas are prone to flooding, such as coastal regions, swamplands, canyons, plains and valleys. However, sudden heavy rains can result in flooding in any locality. Because of this, you can be prepared by following a set of tips for flood safety.

1. Stay Up to Date

Weather conditions can change at a moment's notice. Follow weather updates via smartphones, radio or TV. Staying informed helps determine whether you need to evacuate.

2. Gather Essential Supplies

A flood may require you to leave your home. There's also the potential for injuries, especially with flash floods. Prepare a survival kit containing three days' worth of supplies. Items include:

  • First aid kit
  • Extra batteries
  • Phone chargers
  • Battery-powered radio
  • Flashlight
  • One gallon of water for each person
  • Non-perishable food
  • Personal hygiene and sanitation products
  • Copies of important documents

These items can sustain you during and after a flood. Make sure you keep the kit in a secure place that's easily accessible.

4. Watch Where You Drive

It doesn't take much flood water to make driving a vehicle nearly impossible. Six inches to two feet of water can cause a car, truck or SUV to stall or get swept away. When you near a flooded area, turn around and drive to higher ground.

5. Exercise Caution When Returning Home

Once the flood is over, it doesn't mean all is well. You still need to focus on flood safety, especially when you're returning to your home. Be aware that roads are weak and susceptible to collapse. Clean and disinfect all wet items in your home. Wait for news reports to find out if the water in Noble, OK, is safe to drink.

Stay Out of Harm's Way

Floods pose a real threat. Following basic flood safety tips keeps you and your loved ones out of harm's way. When it comes to cleaning your home after a flood, it's best to hire a professional water damage restoration company.

What To Do After Wooden Floors Get Wet

4/18/2019 (Permalink)

Steps to Take to Preserve Wooden Floors

When a commercial property in Mickiddyville, OK, sustains water damage from a pipe burst or from flooding, wooden floors often get wet as a result. There are several steps you can take to preserve wooden floors.

1. Dry the Surface Quickly

After the flow of water has stopped, removing the water and drying the area is one of the first things you can do to keep your building’s floors from becoming warped. A wet floor can be hazardous to a business’s employees and customers, making the removal of water exceptionally important. Additionally, a wood floor and the subfloor can absorb water and become swollen if water is left to sit for an extended period of time.

2. Ensure the Root Cause Is Identified and Fixed

Whether the water damage was caused by a leak, a pipe burst or a broken appliance, it’s important that water does not continue to damage the floors and the surrounding areas. Before you can be certain that further damage won’t occur, you need to identify the source of the water. Once the cause of the flooding has been identified, it’s also often helpful to fix the leak or the break that caused the issue, and if the issue cannot be fixed immediately, turning off water in the building can be a useful short-term solution.

3. Keep the Area Dry

Even if water is not actively flooding an area in your business, your wooden floors still have the potential to become warped. High levels of humidity or wet items that are left on top of floors can increase the likelihood of your floors becoming swollen. Water damage restoration professionals can often assist in keeping your floors consistently dry by using dehumidifiers and other powerful equipment.

A flood or pipe burst doesn’t necessarily mean your business’s floors will sustain damage. Quickly drying the floors, finding and fixing the cause of the damage and keeping the area dry can help you protect your business’s wooden floors.

Why Does Mold Smell?

4/12/2019 (Permalink)

It isn't uncommon for properties to have distinctive smells. Think of the difference between stepping into a dentist's office versus a legal firm, for example. Some aromas are just a reflection of the work that goes on within the building, such as in a flower shop. Additionally, environmental factors influence the smells within a building. However, a musty odor shouldn't be dismissed as the result of a rainy day. That distinctive odor could be carrying a mycotoxin.

What Smells?

A mycotoxin is any toxic substance that is produced by a fungus, such as mold. If you've ever gone down into an unused cellar, you may have noticed a distinctive musty smell. For many property owners, that scent immediately leads to concerns. The substances produced during active mold growth include:

  • 1-octen-3-ol, or "mushroom alcohol"
  • Geosmin, often smelled after rain
  • 1-butanol
  • Borneol
  • 3-octanone
  • 2-hexanone

It's interesting to note that some of these aroma-making substances are used in the production of perfumes, such as 1-octen-3-ol. However, this fact shouldn't prevent you from hiring a mold remediation specialist if you notice the scent in a closet on your property.

Testing for Trouble

These professionals will probably run a few different tests to determine the extent and severity of the problem. They are likely to test for MVOCs, or Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds, often a primary source of that musty odor, and for high humidity levels, a source of mold growth. With the information from these tests, the specialist will create a mold remediation plan that probably involves reducing moisture levels in trouble spots, completing repairs around your property, and initiating preventative strategies, such as HEPA filtration devices.

Take Note:

It's important to remember that a given mycotoxin may produce smells without presenting any real impact on building occupants. As you work closely with mold remediation technicians in Lexington, OK, you'll learn more about why mold causes odors and how to prevent further growth.

What to Look for in a Restoration Company

3/25/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO offers a variety of services

What to Look for in a Restoration Company

When looking for a restoration company in Slaughterville, OK, there are a number of features you may want to look at including the ability to be faster to any size disaster. Choosing the right company for your property's restoration needs can make a difference. Here are some things you may want to consider.

1. The Ability to Deal With Multiple Damage Types

Many professional restoration services like SERVPRO offer the ability to work with multiple damage types. This is often because one type of damage can lead to another. For example, fire put out by water can also result in mold if the water is left to stand too long. Most restoration companies can help fix smoke and fire damage, water damage, storm damage and also offer mold remediation for this exact reason.

2. A Quick Response Time

Being faster to any size disaster also means arriving with the right materials and equipment required to do the job. Locally owned franchises such as SERVPRO have locations across the country allowing them to be where they need to be when disaster strikes. Because they are a franchise, they also have access to corporate equipment and materials, which gives them the ability to handle large-scale jobs as well.

3. They Offer a Variety of Services

A restoration company such as SERVPRO also offer a variety of services designed to help your agent process the insurance claim. These include an electronics inventory service as well as an online database that provides access to information such as photographs and progress reports for the damaged areas, estimates, filed paperwork, and many other details needed for a properly filed claim.

Whether you're choosing a restoration company because they have the ability to be faster to any size disaster, or they can deal with multiple damage types, you may also want to look at the other services they provide. Many companies can help you clean your damaged items as well as the structure, and has services they can offer which can make keeping track of the details needed by your insurance provider easier.

3 Steps to Prevent Water Damage During Your Vacation

3/17/2019 (Permalink)

There’s nothing worse than returning home from your vacation to find your belongings water damaged. Water damage is one of the most common homeowner’s insurance claims and much of it happens when people aren’t there to stop it. Before your trip, learn how a water pipe repair or other small steps can keep your Hall Park, OK, home from being flooded.

Causes of Water Damage

There are countless ways for water to wreak havoc. While you are present, there’s time to stop it. But while you’re gone, water from a broken pipe, for example, can spray uninhibited for hours. Some of the main sources of vacation water damage are:

  • Water heaters
  • Appliance hoses
  • Sump pumps
  • Pipes

While there’s not much you can do after the fact but clean up, there are a few steps you can take beforehand to reduce the odds of a watery outcome.

Examine Your Pipes

Pipes are natural culprits for leaks, so checks yours out if you’re leaving for more than a day or two. Check under your kitchen and bathroom sinks as well as in your laundry room. Wherever you see drips or excess condensation, make a water pipe repair before you go.

Check Appliance Hoses

Take time to look at the hoses to your washing machine, refrigerator and other water-using appliances. If you find a kinked or damaged hose, replace it.

Check Your Sump Pump

Sump pumps are a lifesaver, but only if they work. Look over your sump pump and listen to the motor for any sounds of malfunction. Filling the sump pit and running the pump to clear debris is also a good idea.
As much as a trip can reduce stress, coming home to water damage can induce it. Just one water pipe repair or hose replacement can reduce the risk. Use these tips and more from your local water damage specialist to keep your home front dry while you’re gone.

A Guide to Mold and Your Home

3/7/2019 (Permalink)

Rivulets of water form as steam condenses on a cold window. The floor absorbs water after the dishwasher overflows, disappearing between gaps in tiles. The bathroom stays humid during all types of weather. Water seeps slowing at the base of a cement wall in the basement. Snow melts into the eaves after rain gutter damage. Each of these situations presents an opportunity for black mold to take hold in a Eason, OK, home.

Advice From the EPA

Even if these situations occur on a regular basis at your home, there are things you can do to prevent mold growth. The Environmental Protection Agency presents three key factors to success:

  • Control moisture to control mold.
  • An appropriate solution requires mold cleanup and resolution for the moisture problem.
  • Water-damaged areas must be thoroughly dried with 24 to 48 hours.

When you understand these three facts, you are well on your way to preventing black mold from affecting your home and belongings.

How Does Mold Get Into Your Home?

Molds occur naturally in just about any environment. They play a vital role in nature, breaking down organic matter, including fallen leaves, dead insects, and toppled trees. In your home, however, mold is usually the result of a moisture problem. Tiny mold spores float into the air and get carried into homes on breezes, clothing, shoes, or pets. When the spores land on wet surfaces, they quickly embrace their new living environment.

Home Maintenance and Repair: Your Home's Best Defense

Some places are difficult to keep completely dry. A couple of examples of these areas include the bathroom and the laundry room where water is constantly introduced. The best way to solve this problem is to increase ventilation in the rooms and to clean more frequently. Don't forget to peek under sinks, behind and underneath appliances, and in the corners of the room. Throughout your entire home, immediately fix any leaks or water problems.

You don't have to suffer the effects of black mold in your home. Mold cleanup and remediation professionals in your area have additional tips and advice concerning how to best protect your home.

Helping Clients Get the Restoration Services They Need

2/19/2019 (Permalink)

When storm restoration is needed, SERVPRO can help!

A strong storm can damage a large area in a short amount of time. When residential clients need storm restoration services, it is in their best interest to choose a company that responds to their call for help quickly and provides all the information they need for insurance claims. By choosing a company that has broad corporate resources and a reliable local franchise in Etowah, OK, homeowners can save both themselves and their insurance company money.

Fast Response

A national call center that operates 24 hours a day is well-equipped to delegate quick storm response to people in affected areas. As soon as the company receives a call, they put the following actions in motion:

  • Contact local franchise
  • Open file in Claims Information Center
  • Dispatch extra equipment to area if necessary

The earlier storm restoration begins, the less chance there is of secondary damage to the home in question. A company that's Faster to Any Size Disaster saves time and money by limiting the amount of remediation that has to happen.

Detailed Reports

The CIC is a helpful tool for homeowners and insurance adjusters. As soon as the flood damage is assessed and an estimate of the total cost for restoration is created, the report is stored in the corporate database. When the customer file is accessed, all the information needed for the claim is right there. The adjuster can use it to corroborate his or her inspection. The homeowner can use it to get a complete list of the items that need to be replaced or repaired and how much the process is going to cost. A comprehensive report of the damage gives the insurance company the information it needs to process the claim in an efficient manner.

When storm restoration is needed, it doesn't need to be delayed. A company that responds quickly and provides a detailed account of the problem is helpful to both the homeowner and the insurance company.

Mold In Your Norman Home: A Brief Overview

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

One of the most severe household matters that a homeowner may have to deal with is mold in Norman, OK. In some cases, the mold can lurk in areas that the residential property owner does not see. If undetected, the fungus can cause a range of health and safety risks on your property. For this reason, it's essential to learn as much about the bacteria as possible. Use this quick reference guide to attaining helpful mold information: 

Where Does Mold Grow?

As many Norman mold removal experts know, the fungus can pop up in any region of the home that has the ideal combination of high humidity and warm temperatures. For this reason, bathrooms will often develop rings of black mold referred to as mildew. In the event of a water-related disaster such as a flood, the homeowner's entire wall can be overtaken by the fungus. This process is possible because mold grows quickly and can consume almost any form of organic matter for food.
Although flooding can generate a mold infestation, this is not the only cause. Plumbing leaks can cause an unwanted infestation between floors and behind walls. These types of household water issues can also cause a mold growth inside kitchen cabinets, attic sheeting, and walls.

Why Attaining Professional Remediation Services Is Important
Although you may be inclined to handle a mold issue on your own, it's important to know that you cannot eliminate the fungus on your own. First of all, most property owners lack the training necessary to eradicate the fungus without exposing themselves to health and safety risks. Additionally, Norman mold can start to thrive between floors and in drywall. These are regions of the property that most laypeople do not have the capacity to access and repair. Finally, most property owners do not have the equipment necessary to eliminate truly a mold infestation quickly and correctly. These are just some of the ideas why the remediation process should be left in the hands of the professionals.

Call SERVPRO For Fast, Trusted Mold Remediation Services
If you suspect that mold has begun to live on your property, it's time to call the professionals of SERVPRO of Norman. Our IICRC-certified technicians possess the skills and equipment necessary to eradicate the unwanted fungus with lightning speed. In addition to offering mold remediation services, we assist our clients with any water, fire, or smoke damage they may experience. We're ready to help you now, so contact us for more information at (405) 292-0808.

Life Cycle of Mold Damage

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

The Mold Damage Life Cycle

Most Americans know that mold is a fungus, meaning that it reproduces and functions in a very different manner from other forms of life. It does not mate, as animals do, or pollinate as a plant does, or split into two copies as other microorganisms do. Instead, mold engages in a complex and unique reproduction cycle that allows its young to spread far and wide, endure harsh conditions, and lay dormant for years until conditions are ideal for growth. 

Hyphal Growth 

The primary growth sequence in mold's life cycle, the period of hyphal growth is also the beginnings of its reproduction. This is also when mold damage in Hall Park, OK will first become visible. During this time, a tiny, microscopic nucleus will begin spreading outward, developing a web or stalk of spindles which will later be used for reproduction. During this phase, the mold needs an organic food source, which may be anything from left-out food to a wooden stump to the building materials of your home. 

Spore Formation 

On the ends of the webs/stalks formed during the hyphal stage, spores begin to grow. These may be asexual or sexual in nature, but their function and structure remain largely the same: a small, bush-like bunch of spores will begin to grow, eventually reaching maturity. 

Spore Release and Initial Growth 

Upon reaching maturity, spores are released and carried by wind or animal to another location. In many cases, they will end up on the same food source, starting the growth of a colony. According to our SERVPRO professionals, spores can often last for many years through extreme conditions, waiting for the right time to begin growing. Once these conditions exist, the spore begins once again the process of hyphal growth. Each spore can potentially reproduce thousands of others on its own, which is why mold colonies often grow out of hand quickly.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

SERVPRO of Norman is a certified and trusted local source of home restorations and mold remediation services. An early sign of mold damage may be a mysterious white patch somewhere in your home. If this or some other type of mold damage hits your home, don't hesitate to contact us at (405) 292-0808.

Hail and Escalating Roof Damage

2/13/2019 (Permalink)

Hail And Escalating Roof Damage

Roof damage can be a significant cost for businesses and one that can be avoided with vigilant and routine inspections. While many companies are likely aware of the potential for damage after a storm, they may not be as aware of the threat a hail storm poses to their roof. Hail comes in a variety of sizes and weights, and these ice balls can do lasting damage to your roof if not mitigated early.

1. Shingles

The most apparent signs of hail damage to your roof are broken or missing shingles. Hail stones can either create small divots in a shingle, or they can completely fracture and even break a shingle free of the roof altogether.

2. Underlayment

While missing shingles are not significant causes of roof damage, torn or missing underlayment can be. When a shingle is broken or missing, it can lead to the exposure or wearing away of the underlayment. Tattered or damaged underlayment can lead to water damaged sheathing.

3. Sheathing

Sheathing is the wood boards that cover over your attic joist. These boards are your last line of defense against the outside. If your shingles and underlayment are damaged, then your sheathing is exposed to rain and other elements. Depending on the size of hail, it can severely damage your sheathing through both impact and melting.

4. Insulation and Attic

When the roof barrier is compromised, it leaves insulation and your attic space potential exposed. This exposure can lead to moisture buildup and possibly mold development. If you are experiencing this level of damage, you may want to call a disaster restoration specialist in the Norman, OK area.

Hail storms can cause significant roof damage. Routine inspections of your commercial property’s roofline should protect you from any obvious issues like missing shingles. However, you may want to seek assistance for more thorough inspections for underlayment and sheathing damage.

3 Ways to Know It’s Time to Replace Your Smoke Alarm

2/5/2019 (Permalink)

Smoke detectors can save your home and your life.

A fire or smoke alarm offers one of the simplest and most affordable ways to protect your home from fire damage. But to protect you, they must be in proper working order. Here are a few tips from the experts to help ensure the detector in your Etowah, OK, home is in top condition.

The Reason for Smoke Detectors

It’s easy to forget why we have smoke detectors, until you have a fire. These tiny, ubiquitous devices do a big job in keeping us safe. According to safety experts:

  • Three out of five home fire deaths occur in buildings where there is no working smoke detector
  • Having a working fire detector cuts your risk of dying in a home fire in half

These sobering facts make it clear that you need to have a smoke alarm and make sure it works properly.

Know Your Alarm Type

How often you check your alarm depends a lot on the type you have. For an old-fashioned one powered by a 9-volt battery, be sure to replace the batteries every year. A lithium battery-powered alarm won’t need its batteries touched for a decade, while an alarm that’s hard-wired to your home’s electrical system will likely have a backup battery. As with a standard 9-volt alarm, that battery should be replaced annually.

Heed the Beep

Beeping is one of the top signs that you may need to replace the battery. Press the test button on the alarm to see if it’s still working properly and if not, replace batteries promptly.

Replace Alarms When Needed

Like most things, these devices have an expiration date. Experts recommend replacing all smoke detectors, regardless of the type, every decade for maximum effectiveness.

We’re fortunate to live in an era when the average smoke alarm is affordable. Make the most of your devices by keeping them in working order with these tips from the fire experts

3 Reasons You Should Hire a Certified Remediation Company

1/22/2019 (Permalink)

Discovering mold growth in your Norman, OK home can be stressful

Three Key Reasons You Should Hire a Specially Licensed Professional

Discovering extensive mold growth inside your home may be extremely frustrating. Because the fungus can destroy building materials and compromise the integrity of your home, it’s important to conduct a thorough cleanup. To efficiently complete the potentially daunting task, you may want to hire a certified mold specialist. While you may have numerous choices when selecting a remediation team, there are three key reasons you should hire a specially licensed professional.

1. Extensive Knowledge

In order to receive mold certification, specialists receive extensive on-the-job training that enables them to become proficient in their trade. To ensure knowledge retention, routine testing is also typically mandatory. This helps ensure that technicians are up-to-date on the latest techniques and understand appropriate remediation protocols.

2. Adherence to Industry Standards

Because mold spores can easily become airborne and contaminate clean areas of your home, it’s essential that the remediation team adhere to stringent safety guidelines. Most certified mold professionals recognize this responsibility and employ effective strategies aimed at preventing cross-contamination. Uncertified technicians may not follow established industry protocols, potentially leaving your residence vulnerable to additional mold damage.

3. Likely to Maintain Insurance

During the cleanup process, unforeseen situations may arise. A certified mold remediation team may be more likely to possess adequate insurance coverage than counterparts that choose to forsake the certification process. This is beneficial for both the company and its customers because it often illustrates a sense of responsibility and commitment to quality work that may provide additional peace of mind for concerned clients.

Discovering mold growth can be a stressful dilemma for many homeowners in Norman, OK. Because of the fungus’ destructive behavior and ability to spread spores through the air, taking precaution during the cleanup process is essential. Certified mold professionals can utilize their extensive knowledge to help residents successfully remove the contamination from their homes and shield them from additional damage.

Think Fast About Broken Pipes

1/18/2019 (Permalink)

It always seems like an unexpected disaster happens on a day when you really don’t have time to deal with it: when you are scheduled to lead a presentation with a client, when you have to pick up the kids from school, or when you are heading out for vacation. Here are some tips so you can prepare to think fast when you have bursting pipes in your home in Norman, OK.

Complications Happen Fast

The trouble with bursting pipes and other unsuspected leaks is that damage quickly goes from bad to worse:

  • Wood and paper materials can be structurally damaged the longer they are left in water.

  • Staining can take place when wet materials are allowed to sit against carpet or other items.

  • Metal materials can start to corrode.
  •  Exposure to time and temperature can turn clean water into harmful “gray water” or “black water.”

  • Mold can start growing in about 48 hours.

Don’t delay and get started with the cleanup. Everything else can wait.

Phone a Friend for Fast Help

You may actually need to phone two friends: one to pick up your kids or do your presentation, and one professional water mitigation specialist that understands the need to act fast to fix the broken pipe and clean up water. Turn off the water so your bursting pipe doesn’t continue spraying water all over your home. It’s amazing how quickly water starts to accumulate.

The call you make to the expert will be most useful for resolving your bursting pipes quickly. The right professional will have knowledge, experience and special equipment to help you resolve the flood. Pumps, vacuums, fans and dehumidifiers will help remove water and any remaining moisture to minimize damage and prevent secondary trouble such as mold growth.

You’ve Got This

Now that you know what to expect and who to call, you can think fast during an emergency and help minimize water damage in your home.

Commercial Fires Can Leave Lingering Problems for Building Owners

1/12/2019 (Permalink)

After a commercial fire in Norman, Ok, the building can be expected to need a good smoke cleaning by professionals to remove the stains left behind by the soot and dark fumes of billowing smoke-filled clouds. But weeks or months later, an unexpected smoky or acrid smell may arise. That is when most people ask themselves what happened.

Dark Stains

Discoloration can generally be removed by a team of fire specialists. Using specialized cleaning methods and chemicals, the team can often quickly remove the damaging stains from the walls, floors, and ceilings. Once the stains from the smoke damage have been removed, the building can quickly be reopened for business.

Unpleasant Odors

What many people do not realize is that a general smoke cleaning only removes surface pollutants. During a fire, flames can send out gas fumes as they consume items. The gases may include the following:

  • Hydrogen cyanide
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Phosgene
  • Hydrogen Chloride
  • Nitrogen Dioxide

As the fumes penetrate the surfaces of most porous items inside the building, they become hidden by the more offensive nature of the smoke and soot. Once the surface smoke and soot is removed, the gases typically become noticeable.

Specialized Cleaning

Fire and smoke restoration specialists can fight the noxious and offensive smells left underneath the smoke odor with air cleaners. These include ozone machines, air filtration devices, and thermal foggers. By initiating a full area air cleaning along with the surface cleaning, your building can typically be returned to normal quickly when the majority of offensive odors have been removed.

Smoke cleaning is important, but it is only part of the cleaning often necessary to fully remove the offensive and lingering gases trapped in the interior of your commercial building. It is often best to look to a restoration team right after the fire to minimize the hold the odors may have on your property.

Steps To Take in Spring for Irrigation Maintenance

12/31/2018 (Permalink)

After a long winter in Eason, OK, spring brings with it the promise of new growth. In order to achieve this growth and see landscape flourish, it is time to turn those winterized sprinklers back on. The winterization process is an important step in irrigation maintenance, but it is also very important to make sure you take the necessary steps before turning your sprinkler system back on. Making sure you do a thorough check of your system can aid in avoiding unwanted sprinkler flooding. Use the following steps as a guide.

1. Inspect Sprinkler Heads

Sprinkler heads are the most prominent part of your sprinkler system. The fact that they reside above ground means they can easily be broken. It is important to check that all sprinkler heads are in place and in good working order. A missing head can lead to a geyser of water shooting out, resulting in flooding. Simply replace any broken or missing heads.

2. Turn Your Water On Slowly

When it comes time to turn your sprinklers back on, you want to ensure you turn the water on at the valve slowly. Turning the water on too fast can cause pressure issues in your pipes that can lead to a burst. Allowing the water to flow slowly into the pipes avoids pressure buildup.

3. Check the Pipes

Checking the pipes is usually the most important part of your irrigation maintenance. With the pipes being underground, it can be difficult to check them. Once you have turned your sprinkler system back on, keep an eye on the system. If water is bubbling up around a sprinkler head, or if you see a sunken area on the ground, these are key signs that your pipes may need to be fixed. The most obvious sign is flooding and pooling. If pipes are not promptly fixed, they can require water damage repair.

Irrigation maintenance is paramount to keeping your sprinkler system in good working order. Fixing issues now can save a headache down the road.

Why Does My Toilet Overflow When I Take a Shower?

12/20/2018 (Permalink)

Contact a sewage cleaning company in the Norman, OK area

Why Does My Toilet Overflow When I Take a Shower?

If you are a homeowner in Norman, Ok, chances are that, at some point, you may have to deal with having your toilet overflow while you're taking a shower. This happens as the result of a blockage somewhere between your toilet and the sewer. While there are steps you can take on your own, a more severe problem may require professional sewage cleaning. But first, let's take a look at what's happening and what you can try to remedy the problem on your own.

1. The Snake

When you run the shower and the waste water line is clogged, the water is going to come back out in the first place it can, which is the toilet. Before calling a sewage cleaning company, you can try using a snake. This a flexible, thick wire operated either by hand crank or by motor. To reach the blockage and clear the clogged pipe, it needs to be at least 25 feet long.

2. Snake the Toilet

Run the snake straight through the toilet. You may want to remove the toilet first and run the snake directly into the drain in the floor. Once you've run the snake down through the clog, you'll want to check your work by running the shower. If it still overflows, you may need to try the second option.

3. Snake the Drain Cleanout

If snaking the toilet doesn't work, you can try snaking the drain cleanout. Locate the main drain, which is usually found in the basement or a crawlspace. The drain cleanout is a cap on the drain, which you can remove with a wrench. When you have the cap off, run the snake through the pipe. Once again, you'll need to run the shower to see if you've removed the blockage.

4. Call a Professional

If these two methods fail, it's probably time to call a sewage cleaning specialist. Using professional techniques, they can make sure the blockage is eliminated and, hopefully, that you won't have to worry about this unfortunate event ever happening again!

What You Need To Know About Fire and Rental Insurance

12/20/2018 (Permalink)

Fire damage in an Norman, OK home

Even though you do not own your home, you love your space in Norman, Ok. As such, you have invested thousands in furniture, decorations, keepsakes and personal belongings. While you may not want to think about losing your valuables in a fire, you plan for every contingency. Still, there are some things you should know about your renters insurance.

Fires Can Be Unbelievably Destructive

As you probably know, with either their flames or smoke, fires can destroy essentially everything in your rental unit. While you may worry most about personal keepsakes, you should also understand that fire damage can affect the following:

  • Electronic equipment
  • Financial records
  • Furniture
  • Clothing
  • Photographs

Because fire and smoke can damage all of your property, you must have a strategy for replacing damaged and destroyed items after a fire.

Rental Insurance Covers Your Property

To know whether you have to pay out of pocket for damaged items, you should know about insurance. The renters insurance you buy typically covers losses to the items you have in your rental unit. Your policy likely does not cover the structure itself, including carpeting and fixtures. Fortunately, your landlord probably has a policy to pay for repairs to the building.

Restoration May Be Possible

You may not have to throw away all of your belongings after a fire. While flames and smoke can cause extensive damage, fire restoration may be possible. Restoration technicians have the expertise and equipment to recommend a post-fire cleanup plan. If you have belongings you love, you should consider asking contracting with a reputable fire restoration service to clean and repair as many damaged items as possible.

With a comprehensive renters insurance policy, you don’t have to worry about replacing your furnishings and other belongings after a fire. When you are shopping for a policy, though, you must look for the right coverage to protect your investment.

What To Do When You Smell Mold but Can’t See It

11/29/2018 (Permalink)

Mold damage on wall in a Lexington,OK business

Mold has a very distinctive fungus smell, meaning that often times its odor makes itself known before the mold itself is found. For a business in Lexington, OK, the mold smell can be worrying. Fortunately, there are a few things that can be done.

Where Mold Grows

Most people associate the musty mildew smell with places like basements or attics. This is in part because environments like these are a good location for mold to settle in. In fact there are some environments mold is more likely to grow in than others.

  • Locations with water damage
  • Cool damp areas such as a basement or cellar
  • Locations where condensation may collect
  • Areas with regularly high humidity such as a restroom or pool area
  • Areas where there has been recent flooding
  • Materials that can soak in water such as wood, paper, plaster, cardboard, or ceiling tiles

Why Mold Smells

As mold grows it releases a secondary metabolite called a mycotoxin. These are the reason for the musty mold smell. Mycotoxins are common to the fungi kingdom and most fungi, including mold, undergo this process.

Ways to Locate Mold

Many mold remediation professionals have a few tools they can use to locate mold when it’s not visible. Mold tests can be used to test air samples or surfaces for potential growth. An infrared camera may also be used to locate cool area where water may have built up. Because mold grows best in cool, damp environments checking these locations may lead to locating the source of the mildew smell. Once the mold has been located it is important to begin the cleaning process as soon as possible.

Finding mold growth based off of a mold smell is possible, especially when you have the right tools and know where to look. Remember, if you have trouble, or don’t feel comfortable looking for the mold yourself, a professional may be able to help.

After a Catastrophic Fire, Identify All of the Damage

11/21/2018 (Permalink)

Fire damage in an Etowah,OK building

If your business in Etowah, OK, has been affected by a fire, it is important that you identify both fire damage and water damage when getting back on your feet. Determining the losses from both the flames and the fire hose water can save your business time and money when returning to business.

What Did the Fire Affect?

Visible signs of damage can range from soot and charring to smoke stains and discoloration. Make sure to go office by office, room by room and location by location to determine what has been burned as well as what has been otherwise impacted by the blaze. A variety of specific areas will likely require attention:

  • Floors, walls and ceilings that have been burned, charred and stained
  • Areas that have residual smoke odors, such as carpeting, cubicle walls and office furnishings
  • Electrical wires, cables, conduits and plumbing fixtures that could have been destroyed, weakened, melted or suffered other heat-related fire damage
  • Office equipment, computers, telephone systems, server rooms and manufacturing equipment that was directly in the line of fire or affected by smoke, ash and soot
  • Sensors, tools and small appliances that can require recalibration or cleaning

What Did the Fire Hose Affect?

When extinguishing a fire, first responders use a lot of water to put out the flames and embers. When water is introduced to parts of your business that have never been wet, the effects can slow your recovery if you don't analyze everything promptly.

After the firefighters leave, ponding water and puddles are obvious. However, moisture in cabinets, closets and files can be easily missed. If it is left standing or stagnating in a warm area, water damage and subsequent mold and mildew growth can spread quickly. Additionally, wet ceiling tiles that sag are a danger for employees if they become too heavy and start crashing down. Make sure to also check storage tanks to ensure condensation has not contaminated the contents.

When addressing water and fire damage in Etowah, OK, be sure to find the right commercial building restoration service that can correct all of the damage and get you back in business as quickly as possible.

How Can FEMA Help Storm Damage Victims Recover From the Aftermath?

11/13/2018 (Permalink)

When a natural disaster or major storm, such as a flood or tornado, sweeps through and damages an area, some of the first people on the ground work for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA, as the agency is commonly called, provides many different forms of assistance, including but not limited to the following:

  • Housing assistance (rent, home repairs, home replacement, etc.)
  • Help with repairing or replacing personal property
  • Financial assistance with funeral expenses
  • Medical, dental and childcare assistance
  • Moving and storage expenses
  • Assistance to repair or replace vehicles

In addition to helping repair physical damage, the agency also provides assistance for damages that arise as a result of the physical damage.

Unemployment and Reemployment Services

After a flooding or other natural disaster in Eason, OK, it is not uncommon for individuals to need to relocate and/or take time off work. If an individual is forced to take time off, his or her employer may be forced to let him or her go. FEMA provides unemployment benefits and reemployment services to individuals who are forced to take time off or relocate post disaster.

Crisis Counseling

The agency also offers crisis counseling to individuals and whole communities who have suffered great loss as a result of the disaster. It does this by funding and sometimes hosting community-based outreach programs and educational services.

Disaster Legal Services

Often, the individuals who need disaster assistance are low-income. These individuals generally cannot afford legal services if they need them for their disaster related needs. The federal agency helps these individuals secure legal services when they're needed.

Additional Services

In addition to providing the aforementioned types of assistance, FEMA also partners with other government agencies, as well as non-government agencies, to meet the needs of disaster survivors. If the agency cannot meet your unique needs, you can talk with a representative to see if one of its partner agencies can. You can also talk to your local storm damage restoration team regarding types of assistance available.

What to Expect With Fire Cleanup

10/25/2018 (Permalink)

Board up window after a fire damage in a Eason,OK home

If you’ve experienced fire or smoke damage in Eason, OK, then you may be wondering where to start with the cleanup process. Here are a few things you can expect to see in your home after a fire and during restoration.

What Steps Cleanup Can Include

Calling your local fire damage professional can be a great first step in the cleanup process. Some things they can take care of include:

  • Boarding and tarping the home against further damage
  • An inspection and assessment of damage type and necessary repairs
  • The removal of flood water and drying if necessary
  • Any necessary smoke cleaning and removal of soot damage
  • The cleaning of salvageable materials
  • The replacement and restoration of unsalvageable materials
  • Any necessary sanitation

What Types of Damage Fire Can Cause

Aside from obviously burned materials, a fire can leave unpleasant smoke damage which can be difficult to deal with. Fires may also weaken structural integrity, or cause pipes to burst which cause flooding. With flooding comes additional concerns such as mold, or the sanitation issues that can arise with a broken sewer pipe.

How Your Home May Look Afterward

Your home may have experienced a lot of soot damage and required extensive smoke cleaning, but at the end of the process everything should be repaired to pre-fire conditions. This means you can safely live there again without constantly being reminded there was a fire. In fact, you shouldn’t even be able to tell repairs were necessary at all. Knowing their home can be fully restored can be comforting to homeowners, and may be one of the reasons many choose to contact a professional to make any repairs.

A professional team can clean your home of smoke damage and help restore it back to pre-fire conditions. It may take a little time depending on the damage type, but afterwards your home should be clean, sanitized, and ready for you to live in.

3 Differences Between Mitigation and Restoration

10/19/2018 (Permalink)

Water mitigation in Etowah,OK

During a storm, your building may suffer some damage. When this happens, it can be good to know the difference between mitigation and restoration before hiring a flood cleanup company.

Mitigation vs. Restoration: What Are They?

Understanding what mitigation and restoration are and how the processes pertain to the cleanup and repair of your building is important. Here are some differences between the two:

  1. Mitigation comes first. If your building has been harmed during a storm, one of the first things you should do is make sure it will not sustain any further damage. During mitigation, a flood cleanup company can provide services, such as removing water and boarding up windows, to keep water from spreading and increasing the problems with your building.
  2. Mitigation is usually finished quickly. With mitigation, the company does not usually make any repairs to your building. The job here is simply to prevent any further harm. Because of this, the mitigation process is done as quickly as possible so that restoration can begin, as the restoration company can only start repairing your building after mitigation has finished.
  3. Restoration can be lengthy. Repairs are done during the restoration process, so it can often take much longer than mitigation. Depending on the extent of damage during the storm, the restoration process can take months to complete.

Mitigation vs. Restoration: Which Do You Need?

If your building has suffered damage during a storm in Etowah,OK, you may be wondering which of these services you need. The answer is that you will likely need both. Having mitigation done before you begin repairs can save a lot of work and trouble in the long run. If you begin repairs without mitigation first, you may end up needing to do more fixes than you would have otherwise.

Mitigation and restoration are services that go well together since they each offer something that the other does not. When you are searching for a flood cleanup company, it may be a good idea to find one that offers both services.

The Difference Between Primary and Secondary Damage

10/11/2018 (Permalink)

Mold damage behind tiled walls in a Norman, OK home's bathroom

When waters flood your home in Norman, Ok, you may not worry about how the resulting damage was caused. However, understanding the difference between secondary and primary damage can help you make smart decisions about the cleanup process. Black mold, for example, may not grow in your flooded home if you act quickly.


Primary damage is anything that happened at the time of the flooding. This can include the following:

  • Broken pipe
  • Damaged building materials
  • Waterlogged furniture

Many residential water cleanup professionals consider primary damage to be anything done at the time of the flooding before the waters stopped flowing.


Secondary damage, therefore, is anything that happened once the initial flood stopped. Often, this type of destruction takes place when flooding is not noticed for days. Black mold can start to grow if stagnant water is left unattended, for example. Slow reaction times aren't the only thing that could cause your home to continue being damaged after flooding has stopped. A poor cleanup technique can also attribute to this destruction.

For example, if your home is not completely dried out, there may still be a higher-than-normal humidity level. This high humidity can degrade fabrics, warp wood floors or encourage the growth of mold spores.


If you want to avoid problems after water damage, you need to make sure to address the flooding as quickly as possible. This quick reaction time gives the water and high humidity less time to wreak havoc on your home.

As a homeowner, you may not care if your home was damaged during a flood or after. After all, you have to repair all of the issues caused, so who cares how they came about? However, understanding that there is a difference between damage caused during a flood, such as the breakdown of ceiling tiles, and damage caused after, such as the growth of black mold, can help you and your residential cleanup crew make smart, fast choices right after a disaster.

Secondary Water Damage Explained

9/27/2018 (Permalink)

Supply line in a bathroom burst causing water damage in an office in Etowah, OK

If you've had a burst pipe, toilets backing up, or other flooding problems in your Etowah, OK, business, a call to the plumber is only the beginning of clearing up the mess. Significant damage may occur due to the water and excess moisture. It's important for this to be cleaned up as soon as possible. Failure to do this can lead to secondary damage, which can include hidden structural problems and black mold. These can be extremely expensive to eliminate.

What is Secondary Damage?

In a nutshell, secondary water damage is any damage that's not caused directly by the flooding incident. This damage can manifest in a number of ways, including:

  • Vinyl and other types of flooring pulling up from the floor
  • Finish damage and buckling of wooden floors
  • Mold growth, such as trichoderma and stachybotrys chartarum (black mold)
  • Sagging and cracking sheetrock or drywall

This secondary damage occurs when the primary damage is not addressed properly, or the damage isn't found for a long while. Lingering high humidity may also be a culprit; if proper dehumidification techniques aren't used, moisture can remain to cause big problems.

How to Prevent Secondary Damage

If you are able to enter the building, you can take some immediate steps to help contain the damage. Ventilate the area as well as possible with AC in the summer, or by opening windows and turning on the heat during the winter. Remove as much water as possible by mopping and moving saturated rugs outside or to another dry area. Remove any items such as furniture, electronics, and documents as well.

The only way to be certain that you won't have to deal with secondary damage is to call a professional water damage restoration company right away. They will immediately do an inspection to assess the extent of the damage, then use specialized equipment to make sure everything is completely dried and disinfected to prevent any spread of harmful pathogens such as bacteria or black mold. They will also be able to make any necessary structural repairs and get your building back to its former condition. Armed with the information outlined above and the help of a professional restoration service, you can make sure that secondary damage is avoided.

Surviving the Rising Waters: Basic Flood Safety Tips

9/20/2018 (Permalink)

Rainstorm blew off the chimney cap causing storm damage in a Hall Park, OK home

Floods are intense and dangerous. While waters may look calm, don’t be fooled. A mere 6 inches of water can take down a full-grown man, sweeping him into the often unrelenting currents. If you are ever caught in a flood, you should be aware of basic flood safety, and review the five safety tips below.

1. Evacuate

The first safety tip is to listen to warnings and evacuate if so ordered. Never assume to know better than the government agencies that are warning you. Also, keep in mind that when areas are evacuated it likely means that emergency services will not be available in those areas for the time being.

2. Turn around. Don’t Drown!

If you are unable or unwilling to evacuate your home, then whatever you do avoid areas that are flooding around you and attempt to stay on dry land. The adage of “Turn around. Don’t drown!” is not to be taken lightly. To remain safe during the flood, it is essential that you avoid rising water for as long as possible.

3. Avoid Bridges

While bridges may appear to be dry and stable, if there is fast-moving water directly underneath them, it is basic flood safety to avoid them because they can be washed away with little warning.

4. Listen to Emergency Broadcasts

If you have a radio or cellular service during the flood, be sure to stay tuned into NOAA Weather Radio, EAS, or a local alert system to stay up-to-date on any further developments in your area. These stations can provide valuable information about rescue developments and any new storm surges.

5. Elevate Yourself

The most important element of surviving a flood is to elevate yourself. Try to remain above the rising water but do not allow yourself to get trapped in a room with no exits, like an attic.

While these flood safety tips cover the basics, you’ll want to check with the Hall Park, OK, emergency management office or other experts in your area to verify any other necessary safety precautions.

The Top 5 Hidden Places Mold May Grow

9/13/2018 (Permalink)

Mold damage on walls in a Norman, OK home

If you smell a moldy odor but see no signs of mold growth, you may need to hire professionals to look for hidden mold. Avoid searching for mold yourself, as you may risk exposure and spread spores. Here are five common places where mold multiplies out of sight.

1. Behind Walls

If moisture is present, mold can thrive behind walls where air circulation and exposure are limited. Never attempt to cut holes in the walls to check for mold. Hire a specialist to inspect the area and determine whether you are dealing with moldy drywall or other damaged building materials.

2. In the Attic

Roof leaks can cause mold to grow in an attic. Regularly inspect this area for visible mold on wood or other building materials. These leaks can also cause mold to grow behind walls.

3. Under Laminate Flooring

Concrete foundations can crack and be exposed to moisture from soil that can cause mold growth. Laminate flooring may not breathe adequately to prevent mold from forming.

4. Refrigerator Drip Pans

A drip pan under a refrigerator collects condensation. As these components are seldom cleaned and remain moist with low air circulation and the potential for spilled food to collect, drip pans are prime locations for hidden mold. Clean out drip pans and the floor beneath at least once a year.

5. Air Conditioning Units

Condensation may also cause mold to grow in air conditioning coils, ducts, or drain pans. This is particularly the case if the unit has not been used for a long time. To prevent mold from spreading throughout your home, it is best to have the HVAC system professionally cleaned.

If you suspect mold growth is occurring in your residence in Norman, OK, contact a certified hygienist or specialist to schedule testing. If mold is found, retain the services of a residential mold remediation company.

What To Do About Water in Your Crawl Space

8/14/2018 (Permalink)

There are lots of ways a flood can affect your home. A crawl space is underneath your feet, making it easy to forget about. It’s meant to give you access to wiring, HVAC and plumbing, so a wet crawl space can be dangerous. Here’s how you can repair it and not let it sink your week.


Water from flooding can easily move into crawl spaces below thanks to any cracks in the foundation. A professional service can thoroughly repair cracks and ensure that the foundation remains sound. On your own, you can repair leaks and inspect gutters, drainage and grading to make sure they’re not part of the problem.

Clean Up and Take Care

Once you've established you have a wet crawl space, you should remove debris and replace wet insulation. You may also need to take some of the follow precautions to avoid future floods:

? Install a sump pump.
? Insulate cold water pipes with foam pipe insulation so condensation won’t form, as well as to prevent freezing.
? Apply a vapor barrier over the floor and up the wall; condition your crawl space to avoid heat loss, air problems, mold growth and structural and duct damage.
? If you have mold, a professional is equipped to safely and thoroughly handle those issues.


Unlike a home with a concrete slab foundation, with a crawl space, you don’t have to excavate in order to resolve a pipe leak. Being smaller than a basement makes it far easier to handle when there’s flooding.

However, improper ventilation can lead to moisture moving up into the home, rotting structures and a spurring a growth in mold and fungi. To get air moving, you should consider installing the following:

? An air vent leading from your HVAC system
? An exhaust fan to move the air outside
? A dehumidifier

A wet crawl space can occur even with the best prevention methods. A professional water cleanup and restoration service is best able to handle any mold or structural issues that you cannot resolve on your own. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com/.

Is Black Water Safe?

8/14/2018 (Permalink)

Imagine that you are exceptionally thirsty and someone offers you some water. This water, however, is full of bacteria and viruses. Do you drink it? Of course, you don’t. Now, imagine your business after sustaining water damage from a flood in Norman, OK. Do you let it dry and return to business as usual? Again, you don’t. Understand the dangers of dirty, black water below.

What Is Black Water?

There are three categories of water damage, including black, gray and clean water. Clean comes from a fresh water source and is not hazardous to your health. Gray is contaminated as it may contain dirt or detergent but does not typically pose a significant risk. Black, however, is the most dangerous of the three:

• Flood water or sewage are the most common sources of this highly contaminated water.
• Infested with bacteria and microorganisms, this type of water should always be avoided by humans and pets.
• Without protective equipment, it is not safe to be around.

How Is Black Water Cleaned?

If the water is so dangerous, you may wonder how your business will ever recover. Professional water restoration specialists wear protective gear including masks to guard against virus inhalation. The process may be time consuming as it needs to be thorough:

• The damaged area is contained, so the water and germs do not spread.
• Professional grade pumps and vacuums remove the excess standing water.
• Porous materials exposed to the contaminated water are removed from the property, including drywall and carpet padding.
• The area is dried, cleaned, disinfected and properly sanitized. Air filtration equipment is used to rid the air of viruses and odors.

Water damage from a flood in Norman, OK, can wreak havoc on your business. The contaminants in the black water can negatively impact your health and safety, therefore as soon as a possible, partner with a professional restoration expert to return your business to pre-disaster condition. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com/.

Dealing With Water Damage From a Commercial Fire

8/14/2018 (Permalink)

If you're dealing with a fire to your Norman, OK, business, chances are you've sustained significant water damage as well. Pipes or water heaters may have burst, and most likely more than one fire hose was used to subdue the blaze. Carpets and upholstery are probably saturated, and there's a looming threat of mold if the situation isn't taken care of right away. You'll need to call a professional fire restoration company as soon as possible to see to the water and fire damage. They will do the necessary emergency cleanup right away to make sure that further problems don't occur.

The restoration company will follow these steps:

• Damage inspection
• Water removal
• Drying and dehumidification
• Cleanup and sanitization
• Damage repair

Inspecting Damage

Before any kind of fire damage cleanup can begin, the restoration company needs to know where exactly the damage is, and how severe it is. They will carefully inspect every part of the damaged structure before any water is removed.

Water Removal

To make sure that no further damage is sustained, any standing water needs to be removed as soon as possible. The restoration company will use industrial-strength pumps and vacuums to eliminate as much moisture as possible. At this point, air movers and dehumidifiers are brought in to purge any remaining moisture.

Cleanup and Sanitization

The next essential step is to make sure that no microbes or mold remain to pose a health threat. Any items that can be saved, such as furniture or office equipment, will be sanitized using a variety of specialized cleaning and disinfecting techniques.

Damage Repair

When all the moisture is removed, and all surfaces have been cleaned and sanitized, the final phase of repair and restoration will start. The actual process can vary, from carpet replacement and drywall repair to large reconstruction jobs.

It's an unpleasant fact, but if you've had fire damage your place of business, you're almost always going to have to deal with water damage as well. But with the help of a reputable restoration company, you'll be able to quickly get your business back on track. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com/.

How To Begin Cleanup Before the Adjuster Arrives

7/23/2018 (Permalink)

Recovering from a flood in Norman, OK can be stressful, emotionally draining and physically demanding. Having flood insurance coverage can help to alleviate some of those burdens. However, waiting to start cleanup until after the insurance adjuster assesses your home could lead to more serious problems.

Why To Start Quickly

Here are a few reasons it is important to act fast:

• Stagnant water houses a variety of harmful bacteria.
• Mold damage begins to develop within the first 24 hours after flooding.
• Delayed cleanup could increase the risk of structural damage to your home.

What To Do

If you experience damage following a storm, there are a number of actions you should take:

• Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible. Explain the extent of the damage and ask if you can start work before an adjuster arrives.
• Document everything, including conversations with your insurance company. In this case, technology is your friend. Take pictures or videotape the extent of the damage before you remove anything from your home, including water. This will ensure that you get the best reimbursement from your flood insurance provider.
• Remove standing water. This can be done by purchasing a sump pump or dry vac from your local hardware store or by hiring a professional restoration specialist to do the work for you. If you decide to do the work on your own, be sure to wear appropriate protective clothing such as boots and gloves because you will be working with contaminated water.
• Remove saturated objects such as carpets, carpet padding, furniture and clothing. Since these items are made from porous materials, bacteria can remain even after the item is completely dry.

When a flood hits your home, recovering from it can be intimidating. Taking the proper steps early can help prevent more serious flood damage to your home and health risks to you and your family. Check with flood insurance providers in Norman, OK to find out what coverage is available to you.
Visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com for more information on storm damage

Toss it out: A Guide to Throwing Away Items After a Fire

7/19/2018 (Permalink)

It’s impossible to accurately depict how devastating a fire can be when it rages through a person’s home. If you’ve been the unfortunate victim of this tragedy, you know what a helpless feeling you can have. In the aftermath, you need to go through the cleanup process and decide what to keep and what to throw away. There are some things you can salvage, while others pose health hazards to hang onto.


You don’t automatically have to throw out all of your food following a fire. However, fire damage at your Norman, OK home can render some things unhealthy. Inspect your food supply carefully following a fire to determine what can say or go. You should toss the following:

• Opened containers or perishable foods.
• Food you stored in thin plastic bags or cardboard.
• Non-perishable food that was close to the heat.


High heat will wreak havoc with your medicine or cosmetics. You don’t want to risk ingesting anything that you know was either in or close to the fire. You definitely should throw away the items if they are charred or have other obvious defects or damage.

Burned Apparel

Though you hate the thought of having to replace your wardrobe, much of it may be unsalvageable. You may be able to save some items by thoroughly cleaning it. But if there are obvious burn marks, you may be out of luck. Use caution when deciding whether to keep baby clothes.


If a fire at home affected mattresses, your best bet is to discard it. You don’t want to sleep on something that was exposed to smoke damage and harmful materials.

It’s hard to throw away items, especially if they have intrinsic meaning and value. However, you’ll feel better knowing you’re providing a safer environment for your loved ones. Visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com for more information on fire damage. 

Prepare for Water Damage Before It Happens

6/25/2018 (Permalink)

It may feel like you only hear about bursting pipes in passing, kind of like losing 20 pounds in two months or forgetting to eat breakfast. There are just some things that feel like they could never happen to you—until they do. Water damage isn’t something you want to be unprepared for; in order to get your home restored to its previous condition, preparation is key.

What To Expect When You Aren’t Expecting

So that thing you didn’t anticipate happening to you did, and now you have to fix a broken pipe. What do you do next? The most critical action is to contact a water damage professional in your Norman, OK as soon as possible. Most cleanup takes three to five days, but if there are special circumstances, such as wood floors, it can take anywhere from seven to 10 days. Cleanup will generally involve these steps:

• An assessment of the damage
• High-powered vacuums and pumps working to reduce as much water as possible
• Specialized equipment used for drying hard-to-reach areas
Odor removal and sanitization of items with antimicrobial solutions
• Potential minor or major restoration

As you can see, the process for getting your home back on track after a bout of bursting pipes isn’t the most convenient. That’s why it’s a good idea to reach out to professionals who value restoration of your belongings and keepsakes ahead of time.

Make Use of Time While You Wait

Instead of twiddling your thumbs waiting for the company to arrive, get a jump start in combating destruction with some below tips:

• Mop or blot to remove extra water
• Eliminate water from wood surfaces
• Move art to a safe, dry place

After you secure a trusted cleanup and restoration service, the possibility of bursting pipes won’t be so daunting. There is something to be said about preparing for the worst even when you typically hope for the best. Visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com for more information on water damage. 

Moore Fire Damage -The Importance of Cleanup

6/25/2018 (Permalink)

If your home has recently undergone catastrophic damage in a fire, you will need to call upon the services of a professional Moore fire damage cleanup expert. The damage doesn't end when the flames are finally extinguished; the factors that caused the accident need to be examined and corrected, and your home needs to be thoroughly cleaned, sanitized and deodorized so that it can once more become a safe place to live.

After the Fire Is Put Out, What Happens Next?

After the fire at your home has been safely put out, there are a number of things that need to happen after the fire is over so that your home can quickly be restored to its original state. For example, even though the flames are out, there will still be a significant amount of noxious smoke and fumes that must be thoroughly removed before the structure is safe to enter again.

After the fumes are removed, there will still be the matter of removing harmful debris from the site so that there will not be any jagged edges to trip over. Discolored patches on the walls or ceilings or stained rugs remaining behind are an eyesore. Any excess water that may have been left behind from burst pipes or the sprinkler system will also be removed in order to prevent the growth of mold. All of the upholstery and fabrics left in the structure will receive an expert cleaning.

The Best Policy Is to Restore Rather Than Replace

When it comes to correcting Moore fire damage, the policy should always be to restore rather than replace. While it may be tempting simply to clear away the structure or its contents and start all over again from scratch, this isn't usually feasible from an economic point of view. It is far more cost effective to clear away the debris and restore the structure rather than tear it down. This is also more convenient if you have a family that depends on having a home to come back to at the end of the day.

Contact a Locally Owned and Operated Service

In the event of Moore fire damage, a locally owned and operated restoration service like the one offered by SERVPRO is your best bet for quick fire damage restoration. If you are the victim of an unforeseen disaster, you will want to receive prompt service rather than wait around for hours while your home receives further secondary damage. It's a good idea to have the number of a reliable local fire and water damage restoration service handy in the event that such a disaster does occur on your property.

When Disaster Strikes, You'll Need Expert Fire Damage Cleanup

When you need expert Moore fire damage cleanup, it's an excellent idea to call upon the services of a local expert that can respond immediately to your emergency. SERVPRO of Norman is locally owned and operated and can guarantee same-day service in most situations. We can also assist residents in Norman, Oklahoma City, Purcell, Shawnee, and other nearby areas. For more information, contact us at (405) 292-0808.

Oklahoma City Property Questions Concerning Fire Damage

6/23/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Answers All Questions About Your Fire Damaged Property in Oklahoma City.

No matter how large or small the fire is in your home, the Oklahoma City smoke and fire damage create problems in ways that you may not imagine. The smoke and oily soot permeate everything and what is not entirely destroyed by the fire and smoke, is often damaged by the water and other chemicals used to put it out.

What Should I Do?
Should I go back into my house and start cleaning? Short answer: No. The explanation of this response is that it could very well be dangerous to go back in due to chemicals released from many of the furnishings, carpets and even, in some cases, the building materials.

The structure may have been weakened, enough, to be in danger of partial collapse. The first call should be to your insurance company, which sends an adjuster to assist you in this effort. The second call should go to a qualified fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO.

What are some of the things that I can keep?
Short answer: It depends on the extent of the fire damage and the amount of water, foam and other chemicals used for extinguishing the flames. A certified fire restoration company is in a much better position to answer this question after they have had an inspection and spoken with your adjuster. Fortunately, SERVPRO is listed as a top restoration provider by most insurance and property management companies.

Problems arise because smoke, soot, water and chemicals infiltrate every porous item in your home. That means removal of the carpets if they are water-logged or contaminated. Also, fabrics that are on furniture, drapes, and all of our clothes require professional cleaning. Special dry cleaning is needed to return these fabrics to pre-smoke and fire damage condition.

The structure, however, is another story.
You may have many questions about many items in your home and the experts from SERVPRO can walk you through your recovery needs. They explain if and why the removal of drywall needs to occur. They show you the fire damage done to many items in your home, so you see it the way they do.

Is it safe to help the restoration crew do their job? NO.
Again, it might be dangerous to be inside, at this point. They begin the process of evacuating the foul air from the home even as they are inspecting the damage. They remove fire-damagedproperty using safety gear. So, it is best if you let them do what they have been trained, insured and bonded to do.

Smoke damage affects everything within the structure because of air circulation that may cross-contaminate previously unaffected rooms during the fire and its aftermath. Some spaces get engulfed in flames, and others are only damaged because of the smoke that travels on the updrafts produced in this situation. HVAC units must remain off, and the duct work vacuumed, sanitized and deodorized.

Calling the best fire restoration company available is the best solution to answer your questions, and concerns and to restore your home. SERVPRO technicians possess an IICRC (the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) plus corporate eLearning to use the most advanced techniques and equipment to restore your Oklahoma City fire damagedhome back to preloss condition "Like it never even happened."

We’re Fire and Water Damage Specialists

SERVPRO of Norman specializes in fire and smoke restoration. With advanced training and equipment we respond promptly to all fire related emergencies in Oklahoma CIty, Norman, and Purcell. Call 24/7 for help. (405) 292-0808

Taking Care of Business: Five Ways To Prepare for a Storm

6/16/2018 (Permalink)

Business owners of Norman, OK may experience fear and anxiety upon becoming aware of an impending storm. Receiving notification beforehand (via radio stations, TV news channels, and smartphone apps) can allow time to get prepared. Here are five precautions to take to keep your commercial property safe during severe conditions.

1. Prepare Your Office Building

Ensure that your office building is well insulated and that all air leaks are sealed with weather stripping. Water heaters and HVAC systems should be up to date on maintenance and inspection. Have a backup source of energy in the event of a power outage. 

2. Create a Plan

It is essential that everyone has a hard copy of a disaster and emergency plan. Have an evacuation route with a designated meeting area. List locations of emergency generators, fire extinguishers, and emergency kits.

3. Have an Inclement Weather Policy in Place

Some companies have a hotline for employees to call to get up-to-date instructions on what to do during inclement weather, which can inform employees to either come in later after the weather clears or to not report to work. Often, employers often allow employees to work from home during a storm.

4. Know Who To Contact if Damage Occurs

If any cleaning and/or repair is needed after the storm, contact your local damage restoration specialists. Bringing in a skilled team with the right equipment and know-how can ensure that the property will be restored to mint condition.

Weather can temporarily close down a business. Have a plan in place – and a restoration company on call – to deal with any problems that may arise, such as a pipe burst or loss of power. Visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com for more information on storm damage

Emergency Sewage Damage Tips

5/31/2018 (Permalink)

Here are some tips to take into consideration if you have a sewage damage in your home.

  • Shut off the water source if possible.
  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions for even drying.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks under furniture legs.
  • Hang furs and leather goods separately at room temperature.
  • Remove Oriental or other colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Do not use a regular vacuum to remove water.
  • Do not turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of areas where ceilings are sagging from retained water.
  • Do not leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpeting.

After suffering from a damage from sewage give SERVPRO of Norman a call and we can clean your home or business. You do not have to worry about sewage damage alone. Call the experts.

How to Protect a Business from Fire and Other Disasters

5/22/2018 (Permalink)

This is a common question, but it has a disappointing answer. Try as you might, you cannot protect a business from a major disaster. This would include major fires, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and other natural disasters. This is not to say that you cannot be prepared. Disaster preparation falls into two categories.

Keep Small Problems Small

Fire preparation is a perfect example of this. The business should have professionally installed smoke, fire detectors and alarms connected to the nearest fire station. These should be on battery backup along with emergency lighting to help with evacuation. It should have sprinkler systems in common areas where paper, plastic and other combustible materials could catch fire. It should have special fire suppression systems in computer rooms and anyplace where there are motors, generators, air conditioners or any other heavy electrical equipment. Implementing all these prevention measures will minimize fire damage and hopefully allow the business to continue operating after an incident.

Have a Recovery Plan

Every business should do disaster planning. If a business decides that it will cease to exist after a major disaster, then that’s the plan. You will find that most businesses do not have a comprehensive plan. Many have looked at setting one up with the best of intentions, but the costs are prohibitive. They finally decide on backing up the computer systems nightly, sending one copy off site weekly and figure the rest out if the disaster happens. Fortunately, the fire preparation measures above are usually enough to minimize the most common form of disaster, fire.


The end of the disaster marks the beginning of the recovery. If the disaster was a fire, then this is when you get to see how well the fire preparation measures worked. Regardless of what type of disaster the business experienced, much of the recovery is the same. A qualified specialist from Norman, OK will need to be brought in for the cleanup and restoration. Visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com for more information on commercial fire damage. 

Can I Save My Plants From Mildew?

5/16/2018 (Permalink)

Once you find mildew on your plants, you may despair of ever saving them; plants are often delicate creatures, and the slightest blight can completely destroy them. Yet with a little love, care, and judicious oversight, you can save your plants from the unsightly, murderous blotches of plant mildew. All you need is a little extra time, care, and a sunny spot in your Norman, OK home.

Getting Rid of Plant Mildew the Safe Way

You can recognize plant mildew as a powdery white substance growing on the leaves and stalks of your plants; the effect mildew has of obscuring the plant’s leaves can interfere with photosynthesis, weakening your plants when they can’t absorb enough light. Some mildews are plant-specific, while others can cross species. Here are a few things to do with your mildew plants:

1. Don’t use harsh mildew cleaners. These might work for inorganic surfaces, but they’re brutal on your plants.
2. Immediately separate your plants. Keeping your plants separated can prevent the mildew from hopping from one plant to the next, and can stop an infected plant from re-infecting a recently cured plant.
3. Move your infected plants to a sunny spot. Making sure they get more sunlight can help your plants survive while mildew growth is eradicated.
4. Cut away the infected portions. If you can fully cut off the leaves and stalks blighted with plant mildew without killing the plant, do so. Cut away as much as possible to eliminate any areas for regrowth.
5. Move the plant outside if the weather is not too wet, and use fungicides or mildewcides that are safe for plants. Make sure you check before buying; many will list which plants they can help and which they can harm, or the types of plant-specific mildews they treat. Professionals may also be able to consult on this.
6. Water plants from the roots. This way you won’t add more moisture to feed the plant mildew on leaf surfaces.
7. Weed and clean around your plants. Dead leaves and weeds can contribute to mold. Visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com for more information on mold. 

3 Facts About Mold Cleaning Standards for Commercial Buildings

4/24/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage, leaks and other issues can cause the development of mold in your Norman, OK, commercial building, where it can take hold before you realize it. While cleanup and eradication of mold is possible in this situation, it is important to learn mold standards that have been established by agencies like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency. Being aware of these standards can ensure that you have your building cleaned properly and avoid actions that may result in fines or the closure of your business.

1. EPA Guidelines Stress Careful Planning for Remediation

The EPA’s standards include an emphasis on extensive planning when it comes to mold removal for commercial buildings. Constructing a plan that includes contacting a qualified mold remediation and restoration company can ensure that the proper steps are performed with efficiency. You may want to work closely with your landlord and remediation technicians when it comes to formulating a mold clean plan.

2. Mold Spore Containment Lacks Guidelines

OSHA notes that there are currently no federal mold standards when it comes to the containment of mold spores. However, there are several actions you can take to reduce their presence. Ask your mold techs about treating the air with filtration systems and using cleaning machines with HEPA filters designed to capture mold spores. While it is impossible to destroy all mold spores present indoors, reducing their number may lower the risk of fungi growth.

3. Certified Mold Technicians Are Available

Because dealing with black mold and other fungi can be difficult, it is wise to hire certified mold technicians for their removal. Those who are certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification have completed training and education created by the organization and have specified knowledge that they can apply to the cleaning of your building.

When mold affects your Norman, OK, commercial building, it can be difficult to know how to proceed. However, learning about federal mold standards and guidelines can help you move ahead with confidence. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com/. 

What To Do When a Toilet Overflows

4/18/2018 (Permalink)

Most buildings have bathrooms available for both workers and customers. However, there is a chance that the toilets in these bathrooms can overflow and cause a lot of water damage. Toilet overflow can happen when the fixture is clogged or mechanically damaged, but it can be quickly stopped before things get drastic. Here are a few tips that can help you know how to stop a toilet from overflowing and what to do about the water that has already spilled.

How To Stop the Overflow

If the tank won’t stop releasing water into the bowl, locate the toilet’s water valve and shut the water off. The valve is usually directly behind the fixture. After that, try doing the following things:

• Clean up as much water as you can with towels or a wet vacuum.
• Remove any items that were exposed to the water.
• Open the windows to help dry out the area.

You can reduce water damage by acting immediately and efficiently.

Inspect the Damage

After cleaning up as much as you can, try to figure out what happened. It might have been a clog, or maybe a pipe is damaged. If you are inexperienced with plumbing, call the professionals in Norman, OK, to help you out. If the toilet flood was especially bad, call a water damage company to help you prevent mold and further damage.

Be Careful Around Sewage

If the toilet overflow involves sewage, use protective clothing such as gloves or watertight boots to clean up the water. Sewage is potentially harmful and should not come into direct contact with your skin. Be sure to properly disinfect the entire area once the water is removed.

With these tips in mind, you can handle this situation with control. Prevent future toilet overflow problems by cleaning your building’s bathrooms often and by doing frequent plumbing inspections. It doesn’t hurt to have a plunger nearby, too. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROnorman.com/.

Commercial Fire Prevention Tips for Norman

3/26/2018 (Permalink)

Suggestions from SERVPRO to Prevent Commercial Fires in Norman

Substantial fire damage in Norman  Commercial buildings and retail stores are environments where outbreaks of fires occur with too much frequency. When we talk about fire prevention and fire safety, it usually revolves around a house, keeping it intact and secure. The protection of our family is always paramount, so we practice fire drills and exit strategies just in case of a fire damaging event. But what about fire safety in a Norman commercial business setting? SERVPRO offers fire prevention tips for businesses and discusses ways to avoid fire damage at work.

Commercial Fire Damage Tips. Keep employees, co-workers, and customers safe by preventing a fire from breaking out at your place of business. Also, we will discuss some tips to help reduce fire damage and property loss in an office environment.

Preventing Workplace Fires. There are many threats to a business owner's livelihood and safety– some preventable and others not. Though every fire cannot be prevented, there are some steps you and your employees can take to reduce the risk of a fire starting in the workplace.

Electrical fires make up a sizable percentage of reported fire outbreaks each year and, regarding property damage, are among the most costly. Fortunately, electrical fires are one of the most preventable types. For starters, never overload an electrical outlet or power strip. Stay within the parameters of amperage allotted to your business establishment. If more juice is necessary, SERVPRO suggests that you hire an electrician to boost the electrical load. Outlets are made to handle specific workloads, and the more electronics you plug into them, the higher the risk of a fire-causing power overload. Heavy appliances, such as photocopiers, break room refrigerators, and large numbers of computers or servers can draw large amounts of current. Never plug more than one major appliance into an outlet, as you run the risk of overloading the circuits.

Flammable material and chemicals should always be secured in well-ventilated storage areas away from electrical outlets, power strips, and areas that experience higher-than-normal levels of heat, such as an oven or water heater. Clutter, in general, creates a large fire hazard, since it can act as fuel for fire and rapidly spread flames. A messy office can also prevent access to emergency exits at work, making it difficult for employees and customers to evacuate and difficult for emergency workers to perform rescue and fire extinguishing efforts. Always keep entry and exit points clear. The same goes for electrical panels – if an electrical fire occurs, you will want to shut off power immediately. If the electrical panel is blocked, the fire will have time to spread before you can turn off the electricity.

Be sure to schedule time with your local fire marshal to inspect fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, and fire suppressant sprinklers on a regular basis. Of course, no amount of preparation and care can guarantee 100% prevention of fire damage  in your workplace in Norman. Have SERVPRO on your speed dial for immediate response to any commercial fire damaging event.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

SERVPRO of Norman can respond immediately to your commercial fire damage emergency regardless of the scope or size of the damage. We are part of a national network of over 1,650 Franchises with special Disaster Recovery Teams ready to help you in Norman. We are faster to any size disaster. (405) 292-0808

How To File an Insurance Claim for Water Damage

3/24/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage at this Moore office building began when a supply line in a bathroom burst.

Making an insurance claim in Norman, OK can be a nightmare. Not only are you dealing with the damage caused by a storm or water leak, but you also have to worry about jumping through the hoops of your insurance provider. Knowing how to file a claim may help reduce your stress at least a bit. Remember, many residential water damage experts can help you through the entire claims filing process.

" Get in touch with your provider. Not all water damage is covered by insurance companies. Your coverage may depend on the source of the flood as well as the exact policy you have. Getting in touch with your insurance provider right away can help you better understand your options.
" Document the damage. Take pictures of any of the damage done to your home. Having physical proof may help you showcase your need for an insurance claim.
" Complete the paperwork. Chances are your insurance company is going to send you lots of paperwork. While it may seem like a hassle, it's better for you if you fill out the forms as quickly as possible. This will allow your provider to better help you. It can even speed up the restoration process.
" Meet the adjuster. Your insurance company will want to better understand the damage done to your home, so it will set you up with one of its adjusters. This person will assess your home, so be ready to show him or her exactly where the damage is.
" Start the repairs. Some of the repairs needed after a pipe bursts may not be able to wait. Make temporary repairs as needed, but make sure to document the damage prior to making any changes. Once your adjuster has made a final assessment, you can have a restoration team start the final repairs.

No matter the situation, filing an insurance claim is never fun. Completing the process as quickly as possible will help you put the problem behind you. Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on water damage. 

6 Things You Need To Know About Mold

3/24/2018 (Permalink)

Mold can spread very quickly in your home.

Mold is something most homeowners don't want to learn about. If you know a lot about the fungus, chances are you've had to deal with a black mold problem. However, learning about the common household nuisance could help you better understand how to prevent and take care of the issue.

1. It Is Everywhere. Mold spores are a naturally occurring part of the environment. At any given time, you can find spores in the air both indoors and outdoors.
2. It Needs Moisture. A moisture problem could be a great indicator that you have mold in your home. Mold spores need water to really thrive, but even high humidity could do the trick.
3. It Can Spread Quickly. In the right environment, mold spores can become quite active and spread through airflow. This allows the fungus to create colonies all over your home.
4. It Is Smelly. Black mold, and other types of the fungus, often produce a musty odor. If you notice your Norman, OK home has started to smell funky, it could be a sign that mold is already in your house.
5. It Is Hard To Clean. The mold cleanup process is not suitable for everyone to undertake. It requires a certain level of technical know-how, which is why you may get the best results by working with a residential mold remediation company.
6. It Can Be Prevented. Moisture control, cleanliness and an eye for detail can help prevent mold growth. If not completely prevent the problem, you can at least catch the issue before it spreads to the far reaches of your house.

As a homeowner, you may be terrified of the thought of mold. You know it can damage your home, reduce your chances of selling and become a recurring problem. Whether you found black mold or you simply want to prevent it, learning more about the fungus can help prepare you for what's next and make the problem a little less scary. Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on mold. 

The Basics of Business Interruption Insurance

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

Many business owners in Norman, OK have disaster insurance, commercial building insurance and even personal property insurance, but not many consider business interruption insurance. Interruption coverage can be as crucial as a flood or disaster policy, and perhaps even more so. Whereas most insurance policies cover physical damages, they do not cover intangible losses, such as lost revenue and lost customers, that are the result of a closed business or a necessary rebuild. If you don’t have interruption coverage for your business, here are a few good reasons you should consider purchasing a policy today:

• It covers lost income that results when you are forced to leave the premises for an extended period.
• It covers the revenue you would have earned based on earning reports from previous years.
• It covers operating costs that may or may not continue post-disaster, such as electricity.

Cover Your Bases With a Sound Policy

Unfortunately, there is no telling how long you will be out of business post-disaster. If your building was subject to a flood, you may only be closed for the week that it takes the water remediation team to clean out your structure and its contents. However, if your Norman, OK building was in the path of a tornado or a hurricane, you may have to rebuild entirely, which could take months.

Even a week of lost income can be financially damaging; months of lost revenue can mean the end of your business. Bearing that in mind, you should consider investing in a policy that covers your company for more than a few days. Most business interruption policies allow the insured to cover losses for a period of restoration up to 720 days.

Don’t Let a Disaster Close Your Doors — Get the Coverage You Need

If you live in a disaster-prone area, the smartest thing you can do for your business and your livelihood is to invest in interruption coverage. The right policy can cover losses during the entire time it takes to rebuild and reopen your doors. Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on commercial storm damage

An Introduction to Mold and Its Repercussions

2/14/2018 (Permalink)

When you own commercial property in Eason, Oklahoma, coming across unknown contaminants in your building is never a good sign. More than likely, this abnormal entity is mold, a common form of fungus that can be a sign of greater issues in the surrounding area. A moisture problem may be to blame, causing mold growth that can potentially turn into its most dangerous form, black mold, within a matter of days. Unfamiliar with the nature of mold? Read on to discover what mold truly is and the repercussions it brings to your building, so you can quickly determine where to turn for mold cleanup services.

What is Mold, Really?

Mold is a type of fungus that feeds off of moisture and oxygen, growing and spreading like wildfire once it takes root. Particles of mold, known as spores, are microscopic in size and can be found nearly everywhere on the planet. They’re consistently airborne, floating along through doorways, open windows and even through HVAC units. They spread indoors and outdoors easily through both environmental factors and human interaction. Mold is most easily detected through its musty smell.

What Can Mold Do to Your Property?

If your building has experienced any water damage in recent days, the probability of mold reproduction is higher than normal. Mold spores are nurtured by the presence of moisture, dark areas, or any rooms where high humidity is common. If you come across any type or color of mold, especially black mold, it’s time to call professional mold remediation specialists to handle its removal. They follow the process of remediation by:

*Finding the source of moisture or water damage and fixing the problem while inspecting for the original site of mold growth
*Removing any growing colonies
*Cleaning the entire room or surrounding areas with professional grade equipment and solutions

Don’t let your commercial property in Eason, Oklahoma, be overrun by black mold. Attack it head-on by hiring mold cleanup services, experts who can treat your moisture problem and prevent future issues.

Visit us at http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on mold. 

3 Items You Need to Throw Away After a House Fire

2/11/2018 (Permalink)

After a house fire, it can be hard to determine what items are salvageable. This is tricky because soot and smoke can be harmful if inhaled or consumed. It’s good to know which of your belongings you can thoroughly clean and which you should throw away. Here are three items that should be tossed if they are exposed to high heat during a house fire:

1. Singed Clothing

Clothing that has been burned should be thrown away immediately; it’s not worth the risk of health issues. Smoke and soot can be very dangerous because they are composed of various toxic chemicals. When inhaled or directly contacting the skin, soot can cause health issues later on. Throw away clothing that has been exposed to flames, and dry-clean any clothing that isn’t burnt but contains soot.

2. Potentially Contaminated Food

It doesn’t matter if the food is nonperishable or not, if it was exposed to high heat, it needs to go straight into the trash. High temperatures can spoil, warp, or activate bacteria within the sealed food, causing it to become dangerous to eat. Toxic fumes from the flames can also contaminate food. Cans that are bulging or covered in soot should not be consumed.

3. Cosmetics

Makeup can become unsafe to wear if it is exposed to soot or hot flames. Because the minerals directly touch the face, using contaminated cosmetics can harm your skin and lead to future health issues. Check to make sure that your makeup isn’t warped or covered in soot.

Being aware of items that are no longer salvageable can save you time as well as protect you from potential harm. Fire damage can affect your possessions, and so it’s important to stay safe even after the fire has occurred. As you work to restore your home in Norman, Oklahoma, be sure to throw away anything that is no longer reliable to have around.

Visit us at http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on fire damage in your area. 

Water Damage and Fire Damage Go Hand in Hand

2/8/2018 (Permalink)

When you’re recovering from a fire on your commercial properties in Lexington, Oklahoma, it's natural to wonder why you incurred both fire damage and water damage at the same time. While you might have a basic understanding of the role of water in fighting a destructive fire, it's helpful to comprehend what happens when a fire starts to burn. The mechanics of fire suppression rely on such an understanding, and this knowledge also gives you greater insight into the restoration and cleanup process.

Why Does a Fire Burn?

While most people learn principles that make fire work in high school science classes, this knowledge also forms the foundation for both basic and advanced firefighting techniques. Fires need four crucial components to start and keep burning:

• Fuel (sometimes called a “reducing agent”)
• Energy, in the form of heat
• An oxidizing agent (commonly oxygen)
• A chemical reaction

What accounts for a blaze’s destructive nature that leads to massive fire damage is its dependence on these four elements. So long as there are plentiful supplies of fuel, heat and oxygen, a fire's chemical reaction will continue, permitting it to burn, grow and spread.

How Is a Fire Extinguished?

Fire suppression focuses on robbing the flames of one or more of these elements. When delivered in huge quantities through a fire hose, water both significantly reduces a fire’s heat and takes away oxygen as it transmutes from liquid to vapor form at extremely high temperatures. Unfortunately, this enormous amount of water also floods buildings and wreaks havoc on its own.

Even with groundbreaking modern methods for quenching a blaze, the most expedient way to kill a fire is with a huge amount of water. That’s why flooding and excess water occurs with most fire damage on your commercial properties in Lexington, Oklahoma. This combination is why a restoration professional’s job includes extracting water, soot, odors and smoke from your property along with completing essential repairs.

For more on water and fire damage visit us at http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com.

Maintaining Realistic Expectations After Flooding

1/17/2018 (Permalink)

Storm restoration in Norman, OK or anywhere else in the country, is a methodical process with numerous stages. It involves:

? Extracting the water
? Steps taken to tear out wet materials
? Drying the structure
? Doing another assessment to determine the next steps after water damage

Because restoring a home after flooding is not a haphazard process, you must be willing to exercise patience before demanding excellent results.

The Difference Between Promptness and Speediness

Professionals from a dedicated storm cleanup company understand how important it is to respond promptly to evaluate damage from excessive water. That’s why many of them go to water-damaged residences 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Although these professionals come to flooded residences quickly, they know how crucial it is to use their training in specialized restoration techniques and perform them carefully to ensure optimal results.

With that in mind, give the experts the time and space required to do their jobs properly and not expect extremely speedy results, whether they are handling the tear out process for damaged walls or taking care of another crucial step. Knowledgeable professionals strike a balance between arriving at a scene promptly and working as fast as possible, but not to the point of being too hasty. Achieving that goal leads to positive outcomes.

The Levels of Restoration Vary

Damage from a flood is not universal in certain neighborhoods or types of homes. That’s why people from Norman, OK may experience differing amounts of devastation. It’s not a good idea to pin your hopes on getting particular kinds of results based on the progress and results your neighbors and friends received with their homes. Instead, listen to the evaluations and advice given by a professional team.

From tear out techniques to remove a saturated material to initial water extraction techniques, specialists handle every necessity of storm restoration. They can help you recover your residence after severe water damage and get your life back on track.

Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on storm damage.

Prevent Water Damage While Vacationing

1/17/2018 (Permalink)

When leaving Norman, OK for vacation, few people consider prepping their homes against water damage. You go through your checklist of turning off the coffee pot and stove and locking all the doors, but what happens if you have a leak and need a water pipe repair while you are away? A broken pipe can do a lot of damage, especially if it is left unattended for several days.

Prepping Your Home

Before leaving for an extended vacation, check your home for leaks. Examine the pipes under the sink and the water heater for any cracks or rust. Inspect the hoses that connect to any appliances. Insulated any exposed pipes if you are leaving in the winter. A pipe that burst due to freezing needs water pipe repair immediately. Ask a neighbor, friend or family member if they can check in on your home periodically. If no one can check on your home, turn off the main water and drain the pipes.

Preventing Floods

It is important to not only prep your home to prevent damage from a leak but also from a storm. Make sure your gutters are cleaned and water can flow freely through them. Check your sump pump. Clear out any debris you see. Test it by filling the sump pit and turning on the pump. Check your window seals and your roof for any leaks. All of these checks are especially important if any heavy rains or storms are expected in your area.

Returning from a vacation to find your house flooded can be devastating. Standing water can cause real damage to your home. A simple water pipe repair can escalate into a big problem if no one is there to address the issue. Take the time to prep your home against intruding water before you leave. That way you can enjoy your time away without worries. Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on water damage.

4 Steps to a Sewage Cleanup

1/17/2018 (Permalink)

A sewer backup is a nightmare for business owners in Norman, OK. Any flooded toilet or backed-up sewage is black water. This is water filled with bacteria and pathogens. Since it is dangerous for your building, it is imperative that you have experts in charge of the sewer cleanup. Here are the four steps that they are likely to follow.

1. Response

Always call someone at the first sign of a sewage backup at your company. A professional should respond immediately and act as soon as possible. Experts know the risk of contaminated standing water. They want to help you get rid of it quickly. Keep in mind that it only takes about 24 hours for mold or mildew to grow after a flood.

2. Inspection

Once the company arrives, they will inspect the building to judge the scope of the damage. The restoration company can use this information to design a cleanup plan. They will look for signs of water damage, mold and trapped water.

3. Cleanup

The sewer cleanup can be broken into several steps. First, the non-salvageable items are disposed of. After, the professionals can clean and remove salvageable contents. After the contents are taken out and cleaned, they will focus on the building itself. Demolition may take place next. They may have to remove drywall, carpeting and paneling.

4. Restoration

Once the experts clean and disinfect your business, you can focus on the restoration. This is the step where you can replace old furniture, reinstall carpets and choose new paneling. The goal is for your company to be as good as new.

Sewer cleanup is a long process. It is important to stick with it throughout the process because each step is important to the well being of your building, yourself and your patrons. If you do not clean up the contaminated water correctly, it can lead to worse damage.
 Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on commercial water damage.

Mold remediation treatment in Norman

1/9/2018 (Permalink)

Our mold remediation specialists offer a wide range of services that help prevent unwanted fungi from spreading on your residential property. An assessment and inspection of your home will dictate the course of action. This assessment will help mold remediation specialists determine the extent of the problem. During the assessment, our skilled technicians will analyze water damage, moisture content, current mold growth, and any conditions that are conducive to fungi proliferation. We will also discuss the testing procedures with you so that you are fully cognizant of our protocol for treatment.

Devising The Plan

Once our specialist has completed the assessment, he will create a detailed, thorough mold remediation plan to remove the mold. The first step will determine the source of the moisture problem and then repair it. The SERVPRO technicians will also identify any materials that need to be cleaned and dried. There may be household items or damaged building materials like drywall that cannot be salvaged and we will remove them. Our experts will also provide you with information and advice regarding how to prevent mold growth in the future.

Containment is essential to preventing the mold spores from circulating through uncontaminated rooms of your house in Purcell. The HVAC system must be shut down and we can use special equipment for creating negative air pressure to stop spore movement. The next stage of the mold remediation process is cleanup and drying. Experts will accomplish these objectives through the use of specialized equipment such as HEPA vacuums, fans, wet vacuums, and dehumidifiers. When personnel find toxic mold on your property, it will be carefully bagged and then removed. While completing the cleanup and drying processes, all technicians will wear personal protective equipment (PPE). This equipment includes respirators, gloves, eye protection, and other items that enable the mold remediators to complete their tasks safely while handling potentially toxic fungus.

Because of our ability to consistently offer excellent mold remediation services at reasonable prices in your community of Purcell, we've become an industry leader with more than 1,650 franchises. When it's time for you to secure a professional mold remediation service think of the  IICRC-certified specialists from SERVPRO.

Water damage preventative tips

1/9/2018 (Permalink)

Although there is a wide variety of disasters that can strike a homeowner's property, Moore water damage is one of the worst. However, understanding these factors that can lead to water damage can help you prevent the disaster from occurring. SERVPRO offers the following advice to keep water damage away from your door. 

After a heavy rainstorm, water can begin to leak through the roof. Keep your house top in good repair. Once this process transpires, your roof, attic, walls, ceiling and furniture can be impacted.

River or Lake Overflow
If the banks of a lake or river near you begin to overflow, the lower level of your property could be subjected to flooding. The result is category 3 water, black water, that harbors contaminants such as bacteria, pesticides, and organic matter. If practical, install a sump pump in the basement.

Broken or Frozen Water Pipes
If a drop in temperature causes the pipes in your home to burst or freeze, your floor, wall voids, and furnishings might become water logged. When your Moore home is unoccupied for any length of time in the cold seasons, drain plumbing for water damage prevention.

Washing Machine Overflow
This heavy appliance is often the cause of unwanted standing water. Periodically check that the drain hose is secure to the drain pipe, and then taps are not leaking. Replace water supply hoses about every five years to prevent water damage.

Sewer Backup
If the sewer main is backed up due to rising water or debris, immediately call your utility company for repair. This black water can be dangerous, and the source must be stopped. A thorough water removal, clean up, and sanitation service should be started promptly by a professional company like SERVPRO.

Ground Water
Sometimes, water can seep into your property's basement through the ground. This water may be due to faulty vapor and moisture barrier construction, poor groundwater percolation, or foundation cracks. Mold can proliferate under these conditions, especially in a dark basement. Install a sump pump for these reasons, also.

How To Address Water Damage
Although experiencing any water damage can induce anxiety and cause a tremendous inconvenience in your daily lifestyle, knowing what to do when disaster strikes can enable you to get your property back to preloss condition with minimal costs. To ensure that you hire qualified water damage services, select a company that has an excellent BBB rating and employs IICRC-certified technicians. 

Call SERVPRO Immediately
As a team of trained technicians who have undergone IICRC certification, the professionals of SERVPRO are a top choice when you're in need of fast, effective Moore water damage restoration services. We respond immediately to your call and can get you back into your home "Like it never even happened."

Flood damage restoration

1/9/2018 (Permalink)

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) reports that annual flooding events account for 90% of all disaster-related property damage. Flooding within homes and businesses causes damage to the interior contents and materials. It also degrades mechanical and electrical equipment, as well as damage to the foundation and structure of any building. After a flood event, it is vital to have a professional come in to determine the extent of damage and to outline the scope of repairs to restore your home or office back to a pre-flood condition.

Most of the flood damage in Normal is due to heavy runoff by rainstorms. This causes the Canadian and Little Rivers, as well as surrounding creeks' water levels to rise. There are also areas outside the City's floodplains that are susceptible to flooding. This is a time when you need the experts from SERVPRO to be on hand to determine if your foundation and superstructure of the building have been damaged by the flood event. We can respond promptly with highly trained technicians who employ specialized equipment and techniques. 
We are locally owned and operated and are proud to be a part of this community. With compassion and experience, we stand by your side from beginning to the end of your restoration process. We are leaders in the flood and water damage industry. With our advanced training, expertise and plenty of hands-on experience, we will quickly dry your property and help to restore it again. You don't have to worry whether we will show up when you call SERVPRO. We're dedicated to responding immediately. A fast response lessens the damage, limits secondary damage and reduces cost. 
We understand National Flood Insurance Program requirements, whereby federally subsidized flood insurance is available to everyone in the City. We can communicate with your insurance. For a stress-free claims process, SERVPRO can help manage the insurance paperwork and process. There is no flood disaster that is too large or too small. We are in the community to help our neighbors and give you peace of mind. Our storm and flood damage restoration process will have you back in your home or office in no time. 
We begin with a thorough inspection and assessment. Our water removal process begins immediately with advanced, powerful pumps and vacuums. Followed by our drying and dehumidification system, with our room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity equipment needed to dry your home or business. Cleaning and sanitizing must then take place. Our professionals are highly trained to provide cleaning and sanitizing treatments to remove odors and to deodorize. The final step is restoration with either minor or major repairs. 
SERVPRO of Norman is your one-stop, go-to emergency disaster, restoration company. We are available 24/7 with emergency cleanup and restoration service. Let us help ease your worries and confusion during these times. Call us today at (405) 292-0808 and let us answer any questions you may have.

Address the Mold After a Flood

12/22/2017 (Permalink)

Water in home or water in business can lead to severe mold problems. After a flood, mold can form in some of the more obvious areas like the ceiling or walls, but it can also form in the hidden and less obvious areas like the floor joists and behind the walls. Many of the molds can be toxic, which make cleaning a flooded home on your own dangerous. In fact, you're better off leaving the restoration and mitigation damage to the professionals because they have the expertise to handle flooding so that you don't have to pay more in water damage.

Solid Advice For Flooded Items

Outside drying it, knowing what to do with a wet carpet, damaged appliances or ruined furniture can sometimes be a tough call. With a restoration professional, he will inspect and evaluate your possessions to determine if they are safe for use. Unfortunately, sometimes even the best drying and mitigation efforts do nothing to take care of the problem.

Whether you have a flooded home or water in business, restoration professionals will be priceless in the fight against flood damage. Water in home can be a serious and costly problem if you don't attack it in the right way. Professionals ensure you pay as little as possible in accumulated damage, and they ensure you do it as safely as possible.

Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on water damage.

Handeling a Flooded Home with Mitigation

12/22/2017 (Permalink)

How to Handle a Flooded Home with Mitigation

Once you make the decision to hire restoration pros, they will come to your home and get the water cleanup done for you. They can do all of the drying that needs to be done, which helps to restore the home or business back to its original glory. Having an extensive amount of water in your home or having to deal with water in a business area is difficult to handle on your own, so be sure to contact a restoration company that's right for you.

Hiring the Restoration Pros for Your Flooded Home

The best way for you to handle flood damage and drying is to contact a local restoration agency. They will send one of their experts out to look and assess the flood damage that is apparent in your home or business. If you currently have water in the home or any type of water in a business that is standing, they will help to clear this away to begin the restoration process. If there is a pipe break or a full supply line break, they can handle the problem for you as well.

Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on water damage.

Why Hire the Pros for Flood Damage

12/22/2017 (Permalink)

Whether you happen to be dealing with a lot of water in your business or have some water in the home, it's essential to get water damage cleaned as soon as possible. Water damage will only get worse the longer that you leave it to stand and absorb into carpeting and wood. Water cleanup may take a few months to fully complete, but it is essential that you begin the process as soon as it needs to be done. Your water in the home will be a thing of the past in no time at all because experts had handled the flood damage.

For anyone who has had a supply line break or even a simple household pipe break, it is important to contact a local restoration company to handle the drying for you. They will bring all of their own tools to do the work, which saves you tons of time and hassle on your own part. Once you have made the decision to hire such a company, be sure to have them come in to do a thorough assessment of the situation so that you know what to expect and how much it is going to cost you to have the job done. There are a lot of people who have had extensive flood damage in their homes or businesses, and it is nice to know that there are professionals out there who are able to handle the issue for you so that your home or office can go back to the way it was.

Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on water damage.

What Is Mold?

12/2/2017 (Permalink)

What Is Mold?

All types of molds, including black mold, eat away at plant and animal matter. They can flourish practically anywhere there is moisture. Molds release spores to reproduce, and they can spread through the air, water, or on animals.

The best way to prevent mold in your home is to identify and control moisture and water problems. Because mold spores are everywhere, sufficient moisture allows them the opportunity to grow on just about any surface. Here are some common moisture problems that can lead to mold growth you need to be aware of:

Roof leaks
Steamy bathrooms or kitchen
A clothes dryer that vents indoors
Wet clothes drying inside
Heating and cooking appliances that are poorly or improperly ventilated
Damp basements, attics or crawl spaces
Outdoor drainage problems
Indoor plumbing leaks

Most molds produce musty odors, which is typically the first indication of a problem. Depending on where it is growing, you might see signs of it. Black mold looks like fuzzy, black and discolored or slimy patches that increase in size the longer they remain.

If you notice an odor or have had a moisture issue, start looking for signs of growth. Look behind and underneath surfaces like carpet, cabinets, walls and wallpaper. Certain areas of your home need to be cleaned regularly to control mold growth: bathrooms, refrigerator door seals, window moldings and surfaces around air conditioners.

It is not necessary to know what kind of mold is growing in your home. If you find black mold or any other type of mold, don’t worry about getting it tested, just focus on getting it removed. If you have had a moisture problem, hire a mold remediation specialist in Norman, OK. Mold grows quickly and can spread throughout your home within 48 to 72 hours. Mold cleanup professionals can come in and inspect your home for the presence of mold.
Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on mold.

What Is Household Mold? An Overview

12/2/2017 (Permalink)

What Is Household Mold? An Overview

Black mold is widely acknowledged as a problem for homeowners, but what exactly is it? While many are aware it poses dangers that make mold cleanup a priority wherever it rears its head, fewer are aware of how a moisture problem can contribute to the development of mold. When you understand this organism better, you can better prevent growth in your own home.

Basic Facts About Mold

Molds are colony microorganisms, like many bacteria. That means that while they look like one sprawling mass, they are in fact made up of individual single-celled organisms.
They spread and reproduce by spores, which means mold can travel through the air in humid environments to infest new areas of the home.
Many molds are harmless and other than showing signs of decay, pose no danger to people.
Black mold, which is the type often found in damp and damaged building materials.

When you take these basic facts into account, it’s easy to see why mold is treated so seriously. As a problem, it will only continue to get worse once it develops, and addressing it usually means helping to prevent further damage to a building. That’s why mold cleanup needs to be a priority.

Preventing and Remediating Mold Damage

Most mold problems in Norman, OK are caused by moisture problems in homes. You can help prevent them by inspecting your house for obvious moisture problems like dampness, water coming into the basement, and leaky pipes. Other causes of water damage like dampness coming in from outside the home through foundation cracks or when buildings are built into the hillside can be harder to detect.

If you are serious about preventing black mold, you should talk to a mold remediation expert in Norman, OK about an in-home inspection. That way, you can be sure you have not developed a mold problem in your own home. Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on mold.

Safe Flood Clean Up for Businesses

12/2/2017 (Permalink)

Safe Flood Clean Up for Businesses

When a building is impacted by a flood, proper clean up is critical. When it is a commercial building, clean up can be both a bigger task and a bigger safety concern. Water that is considered to be contaminated can pose dangers to employees, customers or residents of the building. That’s why it is important for every commercial property owner in Norman, OK to know more about water extraction and content cleaning.

What Is Contaminated Water?

Commonly referred to as “black water,” toxic flood water requires more than just extraction. It contaminates everything it touches, including the air, with things such as hepatitis and E. coli bacteria. Because mold and bacteria begin growing in as little as 24 hours, the situation can worsen very quickly, so it’s important to act immediately.

What Standards Do Water Cleanup Specialists Follow?

Because of the hazards of cleaning up flooded areas, water restoration experts follow specific standards to ensure full decontamination:

Removing porous materials, such as wood, drywall or carpeting
Eliminating microbes on non-porous surfaces, such as concrete or glass, and salvaging the materials
Cleaning and treating air
Preventing mold grow
Monitoring for contaminants

Why Use a Water Damage Repair Expert?

The chemicals, tools and equipment necessary for proper decontamination are tools of the trade for restoration technicians. When combined with their training and expertise, it makes them a valuable resource for anyone facing water damage. Technicians are also typically available around the clock because they know emergencies caused by floods aren’t limited to normal working hours.

Commercial property owners in Norman, OK want to keep their buildings safe, and if they know more about content cleaning and black water decontamination, they can better prepare to react when flooding occurs. Arming oneself with knowledge and relying on experts to help clean up flood waters is a smart move that can save money in the long run. Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on flood damage.

Dealing with Commercial Fire Damage-The Dos and Don'ts

9/15/2017 (Permalink)

Dealing with Commercial Fire Damage-The Dos and Don'ts

When a fire breaks out, it causes insurmountable fire damage to lives, property, vegetation and the atmosphere. Preventive measures should always be put in place to prevent fire damage from causing havoc. Luckily, some companies specialize in the fire restoration of destroyed buildings.

The fire restoration process follows the following steps:
1. Assessment of the premises

The home restoration experts come in and appraise the property to know the extent of the fire damage, and how to proceed.

2. Removal of electrical fire and smoke damage refuse

Next, the fire restoration team will remove the clutter and dispose of any unwanted and destroyed materials in the utility room fire.

3. Water drying

Destruction of water pipes may have been caused water damage. There are also times when the firefighter or fire trucks will use fire sprinkler systems and fire hoses; this will result in the need to use dehumidifiers and unique, industrialized vacuums to dry out the building.

3. Board ups and roof tarps.
Depending on the desolation of the walls, the roofs, doors, and windows, boards and roof coverings will be put up to prevent any further electrical fire damage from taking place.

4. Soot damage and smoke damage removal

Specialized equipment will be used by the specialists to remove residue from surfaces and places that have experienced soot damage will be repainted.

3. Cleaning
The premises will be cleaned, sanitized, and any unpleasant odors from the smoke damage will be deodorized. Any clutter still in the building will be cleared as well.

4. Fire restoration

After all the above steps have happened, the commercial fire damage restoration experts will begin remediation of the property. They will endeavor to put in devices like fire alarms and extinguishers to act as preventive measures in case an electrical fire breaks out again.

When fire damage happens, there are certain precautions you should do to make sure the utility room fire restoration is smooth and efficient.
What to do during commercial fire damage restoration

1. Call your insurance company.

When the fire is out, the first thing you should do is get in touch with your insurance company and notify them that your house or office has suffered an electrical fire.

2. Take photos of the damaged premise

You should take pictures of the interior and exterior of the messed up premise to show the insurance company. Make sure the fire is out completely before approaching the destroyed building.

3. Call a firefighter and a home restoration company
Contact the fire trucks to begin the recovery process. You should remain on the premises to help with anything the experts may require. The reason to call experts is that they are equipped with tools such as fire sprinkler systems, fire hoses, and fire trucks to handle the fire suppression.

Below are things you should not during the restoration process.
1. Avoid doing the utility room fire restoration yourself

Many people choose to do the repairs on their own instead of contacting trained professionals. It is not advisable because you may expose yourself to contamination, be injured, and get poisoned from the smoke damage. Commercial fire damage restoration companies have equipment such as fire sprinkler systems, fire hoses and fire trucks that enables them to do thorough fire suppression.

2. Do not attempt to remove the water
Fire causes water pipes to burst, and the fire sprinkler systems or fire hoses could also cause flooding. Specialized dehumidifiers are needed to dry the destroyed facility.

3. Don’t proceed without a firefighter or restoration expert

Wait until the insurance company and the service provider arrive before proceeding. Don’t attempt to go into the utility room fire damaged building or to do fire suppression on your own.

4. Do not try to clean any surfaces or any electronic appliances
The cleaning of soot damage may require industrial equipment to do, and if you attempt to work on fire suppression on your own, you may end up making the soot damage worse.

If you proceed to attempt this on your own without a firefighter or other professional assistance, you may get injured or cause irreversible commercial fire damage damage to the structure.
When you exercise the above, it should be lead to a smooth home restoration process.
Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on fire damage.

Choosing the Best Professionals for Professional Storm Damage Restoration

9/15/2017 (Permalink)

Choosing the Best Professionals for Professional Storm Damage Restoration

If there is anything that the country has learned from hurricanes Irma and Harvey, it is that regardless of how prepared you think you are for calamities; there are still some that will find you flat footed. In case your house or business has suffered extensive damage from the storms, you need to start thinking how you will make repairs. The best way to make this happen is hiring professional storm damage restoration experts. Below are some tips and guidelines to help you deal with every aspect of roof damage and home restoration.

Dealing with flooding

Storms are typically characterized by flooding because a lot of water is coming into the buildings from some sources. The first source of the flooding is rain water, especially when excessive. Another common source of flooding is burst rivers banks. If the area is close to the ocean, flooding might come from high tides sweeping the surroundings. Flood pumps will be needed for water restoration and storm remediation.

River flooding

River flooding is a little bit different from the regular water logging in the homes. Water from river flooding tends to contain lots of dead microorganisms such, which makes it very dangerous. River flooding waters will also have silt which is messy once in the building.

Storm damage and wind damage

When a storm is strong enough, the roof, windows, floors and other parts of the building will end up with a lot of storm damage and wind damage. For instance, experts claim that Hurricane Irma is moving at a speed of more than 100 miles per hour. This is enough speed to cause massive roof damage, roof leak and wind damage. The storm damage and wind damage can only be repaired by a certified home restoration expert.

Roof damage, roof leaks and roof repairs

The roof of the house protects the interior from the harsh weather. The roof is also the part of the house which is mostly affected by hurricane damage. Roof damage and roof leaks are common after a storm. Roof repair should, therefore, be in the home restoration plan after a storm. Professionals offer excellent roof damage and roof leak repairs and ensure your house is habitable after the water removal by flood pumps, water restoration and storm remediation.

Dealing with flood water and ground water

Flood water and ground water are the cause of most of the damage that happens during a storm. When ground water and flood water stagnate in a building, it results in the formation of mold. Ground water and flood water can also turn toxic if mixed with sewage. Flood water and ground water extraction ought to be done as soon as possible after the storm.

Hurricane damage and hail damage

Hurricane damage ruins all part of the building. When the temperatures are too low, hail damage also results. Hail damage and hurricane leads to the need for roof repair, ruins windows and even brings down entire structures. Hail damage, roof repair and hurricane damage restoration is the work of qualified experts.

Ice damage, ice damming, ice dams and frozen pipes

The most challenging part of storm damage is dealing with frozen pipes, ice dams, and ice damage. Ice damming happens when water or snow accumulates in certain parts of the home and forms an ice dam. If the temperatures are too low, water in pipes freezes, causing frozen pipes. Ice damage, ice damage, and frozen pipes are issues that storm restoration experts can resolve within hours. When contacting them, tell them specifically that your house has frozen pipes, ice dams, ice damage and ice damming.

Home restoration, water restoration and storm remediation.

In most cases, a number of the problems listed here will be present in a storm damaged home. Experts in storm restoration will start by using flood pumps to extract the water from ice damming. After the flood pumps, they will clean the interior of the home. Drying is the next step in the water restoration or storm restoration process. When the home is back to the state it was in before the storm, the storm restoration experts are satisfied with their storm remediation.
Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on storm damage.

Getting What You Need From Professional Water Damage Restoration

8/31/2017 (Permalink)

Getting What You Need From Professional Water Damage Restoration

If you have a home and live near the water, you might deal with a flooded home from time to time. Another issue that you might have is a pipe break or supply line break that makes it difficult to have a clean and dry home. Drying may not be enough when it comes to proper mitigation, so be sure to contact the restoration company that is right for you. The restoration company is there to make it easy for you to get the mitigation done in the proper way.

All You Need to Know About Water Damage

Water cleanup can be quite extensive, so this is why it's essential to hire a restoration company for professional mitigation once you have dealt with a flooded home or have water in your business office. Water damage will only continue to get worse if it is not properly cleaned, so it is essential that you call in a restoration company before trying to handle the drying and water cleanup on your own. The company can also check for a pipe break or supply line break if there is one happening.

Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on water damage.

What to Expect After Fire Damage Strikes

8/31/2017 (Permalink)

What to Expect After Fire Damage Strikes

The sirens have faded off into the night. The fire trucks have pulled away. The flames are no longer lighting up the sky. The water is running off by your feet while the smoke smell drifts by. It's in your hair and your clothes. It's everywhere. When you have had a fire in the home or a fire in the business, it leaves its mark on you as well. As you wander through the property in a daze, you can't believe the residential or commercial fire damage that has torn your world apart. When you have experienced fire damage, you need to do more than board up your windows and grap a map. You will need to bring in your restoration company of choice to handle everything effectively.

Be Prepared for the Evaluation of Your Property

Before you allow your restoration company do do anything about the soot damage and smoke damage that has been left behind after a fire in the home or a fire in the business, you should call in your insurance company representative. In order to receive the best coverage for your damages, the insurance company needs to see the full extent of the fire damage. They'll consider the smoke smell, the soot damage, and the smoke damage that has affected your property. This will allow your insurance company to take care of your claim, helping you to defray the costs when your restoration team gets to work. Your restoration professionals are going to evaluate your property as well. They know how to address residential or commercial fire damage. They'll take note of what has been affected by smoke damage and the smoke smell that is the result of any fire. They'll also pay attention to soot damage and water damage. They'll board up anything that has left your home or business open to intrusion. When your restoration company make the choice to board up wiondows that have been broken or knocked out by the fire department, it is only to protect the premises. Board up any openings to make sure you don't have damage from storms or vandals.

Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on fire damage.

4 Basic Steps For Understanding Professional Mold Remediation

8/31/2017 (Permalink)

4 Basic Steps For Understanding Professional Mold Remediation

Mold is a naturally-occurring fungus that thrives in warm and humid environments; regardless of whether it is outdoor or indoor. Indoor mold growth is brought about by the presence of faulty water sources such as leaking pipes, or a damaged drainage system. It is characterized by a smelly odor, visible water damage, dry rot, and the discoloration of walls or ceilings. As a microscopic fungus, mold is often confused with mildew. However, mold occurs in either green or black, while mildew is predominantly gray or white.

In whatever form, indicators of mold in home spaces are dangerous, because they point to the weakening structural integrity of your home, as well as commercial mold damage. For this reason, it is advisable not to undertake any mold removal or remediation projects on your own; but enlist the services of a qualified restoration company. These professionals will offer services such as remediation or mitigation, deodorization, as well as the correction of mold damage.

Mold mitigation or remediation is the process whereby a restoration company works towards restoring mold spores to a natural level in your home. This is an indication that total mold removal is almost impossible. This is why it is important for the restoration company you decide to work with to have proper understanding of mold growth, mold damage, as well as mildew and other fungus species. It also important for you to understand the misconceptions associated with mold removal and black mold. Many news agencies have created several stories surrounding black mold, but it is essential to note that the color is not an indicator of the severity of contamination.

Commercial mold damage and mold in home require the expertise and training of professionals so as to ensure the process of mitigation is carried out in an efficient and effective manner. This is because mold damage and growth do not only occur on the surface, you will also experience mold growth behind wall surfaces, which will increase the level of difficulty in handling the matter.

How to Handle Mold in Home Spaces and Commercial Mold Damage

Before assessing mold damage or attempting the process of mitigation, it is important to first locate the water source causing the problem. Mold in home is signified by wall and ceiling discoloration, leaking HVAC systems, and a smelly odor. Nevertheless, this smelly odor can come from different sources inside and around your home. This is why your restoration company needs to be adequately prepared for deodorization.

As a mold removal expert, it is important to consider the following steps:
1. Locate the moisture source
The reason for mold in home spaces is an increase in moisture levels. Therefore, by locating this source, you will also be able to point out all mold growth. If your restoration company masters the water problem, then the whole process will be easier.
2. Create a well-documented plan throughout the process
Mold, mildew, and other forms of fungus can act as an invisible intruder because they grow in hidden places. Mold growth behind wall surfaces is one of the most difficult to deal with. The reason is that mold removal involves removing only what is visible. On the other hand, remediation is the whole process; from locating the water source to deodorization. This is why it is important to create a shareable plan that contains all the project details.
3. Determine the extent of mold growth and contamination
This will enable you to decide on the most appropriate cleanup method. The primary objective of mitigation is to get rid of mold in home spaces, control and prevent commercial mold damage such as a smelly odor, dry rot, and mold growth behind wall surfaces.
4. Carry out the remediation process
This will be influenced by the moisture source, the extent of contamination, as well as the intensity of deodorization. Regardless of whether it is black mold, dry rot, or mold growth behind wall surfaces, the process of mitigation must be completed with deodorization and air scrubbing using HEPA scrubbers. Be sure to check on mold growth behind wall surfaces.

Some of the structural parts affected by black mold and dry rot need to be removed and disposed of in a properly. It is also important to note that the key to proper mold remediation lies in comprehensive moisture management and trust in qualified professionals.
Visit http://www.SERVPROofnorman.com for more information on mold.

Summer Holiday Celebration Gone Wrong in Noble

7/31/2017 (Permalink)

Trained SERVPRO Technicians Arrive Quickly to Deal with the Aftermath of a Fire

Outdoor fun with fireworks transforms to tragedy when fires start because of stray launchings or improper disposal of spent sparklers or bottle rockets. Fireworks sent skyward come down even several blocks away and can ignite roofs, without the owners having any idea they were in danger. No matter the cause, SERVPRO helps restore buildings damaged by fire.
Family and friends set off fireworks for the fourth, including intensely hot sparklers thrown in a trashcan near the patio door. The ensuing blaze caused fire damage to the hallway and kitchen your Noble house. We arrived shortly after the fire trucks departed, true to our 24/7 promise.
The first task was to secure the back of the house with boards and tarps. The fire burned fast and hot, and the firefighters opened up an exterior wall to get more room to get water into the kitchen. Our SERVPRO project manager makes sure the HVAC system is switched off and vents covered to prevent more spread of soot and smoky odor. The stability of the floors and stairway is established and cleanup begins.
Water knocked down the fire, and we extract as much as possible right away. Water damage is almost always a subcategory of fire damage, and removing it is crucial to avoid secondary harm like mold growth or disintegrating walls, ceilings, or floors. Our technicians remove the charred part of the structure and evaluate the consistency of the sooty residue near the blaze. A plan for cleaning the residue throughout the house includes matching methods and cleaning products with the type of debris -- sticky and thick near the epicenter, lighter and dry in remote rooms.
The SERVPRO fire damage crew moves systematically throughout the house, cleaning per the training each employee receives before his or her first job. Your insurance company is pulled into the loop to be certain claims presented have supporting evidence. We also work with you if you prefer to do some of the inventorying and cleaning of personal products, according to our experience and advice.
Restoration is always SERVPRO’s focus, but we rip out and replace unsafe structures and dispose of destroyed belongings. All deliberate speed is crucial as ash and soot corrode and discolor any articles in their paths. Removing burned up items is the first step in odor control, and our deodorization specialists finish the restoration hours or days after our first response through a series of techniques that eventually neutralize the tiny particles floating in the air, carrying the smoky smell.
Fast, professional, and thorough, SERVPRO of Norman partners with homeowners to put this mid-summer fire behind you. Call (405) 292-0808 when the authorities release the house for restoration assessment so we can get the ball rolling.

For more information regarding Noble, click here

An Answer to Common Water Damage Issues in Your Noble Area Home

7/11/2017 (Permalink)

Our Trained SERVPRO Technicians Remediate Water Damage on a Daily Basis in Homes Just Like Yours

Finding a small amount of water damage on your ceiling tends to lead to some problems that should require professional attention, before repairing the ceiling itself. Repairing the visible damage only leads to future ceiling problems, at least, until the main issue gets taken care of correctly.  
There are a variety of problems that may cause water damage to your Noble area home. However, today we would like to concentrate on those affecting your ceiling. Since these problems often lead to additional damage to other parts of your home, it is important to learn what to look for, or how to respond.
Damage to your roof can go unnoticed for quite some time, giving water enough time to absorb into attic insulation and untreated construction materials used to build your home. However, roof leaks caused by loose or broken shingles damaged flashing, or roof-vents often lead to ceiling damage that is rather noticeable. An annual inspection of your roof by a qualified professional, like those offered at SERVPRO can help prevent these problems and more.
You may experience condensation damage from an A/C unit installed in your attic. As the unit ages, evaporator coils, drain lines, and drip pans develop damage. When this system fails to drain correctly or has a blockage, water flows freely, doing damage to your ceiling, walls, and insulation. Having your ventilation system inspected, and cleaned by SERVPRO can help reduce the possibility of this happening in your home.  
Sometimes, homes built with limited space place water heaters in attics, which leads to a frightful amount of problems if not maintained properly. Same goes for leaky pipes or other problems that may occur anywhere in the home. Prevention, or taking a proactive approach is always your best option. SERVPRO can inspect your entire home, providing you with recommendations for existing problems and help you prevent losses.
Contact SERVPRO of Norman for access to quality technicians, advanced equipment, and answers to all of your water damage problems. We are waiting for your call. (405)292-0808

For more information regarding Noble, click here

SERVPRO Has High Standards When Dealing With Mold Damage To Your Hall Park Nail Salon

6/11/2017 (Permalink)

For Mold Remediation in Businesses in Hall Park, Rely on SERVPRO

Mold damage is a potential problem for any business owner. Visible growth looks unsightly and gives your business a dirty look that does not appeal to customers and can lead to losing clients or getting a bad review on YELP, Facebook, or TripAdvisor. Mold can also have health effects, so the presence of fungus makes for a less healthy environment for your staff and customers alike.
Another concern about mold damage to your Hall Park nail salon is the harm it does to your premises and belongings. The fungus thrives on moisture and use materials such as drywall, carpet, or upholstery as a food source. That means that molds can eat on your nail bar chairs and rugs, and even your walls.
It is important to contact remediation experts to deal with fungi problems in your salon. Remediation experts such as SERVPRO have the necessary training and equipment to remediate the problem as quickly as possible and restore your business to a better state. Whether a small shop in a strip center or a large commercial building, the process is similar.
We recognize the importance of having standards and guidelines that we adhere to when dealing with mold. Sticking to set guidelines ensures that our process is the best it can be and provides reassurance to our customers that everything we do is to the highest standard and guided by consistent principles.
One of the standards which all SERVPRO teams adhere to is the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Mold Remediation Guidelines. EPA guidelines were initially developed especially for schools and commercial enterprises. EPA guidance states that we must follow these steps:
1. Clean and dry moldy materials. Our teams achieve this by first establishing containment to prevent airborne spores spreading, and then by thoroughly cleaning as many items as possible. We apply powerful detergents where necessary and use HEPA vacuuming, scrubbing, and ULV fogging to cleanse the area. We use air movers and dehumidifiers to encourage evaporation and lower humidity.
2. Discard items that cannot be cleaned. An article which cannot be cleaned provides further food for mold and increase the risk of it spreading, which is why SERVPRO disposes of such items safely.
3. Dry non-moldy items within 48 hours. Even items that have not been damaged by mold might still be wet if your nail salon has a leak, a humidity problem, or suffered a flood or water damage. Our teams use air movers and dehumidifiers to dry everything to an acceptable level.
Mold in your business needs to be dealt with swiftly. Call SERVPRO of Norman at (405) 292-0808 today for assistance.

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Water Spots On Your Noble Home Ceiling

6/5/2017 (Permalink)

Water Spots On Your Ceiling

As a homeowner, stains on the ceiling are not something you want to see. It should not be too difficult to figure out the source of the water creating the stain. Whether it is an upstairs bathroom or a problem with the roof, whatever is over the ceiling is likely the source of the moisture problem. If you cannot identify a probable water source over the ceiling stain, you could have a pipe that is leaking. It is not uncommon for water to run along piping or rafters before it drops into your ceiling, making it harder to realize the true source of the problem.

A shower pan or piping which has fallen into disrepair is also a possibility for the water damage to your ceiling. Bad piping could mean a pipe is leaking or that the pipe in your Noble home has improper insulation and is sweating. You might need to determine if your pipes need replacing, or if hard water is causing your pipes premature damage.

No matter the cause, finding the source right away is detrimental. SERVPRO, a water damage restoration company, can assist you in this. We can also clean up any damage the water has created and dry your home out thoroughly to prevent further damage such as mold growth. When the water stains are coming from your roof, you must find the nature of the disrepair. You may need to have a roofing contractor come in as well. Our technicians at SERVPRO can have other professionals come in and help us repair the problem if needed.

Fixing the stain or damaged plaster or drywall is the last step, and only comes after the moisture problem is solved. If the water keeps leaking or seeping after repairs are made, they have been done for nothing. At SERVPRO, we ensure the problem is solved before we begin this last step in restoration. Some of the ceiling or walls may have to be torn out and replaced if it is damaged beyond repair, or the stain may bleed through any new paint.

SERVPRO of Norman is professionally trained to find and repair any water damage problems in your ceiling and roof. Please do not hesitate to contact us at (405) 292-0808 as soon as you realize you have a problem.

For more information about the amazing city of Noble, Oklahoma visit http://www.cityofnoble.org/.

Children and Fires from Lighters and Matches in Noble

5/31/2017 (Permalink)

Educate Your Children About the Risks Associated with Playing with Fire

Fires and property damage associated with children who played with matches are commonly seen in the United States. Several procedures and programs have been made to control the problem, but in the past few years, a new source of ignition, the cigarette lighter, has become very common.
The increase in the use of lighters instead of matches has raised the chance for lighter-related fires and fire damage caused by children to homes in Noble. There also seems to be a change in the age distribution. In many cases, younger children are more frequently involved in these accidents because of the ease of igniting lighters.
SERVPRO can come to your aid if your child has gotten a hold of a lighter and caused a fire in your home. With our experience and training, our technicians can repair damages and clean up dangerous smoke and soot.
Children naturally have a curiosity about fire, as it captures their attention. Watching adults light a cigarette or start the barbecue, kids want to mimic them as they do with most things. You should not discourage your child’s curiosity about fire. However, you should channel it into appropriate behavior.
Due in large part to their experimentation with fire, children are at a high risk for burn injuries. They do not necessarily appreciate the correct use of matches, and many times misuse them. They need to understand that large fires begin small, and know the proper use for lighters and matches. You should also make sure they understand the dangers and risks that are associated with their use.
At SERVPRO, we understand how devastating a fire can be, no matter how small. Once the fire is out, your property needs cleaning up and repairs not only from fire, but from water from firefighting efforts, plus smoke and soot cleanup. Our professionals have specialized training in fire and water damage restoration, and the experience needed to quickly restore your home to its condition before the fire.

Accidents still happen, so SERVPRO of Norman is always ready to help you recover from a fire. Call us right away at (405) 292-0808 so we can clean up and repair your home.

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How SERVPRO Uses Ultrasonic Cleaning After Fire Damage to Your Noble Auto Parts Store

5/9/2017 (Permalink)

Quick Response and Remediation can Reduce Loss After a Fire at Your Business

Fire damage is a serious concern for local business owners. A fire starts more easily than most people imagine. All it takes is a spark, or a faulty appliance to start a blaze. After a fire occurs, the main worry for most business owners is how to restore and save the contents of their business. After all, inventory is not cheap, and you do not want to have to pay to replace all of it unless necessary. That sort of bill can run a business into big trouble. That is why SERVPRO is here to help with the fire cleanup and restoration process and help leave your store “Like it never even happened.”
Commercial fire damage to your auto parts store might wreak havoc with the different auto parts you carry. There is also a risk of it damaging any repair or diagnostic equipment you happen to use. Seeing for-sale items coated in soot is disheartening. However, do not give up hope. Thanks to our leading ultrasonic cleaning technology, SERVPRO can clean soot damaged auto parts and in many cases can restore them as good as new.
Let us take a look at how ultrasonic cleaning works. Conventional cleaning methods rely on scrubbing, rubbing, or immersion in cleaning solutions to try and scrub away or dissolve the residue. For some soot damaged materials, this is effective. However, for others, soot has penetrated too deeply, and something else is needed.
Ultrasonic cleaning uses sound waves to remove dirt or particles from materials. It is suitable for many kinds of materials, including auto parts, and is tough enough to clean even heavy duty items or badly discolored parts. The secret is a process called “cavitation.” First, we immerse store items that need cleaning in liquid. The ultrasonic cleaner uses sound waves to cause the formation and bursting of microscopic bubbles in the liquid – this is cavitation. As the bubbles burst over the surface of every wrench, spanner, radiator or wiper blade, the cleaning action penetrates deep to remove soot.
We fully train our IICRC-certified technicians to choose the best cleaning solution and products to use in the ultrasonic cleaning process for optimum results.
If you are concerned about cleaning up soot in your auto parts store, give SERVPRO of Norman a call today at (405) 292-0808.

How SERVPRO Helps Restore Air Quality After Mold Damage To Your Etowah Home

4/25/2017 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation Equipment Is Essential for Clean Up

A mold outbreak is a real headache for any homeowner. The discolored mold colonies look unsightly, and there is a real risk of damage to your home and belongings. Some items need to be discarded if the fungi have penetrated too deeply. The structure of your house might suffer. There is also the unpleasant fact of that nasty moldy smell and that mold can cause health effects.
Mold damage in your Etowah home leaves your house feeling unclean and contaminated. Thankfully our SERVPRO experts are on hand to contain the outbreak and prevent the further spread of spores leading to new mold patches. Our mold remediation team quickly establishes a safe working area and thoroughly cleans every surface to remove mold.
One important aspect of our mold remediation work is helping restore air quality in your home. We use air scrubbers and negative air machines to clean the air in your house and reduce the presence of spores. Air scrubbers are portable filtration systems that play a vital role in improving air quality. The scrubbers draw air through a series of powerful HEPA filters that trap mold spores as small as 0.3 microns and remove them from the air. The result is cleaner air with less fungal spores in it.
Negative air machines are similar to air scrubbers, with the addition that they draw contaminated air and vent it to the exterior. Venting air outside is useful in two ways: Mold spores are removed from your house, and a vacuum is created to prevent further spreading of the fungus.
Our IICRC-certified technicians come equipped with a range of cleaning materials and tools that complement the air scrubbing process. Our arsenal includes powerful HEPA vacuums that we use to suction up mold spores and debris to prevent them from resettling. We also have access to fogging machines which compress disinfectants into a mist that penetrates surfaces and kills mold spores. Other foggers can also deodorize the affected areas, putting a finishing touch to the mold remediation.
SERVPRO teams also oversee drying out of your home or contaminated rooms after the mold remediation process. Getting your home and belongings dry to their normal level of moisture content is vital for helping prevent another mold outbreak. Our experts have dehumidifiers on hand to bring down the humidity in the air, and air movers for drying out specific areas.
Do not struggle with trying to deal with a mold outbreak. Call SERVPRO of Norman at (405) 292-0808 today for assistance.

Hidden Mold Damage In Your Slaughterville Area Home

3/26/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Remediates Damage Caused by Mold

When you think about mold damage in your home, you likely imagine being able to see a large area covered in mold growth that causes red flags to go off. However, in most cases, mold damage in your home starts with a strange musty odor and exposure that is simply not visible to the naked eye.
If you are like most people, without visual proof that mold damage exists, a small water leak in your Slaughterville area home can cause extensive damage. Months, and sometimes even years, could go by before anything appears to draw your attention to the problem.
Most of us assume that mold only grows in bathrooms or maybe in your basement. If you cannot see damage in your bathroom and do not have a basement, there is little reason to enter your crawl spaces or attic.
A small leak in a pipe in your bathroom can cause water to seep into the crawl space under your house. That, combined with the raw, unprotected building materials underneath, provide mold with the perfect environment to grow unimpeded. Moist, little, if any, sunlight, and plenty of organic matter.
This mold growth affects your entire living environment, indoor air quality, and can cause health effects to each member of your family, regardless of the species or amount of mold that is growing. When you find a leak, it is important to dry things out immediately, if there is any reason whatsoever to conclude additional water may have found its way into other areas, you should call for professional help.
A company, like SERVPRO, can provide you with the IICRC certified professional technicians with years of experience in mitigating mold damage in your home. Our applied microbial remediation technicians can help you get things under control and give you tips on how to limit the possibility of exposure in the future.
SERVPRO technicians cordon off the infected areas of your home, perform a full inspection, locate the source of moisture causing the issue, repair it, and use EPA and OSHA guidelines to handle and dispose of damaged materials to help prevent further growth and contain the spread of mold spores.
SERVPRO uses a variety of equipment such as water extractors, air movers, dehumidifiers and cleaning methods to help return every area of your home to a quality pre-mold damage condition, in a timely and efficient manner. Air scrubbers with HEPA filtration systems are very adept at capturing airborne fungi particles and mold spores.
Give SERVPRO of Norman a call today for access to professional mold remediation services you can trust. (405) 292-0808

Commercial Flood Damage and Your Hall Park Marriage Counseling Practice

3/22/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Returns Your Property to Normal After Flooding

Best practices and legal requirements that focus on the medical fields have also changed how counseling is carried out. Now, counseling clients are provided the same protections that medical patients are given. With increased paperwork, privacy protections, and other enhancements to your practice, a flood can put much of this at risk of loss, and that can put your practice at risk of sanctions. SERVPRO can help you avoid additional problems in addition to the ones that flooding normally causes.

Hall Park offices have flooding for various reasons, and this flooding often results in commercial flood damage that can affect buildings for months afterward. If cleanup efforts are not commenced immediately, damage can continue for much longer, and it can even spread beyond the area that was initially damaged by the water.

In counseling practices, notes are often taken during each session, assisting in a continuity of care that can follow a client if he or she decide to begin services with another counselor, as well as providing a history that can help diagnose problems and form avenues of treatment. During a flood, the increased humidity can damage these notes and other documents. SERVPRO has document drying services that can save these, helping ensure that privacy and other legal requirements can be met.

Flooding can make your office inaccessible for an extended period. It is during this time that intruders might decide to enter to see what can be stolen. Because of this too-often occurrence, we also provide temporary fencing. This can often be enough of a deterrent that no break-ins happen. Fencing off your building from those who would enter the property can also protect you from subsequent injury lawsuits.

Document drying and temporary fencing are only part of the methods we use to restore an office that is damaged by flooding. Flooring must be completely dried and cleaned, followed by sanitizing. Walls may need to be replaced with new drywall and painted. Furniture is also often dramatically affected by flooding, and we can restore yours to like-new condition. We understand that your practice is a reflection of you as a professional, as we aim to give you the best possible results.

Calling SERVPRO of Norman at (405) 292-0808 should be your first step in regaining your practice's functionality and protecting your patients' rights to confidentiality and privacy. We are always here, no matter when you may need us.

Flood Damage Repair for Your Noble Home

3/7/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Technicians Provide Quick and Skilled Response to Flooding

When your home has suffered a flood, every minute counts. Therefore, you want an experienced company such as SERVPRO. Emergency flood damage restoration needs not only skill but urgency. Our staff is trained and certified to the highest standards in the industry and responds to your call right away, any time you need us. We mitigate the loss to your home and meet each challenge with reliability, professionalism, respect and compassion.
We recognize that flood damage creates a setback which is devastating to your family, and we do whatever it takes to give you a sense of security with the least disruption possible. Our recovery and restoration process in Noble is aimed at people and property. You can rely on us to lower the impact that flooding and water damage have.
We do not call it a day until you tell us we have met or exceeded your expectations. When your home floods, the water wreaks havoc on the structure of your house, the health of the inside environment, and your personal belongings. Several contaminants are in flood waters, along with much mud. High dollar items can get ruined very quickly, with just an inch of water. They include wallboard, carpeting, furniture, and appliances. A deeper flood or more severe storm can damage even more expensive systems such as the heater and air conditioner, ducts, private sewage, roofing, well systems, the foundation, and utilities.
Thorough Treatment and Respect
At SERVPRO, we use the latest equipment for drying, dehumidifying, disinfecting, and deodorizing. We restore your home so you can get back to your normal life again as quickly as possible. We offer flood damage services that are unrivaled in effectiveness and we always respectfully handle all of your property like it was our own. We respect everything in your home including collectibles, furniture, or your child’s sentimental artwork with the utmost care.
Our prompt response can save you fifteen to forty percent on flood damage claim costs. We rescue and restore lives and property with our expert methods in the shortest time possible and at an affordable price to you.
Our commitment to customer excellence includes you, meaning you can expect ongoing, effective communication and report from us during the entire remediation process. At SERVPRO of Norman, we understand your requirements. We give a complete estimate, including photos, to the agent or adjuster within twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Just give us a call at (405) 292-0808 when you experience a flood situation in your home.

Flood Damage To Your Noble Property

1/28/2017 (Permalink)

Flood Damage Cleanup And Restoration

Water damage from a burst pipe or West Branch Boone Creek overflowing can severely impact a home and its contents. Restoring your home is a process that needs a professional company which understands the requirements of both internal and external damage. Flood damage in Noble can also come from a damaged sewer line or even if the Canadian River breaks its banks. SERVPRO has decades of experience in all of these scenarios, a 24-hour response team, and has an extensive inventory of tools to deal with them all.

First, we examine the source of the flooding and attempt to either fix or block it. Our technicians do this to prevent a recurrence of the problem once we have pumped out any standing water. If not, any effort to remove it is like trying to bail out a leaking boat in the rain.

With the visible water removed, the next step is to deploy industrial-sized water extractors. These devices remove water that is trapped in your wooden floors and carpets. The goal here is to prevent warping and buckling of floorboards, to stop rotting and mold growth in carpets, and to prevent odors from developing. To ensure that any remaining moisture is drawn out, they then use special heaters that dry the affected areas without scorching the nape of the carpet or warping floorboards with excess heat.

Now that the water has been removed, our technicians use moisture meters to ensure that your home's humidity levels are normal. If the levels are not, then they will set up dehumidifiers to draw water out of the air and set up commercial-grade air movers to increase air circulation, replacing the damp air with a drier atmosphere.

Finally, we check the affected floors and walls for possible fungal and mold growth. Lowering the moisture level to normal will stop further mold growth, but if there is already existing mold, our technicians need to determine if surfaces and property can be cleaned or needs to be removed.

With no rain anticipated for the next week, now is the ideal time to call us at (405) 292-0808 to deal with previous flood damage or even to schedule an inspection to learn how to prevent future problems. SERVPRO of Norman is here to help you return your home and your life back to normal.

Water Removal From Your Lexington Service Station

1/12/2017 (Permalink)

Businesses Remain Open During Water Extraction from SERVPRO

Torrential rains and the rising Canadian River can cause significant flooding in central Oklahoma. When you are a full-service mechanic and gas station flood waters, threaten your business in a number of ways. Your service bays and parking areas for customer’s vehicles may expose the cars and trucks you are working on to water damage. Your tools, pumps, and machinery are all at risk from the threatening waters. SERVPRO can help get the water removed quickly from your garages and other interior work areas with industrial power submersible pumps and extractors. If you have sandbagged outdoor parking and the lanes to the gas pumps are flooded, we can remove the water that has made it past the barriers to keep your business open even while high water levels threaten other areas of the community.

When your business involves storing customers’ property while it awaits repair or pickup, you have a high motivation for professional water removal from your Lexington commercial buildings. A family’s car or truck is a significant asset and one that cannot easily be replaced if water ruins it while in your care. The trust you have built up with your customers will disappear if you do not have the plan to keep their vehicles safe and dry even under unusually severe conditions. Fast developing disasters such as cloudbursts can hit the area without much warning. More predictable events like the local river cresting over flood stage may allow you some lead time to prepare for the influx of water in your service station. Either way, we will be on the spot to help you with the water removal services you need to normalize your company’s operations as soon as we get your call.
One crucial element to consider when removing water from a commercial setting is to be certain that electrical and chemical hazards are avoided. SERVPRO technicians will locate all electrical lines and other utility hookups before wading in to remove the water. We highly recommend that your business considers developing an Emergency Ready Profile Mobile App Plan (ERP) that we offer before disaster strikes. When you can work in collaboration with us to identify key features of your business that could make water removal and damage recovery challenging or dangerous, we will best be able to safeguard your livelihood if we completely understand your physical plant and where its vulnerabilities lie.
Commercial water removal is a specialty of SERVPRO of Norman. Our technicians and equipment arrive quickly after your call to (405) 292-0808. Our expertise will preserve the well-earned reputation of your business.

Understanding the Lifecycle of Mold Damage in Lexington Properties

1/6/2017 (Permalink)

Don't Let Mold Damage Plague Your Property

The common misconception about domestic mold damage is that it can be simply scrubbed and cleaned away. This is one of the reasons why so many homeowners struggle with frequent ‘breakouts.’ It is because they are not actually dealing with the problem at its source.

They do not understand how mold behaves, so they do not know how to neutralize it. Blotchy, unsightly patches are treated desperately with household chemicals, but nothing seems to prevent the problem from returning. It can feel like a nightmare situation, but there is a way to deal with mold damage in Lexington homes.

SERVPRO is a professional mold remediation and repair company based in the Lexington area. We have access to state of the art equipment and, most importantly, we know an awful lot about how to stop mold in its tracks.

Where Does Domestic Mold Come From?

Mold is not a solid, single entity. It is neither passive nor inert. It is a living, functioning organism and this is why it can be so tricky to control. It is spread by tiny mold spores, which get into the home via soil, organic matter, and various forms of house dust.

It is impossible to prevent spores from entering a home. They are too numerous and too tiny. Besides, in small amounts, they pose no risk. It is only when combined with heat and water that they begin to spread and multiply. Flooding, damp, and untreated water damage provide the ideal conditions for growth.

How Does Mold Spread Throughout the Home?

Often, the first indication of a mold problem is the unsightly, blotchy patches which form on walls, window sills, ceilings, and other damp, humid places. However, this is not actually the part of the breakout which causes trouble. The spores spread the mold to other areas of the house. They are near impossible to spot with the naked eye, but they move around on the slightest of air currents.

So, you could be spreading mold around the property simply by walking from room to room. This is why SERVPRO mold damage repairs often involve a containment procedure. This is not always the case, but it is recommended for all but the mildest of mold problems. The technicians erect special barriers and sheets to seal the contaminated air inside the affected room. That way, it cannot be spread by physical movements or the use of drying equipment.

If you would like more information on the spread of domestic mold, you can get in touch with our experts. They are specially trained in the art of mold remediation, which means that they can neutralize its spread and stop it from causing further damage. SERVPRO of Norman operates a 24/7 helpline, so call on (405) 292-0808.

Laminate Flooring Water Damage in Spring Hill

1/6/2017 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO quickly if you suspect water damage to your laminate floor.

SERVPRO Can Remediate Water Damage Regardless of the Type of Floor in Your Home

Water damage to laminate flooring is commonly seen and can be caused by such things as a slow leak from plumbing, a flood, spills and improper maintenance. Just about any way you can get water on a laminate floor can result in water damage. The damage can sometimes be covered under the manufacturer’s warranty, and other times water damage might be covered under your home owner’s insurance. Most often, however, water damage is not covered at all. Depending upon how severe the damage is, it might be correctable by hiring a professional water damage company such as SERVPRO. It could mean a plank replacement, and other times a bigger portion or even the entire floor may have to be replaced.

Water damage from appliance and plumbing leaks like water heaters, dishwashers, ice makers and washing machines in your Spring Hill home can cause your laminate flooring to buckle. Many times, these leaks are quite slow and go unnoticed. Slow leaks are not easy to identify since they are underneath the laminate where they will penetrate the core material of the laminate. While you might not be able to see the leak, a SERVPRO technician will be able to find excess moisture by using a moisture meter.

Water Damage from Concrete

Moisture can enter through the back of your laminate flooring with the damage from water resulting in cupping. A whole floor can cup from a concrete floor which is too wet. This can happen even when a vapor barrier is used under the laminate floor.

Every concrete floor should be tested for moisture before laminate floor covering is installed. Concrete that is newly poured needs to be allowed to cure for sixty days or more before the laminate is installed. There are several ways to test for moisture. Many should be performed by professionals like our technicians at SERVPRO, such as electronic testing and calcium chloride testing. We will have the right equipment and training to do the job right.

Maintenance of Water Damage and Pet Damage

Improper wet cleaning of laminate flooring and spills can cause water damage in the form of swelling at the joints. Many times, these are puffy areas along the edge of the planks, will often cross between plank edges.

Most commonly, the cause of edge swelling over a big area is wet mopping or using popular floor mops such as the Swiffer Wet Jet. It can take up to a year or two of use before issues related to maintenance begin to show. Some floors might not ever show noticeable damage, while others will have extensive damage. Water damage is not often covered by the manufacturer of the laminate. Damage from pet urine and spills are generally localized and appear as welled areas between planks. This is a condition that is site related and not a problem with the laminate floor.

If you know or fear that you have a water damage problem with your laminate flooring that you need assistance with, please contact SERVPRO of Norman any time you need by dialing (405) 292-0808. We can test for water damage and assess the extent of the damages so we can get your home back to normal fast.

Count On SERVPRO To Remediate Mold Damage In Noble

11/21/2016 (Permalink)

Mold Infestation

Homeowners who notice discolored areas of ceilings or walls along with a musty, unpleasant smell may have a mold infestation to manage. Mold growth can pose hazards to health and risk permanent damage to building structures, fixtures, furnishings and other personal belongings. Controlling a mold infestation is not easily done without the assistance of professional mold remediation specialists from SERVPRO. Our mold remediation technicians receive training in Applied Microbial Remediation from the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). A comprehensive course in Applied Microbial Remediation teaches how to manage and control mold growth while preserving the health of you, your family and the technicians. If you attempt to clean up or remove mold on your own, you risk spreading the spores to other areas of your home and exposing people to the microscopic particles via breathing, touching or swallowing them.

An inadequate remediation may mean the fungal growth you believe was gone reappears. The best outcome for mold damage in Noble is if you contact us for a thorough inspection and EPA approved treatment of the affected areas. We are trained to discover the sources of moisture and organic materials that feed the spores and then to develop a plan to remove any contaminated material, dispose of it correctly and thoroughly dry the affected area to prevent recurrence or spread. Because mold spores are so tiny and easily sent airborne, it is essential that certified personnel operate any air moving or heating equipment. If it is determined that an antimicrobial product is indicated, our experienced technicians will apply it safely and according to industry protocols.

Mold growth can be evident, streaking the walls or ceilings of your home or discoloring the grout in a bathroom or kitchen. Other times it can hide behind wallpaper, within drywall and permeate insulation. Depending on the strain of mold infesting your home it may grow best when exposed to typical room temperatures of 68 to 86 degrees, but some types of mold thrive in colder or warmer temperatures. Mold does not necessarily need soggy or saturated conditions and some tough to control varieties grow and multiply based simply upon humidity levels of 60 percent or higher. SERVPRO has the knowledge and the experience to evaluate the parameters of the specific mold damage in your home and will devise the proper protocol to bring your infestation under control.

You need an experienced partner in remediation if mold has infiltrated your home. SERVPRO of Norman has the personnel and the tools required to respond quickly and efficiently. Schedule an inspection at (405) 292-0808.

Restoring Fire Damage In Spring Hill

11/7/2016 (Permalink)

Significant Wildfires Can Result in Extreme Restoration Measures

Dry conditions and high winds can provide the perfect setup for grass or wildfires in parts of Oklahoma. If your home is in the path of an out of control fire moving across the area damage can occur in a matter of minutes. Depending on the size of the fire and the opinion of local firefighting officials you may be evacuated before the fire reaches you home. Once the all clear is called after a fire races through our community SERVPRO will be ready to assist local homeowners like you in sorting out your particular situation, offering inspection and restoration services to get you back safely in your home.

Even if your other neighbors have fire damage in Spring Hill, we can respond to your disaster quickly. We are associated with a nationwide network of fire and water damage restoration specialists, so our local team will not be overwhelmed with other customers. We will be able to schedule a speedy inspection of any fire damage your home has suffered and set a restoration plan in motion quickly. If needed, crews from other areas will join our technicians, all trained to deliver the highest quality damage control, repair and whatever remodeling is required to get you and your neighbors home back to the conditions you had enjoyed before the grass fires raged.
Depending upon our inspection of your premises we may be able to complete our restoration with you and your family remaining in the home. If you stay, we will be sure to take care to contain any toxic contamination and to provide preliminary cleaning services so you can live in relative comfort while we finish the job. This approach saves money for you by avoiding costly relocation and may be preferred by your insurer. If the damage is so severe that your health or safety will be affected, you may be moved to temporary housing until your home can be made habitable once again. SERVPRO has extensive experience in working with insurers and the emergency services provided in both situations, and you can rely upon our professional opinion as to which approach is appropriate for your family.
SERVPRO of Norman is committed to providing professional fire damage services to our local community, including reaching out to our partner franchises if the scope of a neighborhood disaster requires. Do not hesitate to call us at (405) 292-0808 to ensure your fire damage restoration happens quickly and competently no matter how large the disaster.

The Do's And Don'ts For Protecting Your Belongings During A Flood In Lexington

10/26/2016 (Permalink)

Protecting Your Personal Belongings During A Flood

Floods are pervasive, difficult-to-avoid events that have a habit of reaching into every crevasse of a home. Many homeowners invest in containers or fixtures to help secure their belongings during floods and other disasters; however, many of these containers are ultimately ineffective or even harmful for the items inside. Here are a few do's and don'ts for protecting your belongings in preparation for a flood.

DO: Keep Containers Bolted Down
When flood damage strikes a Lexington home, many of its first casualties are caused by physical force rather than staining or standard water damage. As objects are pulled, pushed, and thrown around by the unstoppable sheets of water, they are smashed and shattered against stronger surfaces indiscriminately. Any container should be either bolted to the ground, like a well-secured safe, or mounted to the wall above the reach of floodwaters.

DON'T: Keep Anything Plugged In
Many homeowners try to keep their electronics plugged into both walls and other electronics to avoid setup time later on. An excellent example is television accessories: these are often kept in a container near the tv but may have holes or an open top to allow wires to snake out. Always fully unplug and remove the wiring from any electronics, for both safety and restoration efforts.

DO: Place Objects High Up
Placing valuables in high places, such as on shelves, countertops, and in cabinets, can help them to avoid all but the heaviest of floods. Most floods never get more than a few inches in height, and so objects stored at a greater altitude than the rest of the room are usually going to fare the best. Be aware that the best places are wall-mounted or secured, and unsecured shelving or furniture may not protect objects stored on them, but instead create additional fall damage.

SERVPRO of Norman helps homeowners to restore and recover their belongings and homes in the event of a flood or other significant damage. Call us 24/7 at (405) 292-0808 to find out how we can help.

Common Culprits of Water Damage

7/25/2016 (Permalink)

Water Damage

Water damage happens when an excess amount of water starts to pool in areas it shouldn’t be. A lot of different factors can make this extra water, and will, therefore, contribute to water damage. When you know about potential causes, you can take steps to help make sure you are protected against a flood or a leak. You’ll also be able to see a problem as soon as it happens, and take care of it before it has a chance to cause any more damage. The quicker you notice a problem, the less work the water damage restoration company, such as SERVPRO, will have to fix.

Leaking or Bursting Pipes
Pipes which leak or burst are fairly common culprits for water damage. Toilets and drains which get blocked and backed up will create pressure in the pipe, causing to leak or burst. Another common reason for pipes to burst is garbage disposals which aren’t working right, as are roots growing in your yard into the lines of the sewer. Rust or old pipes are more prone as well to leaking.

Problems with Plumbing
Even though some plumbing issues happen inside the walls and are not possible to detect, a lot of them occur because of pipe joints and hoses which are not attached completely. Doing periodic checks under your sink can help to mitigate these problems with plumbing.

Basement, Crawl Space, and Attic Concerns
Particular sections of your home, such as basements, crawl spaces and attics are more prone to water damage. Crawl spaces are what builders add under homes to let them put in electrical wires and pipe. A damp, dark crawl space lets mold flourish, causing damage to the structure. Moisture that drips through the concrete foundation of your home will cause leaks in the basement. Leakage of air into the section between the home and the attic can make moisture on the under part of your roof, leading to rotting and mold. Periodically check your home for any of these problems.

Household Appliances that are Malfunctioning
As they get older, the pipes of household appliances can crack and rust, and their hoses weaken. Washing machines, refrigerators, dishwashers and water heaters are all susceptible to this deterioration, so keep an eye on your machines when they are older. The main two appliances which cause water damage the most often in homes are hot water tanks and washing machines.

Also, common causes of water damage, HVAC systems, especially air conditioners, need regular servicing. When they are not properly maintained, they can cause the buildup of moisture. As it cools it can interact with mold spores in the ducts of the air conditioning, encouraging the growth of mold inside.

Issues Related to Natural Disasters and Weather
You don’t have control over these natural disasters, but you can take several preventative measures ahead of time. Sudden storms and flash floods can all cause the buildup of water.

Promptly attend to these causes of water damage in OKC by calling us at SERVPRO of Norman at (405) 292-0808. No matter the cause of your water damage, we’ll make a proper plan for remediation and fix your property back to the way it was before.

Area Meeting in Catoosa, OK

4/11/2016 (Permalink)

Today, SERVPRO franchise owners and marketing representatives are meeting in Catoosa, OK with SERVPRO Corporate Trainer, Will Kimbrough, to discuss present marketing opportunities and strategies for the state of Oklahoma.  Highlights include internet marketing and commercial sales with an emphasis on public platforms and reputation management.  We are discussing social media such as facebook and business websites.  We are also discussing our partnership and association with Red Cross, ERPs, networking groups such as business chambers, and the importance of follow ups. 

This is actually an exercise in how to and the importance of posting blogs.

Norman Water Damage - Getting The Right Water Removal Service For Your Norman Home

4/4/2016 (Permalink)

Getting The Right Water Damage Service For Your Home In Norman

Water in Norman can come into your home in many ways. The damage that water can cause your Norman home can manifest in many styles, as well. Flooding can occur from a local lake, river or stream or a pipe, literally anywhere in the house, can break free. Torrential rains can soak the ground enough that the water has nowhere else to go but inside your lovely home. An appliance, such as the dishwasher, washing machine or water heater can also decide to start leaking at this inopportune time. 

Regardless of where the Norman water is coming from, it is not welcomed in this form and must be dealt with quickly. The reason for this is that water can be absorbed into all of the building materials, carpets and furniture, making it an unsafe and unhealthy house. It also brings what molds need into the structure to live, thrive, and take over many areas if not cleaned out fast. 

The initial thing to do is to shut off the main water supply if the water is leaking from a pipe, appliance or other fixture. The next thing is to begin an inspection of the entire structure, locating where the water is present and start a program of removal. 

The odors that come with all wet things and the molds spores that may be in the air will have to be evacuated o the outside by placing large fans, strategically, throughout the house. This can get the air moving out of open windows and doors and circulate to assist in evaporating the moisture present. 

Vacuums then need to be brought in for the removal process. You may need submersible pumps for the standing water in the basement or other crawlspaces, and extraction equipment will be used on all cleanable carpets, rugs and furniture cushions. Particular attention should be paid to under carpets and rugs to prevent any moisture from remaining as this a prime location for molds. 

During this cleanup, drywall might have to be removed due to the absorption of too much  Norman water damage. This, of course, depends on the amount of water present and the length of time the water was standing there. If allowed to remain very long before paid attention to; this material can bulge and then fall in. The same goes for any water on ceiling tiles or other dropped ceiling materials. 

Check furniture for suitability to be cleaned and dealt with appropriately and any clothing exposed to water or any molds present can be looked, cleaned and returned or disposed of. Anything hanging on the wall needs attention and needs to be handled properly. 

After removal of all water, dehumidifiers can be located to bring the ambient moisture levels down to an appropriate 25 to 40%, and a thorough cleaning can be conducted, cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces, pay special attention to the kitchen, bathrooms, and bedrooms. 

Any building materials that had to be torn out to find and clean up any water damage found will have to be replaced and painted to bring it back to the look it had before all of this happened. 

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

 If you suddenly find a pool of water in your home in Norman, Moore, or surrounding areas, call SERVPRO of Norman at (405) 292-0808 for fast attention. 

Common Questions Asked About Water Damage on Carpet in Oklahoma City

3/2/2016 (Permalink)

Your Oklahoma City Home Gets SERVPRO's Water Damaged Carpet Cleaning and Sanitation

In my Oklahoma City water damaged home, what are my Options for a Carpet Soaked from a Flood?
Have water extracted by a professional technician from SERVPRO. He will vacuum up the water using a truck-mounted, portable, or ridable machine as a first step. Strategic placement of dehumidifiers will work for several days to remove remaining moisture and quickly mitigate secondary water damage.

How can you Dry Carpets with Water Damage?
Assuming that this is a small area affected by spillage or a water leak from clean water, give it a try. Use paper towels to remove any water off of the carpet. Walk or jump on towels to force water from the carpet. When the cloth becomes wet, replace it repeatedly until it stays dry. Use air movement and heat to dry the carpet. If the carpet is still wet after two days, you will need to call a professional to help dry the carpet and prevent mold from occurring.
Does my Carpet Pad need Replacing after Water Damage?
Most often the carpet pad will need to be replaced after water damage. There are some newly developed procedures they may save the cushion. Under a flooding situation, SERVPRO technicians can discard the padding since the underlying concrete or wood flooring also requires thorough drying. All moisture must be removed from hardwood flooring under carpeting to prevent cupping.

How Can I get rid of Mold on my Carpet?
Your carpet will require professional cleaning. Mold is not growing on the carpet, but growing on dirt and organic matter that is imbedded in the carpet. If you can determine the origin of moisture on the carpet, you can eliminate the mold. In this situation, it is desirable to contact a professional to ensure they have completely removed the mold from the carpet.

What Is the Problem with Carpets and Mold?
Whenever you have moisture and a food source, you can have mold growth. When a carpet gets wet and is not properly dried within a certain amount of time, usually 48 to 78 hours, it will begin to grow mold from the dormant spores that are ubiquitous, present in all homes. However, if your carpet remains clean and dry, you should not develop a mold problem.

Can I Save my Carpet that had Black Water Flooding?
No. It is not recommended to keep the carpet contaminated by sewage. The highly absorbent materials in carpets and pads cannot be washed in hot water for 10 minutes to clean and sterilize the contaminants. Therefore, this material should be safely disposed of by a SERVPRO technician wearing OSHA regulated safety gear. Do not attempt to dispose of this material yourself. It could be hazardous to your health.

You can probably easily determine if you need professional help in salvaging your carpeting from a water damaging event. The experts from SERVPRO can safely restore your carpets to pre-loss condition or discard them and dry out your home to prevent mold proliferation and water damage to your walls and furniture. Call us for an inspection and we can make it "Like it never even happened."

We’re Highly Trained Water Damage Specialists

As leaders in the water damage industry, SERVPRO of Norman technicians have advanced IICRC training and expertise, not to mention a tremendous amount of hands-on experience. We quickly dry your home and restore it back to pre-water-damage condition in Oklahoma City, Norman, and Moore by call us 24/7 at (405) 292-0808

Upholstery Cleaning

7/23/2015 (Permalink)

Recliner chair cushion being cleaned using our portable extractor machine.

Look no further for your upholstery cleaning needs! SERVPRO cleans a wide variety of upholstery items including but not limited to sofas, chairs and ottomans.  Help protect your investments and call us today! 

SERVPRO "Keep Your Car Clean" Contest

7/8/2015 (Permalink)

Keep Your Car Clean Contest

With all the recent rains, your car is probably as dirty as our trucks have been.  Want a free carwash?  Then enter our "Keep Your Car Clean" Contest.  Our SMRs will be visiting your offices to hand out tickets for the contest.  Post a picture of your ticket to our Facebook page and also like our page.  You'll then be entered in the contest!  You will have a chance to win a carwash gift card from your friends at SERVPRO.  Please contact us if we have not been to your offices yet!  Good luck.

SERVPRO 46th Annual Convention

7/8/2015 (Permalink)

We are excited to be in attendance at the 46th Annual Convention in Chicago, Illinois.  Together, we certainly are able to Raise the Roof in 2015.  It's such an honor to be a part of a great gathering of the minds.  

Duct Cleaning

3/19/2015 (Permalink)

Before and After

Your HVAC systems and air ducts are one thing that we never really think about when we are spring cleaning, but they can become very dirty and hold allergens, which can affect your indoor air quality .  A yearly cleaning can rid your house of the dust and germs that can accumulate.    

How to Keep your carpets cleaner between professional cleanings

10/27/2014 (Permalink)

Your Carpets should be cleaned a minium of once a year, but while you are waiting for your next cleaning here are some tips on keeping your carpet new looking and in great condition. 

  • Vacuum Often:  Frequent vacuuming of at least twice wekly will keep soil from building up. 
  • Vacuum slowly:  Make one slow pass ove low traffic areas.  Make two slow passes over high traffic areas.
  • Clean Stains right away:  If the stain is allowed to set in the harder it is to remove. 
  • Straight away on stain cleaning:  If the stain is allowed to set in, it is harder and more costly to remove. 
  • No harsh chemicals:  Try a white/vinegar (equal amounts) solution instead of the harsher chemicals which can damage the carpet fibers.
  • Treat your vacuum nice:  Keep up with filter cleanings and replacements.  It is easier to get the dirt up if your vacuum is not being overworked.
  • Wipe yours paws:  When your beloved pet is ready to come back in from playing, wipe their paws as to not bring in what they were paying in.
  • No shoes allowed:  Make a place to take off shoes by the entrance ways.
  • Use area rugs and runners:  In high traffic areas, use rugs to save your carpet.
  • Just say not to carpet powders:  These may make the house smell great, but they can leave a residue behind that you are unable to pick up with your vacuum.
  • When in doubt ask:  If you hae a pesky stain that you just cannot get rid of, call SERVPRO and one of our wonderful technicians would be more than glad to assist you. 


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